Wednesday, August 24, 2011

ProphecyTopicalStudywithLampertDolphin: (1)"THY KINGDOM COME" (Contents)

The Last Chance Bible Study Network

(google: "Last Chance Bible Study)

Lampert Dolphins Library and Topical Study




Table of Contents


Notes and Credits

Part I - Israel: God's Chosen People Still

Chapter 1 - The Chosen People

Chosen to Share the Truth
The Covenants
The Purpose of a "Chosen People": Blessing of All Nations
The Promised Land
Conditional Nature of The Promise of the Land
The Disobedience and Restoration of Israel
Disobedience and Discipline
Coming of The Messiah
Fulfillment of Prophecy
The Believing Minority - Apostles and Early Christians
Israel's Unbelief
Rejection of Messiah
Hardening and blindness
Modern Israel
Israel's Glorious Future

Part II - The Church: A Mystery Revealed

Chapter 2 - The Mystery of The Church

Announcement by Jesus
Beginnings at Pentecost
The Feasts and Fulfilled Prophecy
The Passover Supper (Pesach)
The Feast of Unleavened Bread
The Feast of First fruits
Warning about Date Setting
The Feasts And Possible Future Fulfillments
Rosh Hashanah
Yom Kippur
The Feast of Tabernacles
Revelation of the Mystery through Paul
The Gospel to all nations - "To the Jew first"
The Church: The Body and Bride of Christ
Grafted in temporarily - in Israel's place
Spiritual Heirs of the covenants
Not to replace Israel
One New Man
Not to antagonize Israel

Chapter 3 - Church History

The Presence of Jesus Christ In This Age
Insight About the Church
Instruction To the Church
To Ephesus
To Smyrna
To Pergamum
To Thyatira
To Sardis
To Philadelphia
To Laodicea

Chapter 4 - The Rapture of the Church

The Next Major Biblical Event in History:
The Rapture of the Church
Meaning of "rapture"
Three Events That Happen at The Rapture
Other Important Terms
Those who are "in Christ"
Why The Rapture Will Take Place Before The Tribulation
Any-moment expectation (imminence)
Deliverance of the Saints from wrath
Antichrist not revealed until hindering force is removed
Events between The Rapture and Christ's Return
Our return with Christ
The centrality of Israel and Jewish people during the Tribulation
Population of The Millennium by mortal believers
Differences between The Rapture and The Second Coming
Absence of The Church 
The Church Is Missing From The Tribulation

Chapter 5 - Historical Developments: 
Israel Scattered, the Church Age, and The Rise of Islam

Part III - Tribulation Saints:
The Destiny of Believers During The Coming Tribulation

Chapter 6 - Believers During The Tribulation

Saints and Martyrs of The Tribulation Period
Believers in Christ from all nations
Sudden belief of many after the Rapture
Messianic (Jewish) leadership
The Central Role of Israel
A Symbolic Overview of All of Israel's History

Chapter 7- Satan's Final Empire: The New World Order

Rise of Satan's final Empire
Fulfillment of the visions of Daniel
A New World Order
Knights Templars
The Illuminati
The Scottish Rite of the Masonic Order
The Paladian Rite
Recent Developments Toward a New World Order
The Federal Reserve System
The Council On Foreign Relations
The League Of Nations
Pyramid On The One Dollar Bill
The United Nations
The Bilderbergers
The World Constitution
The Club of Rome
Environmental Issues
The Trilateral Commission
Dissolution of the USSR
The Gulf War
European Union
Economic Instability in the U.S. and the World
United Religions

Chapter 8 - The First Half Of The Tribulation

The First Four Seals
The First Seal - Antichrist revealed
The Second Seal - War
The Third Seal - Famine
The Fourth Seal -= Plagues and Death
A Seven Year Treaty With Israel
Trust in a counterfeit Messiah
The 144,000 Called
Sealed - for what?

Chapter 9 - The Rebuilt Temple

Background: Jerusalem
The Tabernacle
The Outer Court
The Holy Place
The Holy of Holies
The History of The Temple
Solomon's Temple
The Second Temple
Herod's Temple
The Temple Mount Today
Two Moslem Holy Places
The Dome Of The Rock
Al Aqsa Mosque
The Western Wall
The Dome of the Tablets/ Dome of The Spirit
Necessity For A Temple
Because of Israel's Desires
Because of Bible Prophecy
New Testament References To The Future Temple
Location of The Future Temple
Where The Dome Of The Rock stands
North of The Dome Of The Rock
South of The Dome Of The Rock
The Ark Of The Covenant
Preparations For The Temple

Chapter 10 - The Great Tribulation

The Abomination of Desolation in the Temple
The Mark of The Beast
Political power
Religious power
Technological power
The Personal Computer
Artificial Intelligence
Credit Cards, Debit Cards, Smart Cards
Implanted Transponders
Fiber Optics
Interactive Television and The Internet
Control of Travel
Control of the Media
Programmable Tattoos
The Actual Mark

Chapter 11 - Petra

The Flight of the Remnant from Jerusalem at Mid-Tribulation
Jerusalem Surrounded by Armies
Flight of Jews from Judea
Believers' Underground
The Fifth Seal - Martyrdom
Petra - The Prepared Place 
Historical Background of Petra
Not to be conquered by Antichrist 
A hiding place
The Concept of the Remnant
Christ's presence

Chapter 12 - The Plot Thickens

Not All the Jews Flee to Edom
Two Fearless Witnesses on the Temple Mount 
Disasters of the Great Tribulation
Meteors and Meteorites
Ecological Issues
The Seven Trumpets
The First Trumpet - Scorching of the Earth
The Second Trumpet - Slaughter in the Sea
The Third Trumpet - Souring of the Water
The Fourth Trumpet - Smiting of the Planets
The Fifth Trumpet - Striking by Locusts
The Diabolical Pit
The Demonic Plague
The Destructive Potentate
The Sixth Trumpet - Slaying of one-third of the Population
The Seventh Trumpet - Sovereignty of God

Chapter 13 - Armageddon

Old Testament Previews of The Battle of Armageddon
The Seven Vials of God's Wrath
The First Vial - Damaging Sores
The Second Vial - Deadly Seas
The Third Vial - Deplorable Springs
The Fourth Vial - Dangerous Sunlight
The Fifth Vial - Dark Seizure
The Sixth Vial - Drying of the Strait
The Seventh Vial - Destructive Scourge
The "Campaign" of Armageddon
Harmony of Passages In Revelation About Armageddon
The Sixth Seal - Revelation 6:12-17
The Sixth Trumpet - Revelation 9:13-21; 11:13
The Winepress of God's Wrath - Revelation 14:14-20
Sixth and Seventh Vials of God's Wrath 
- Revelation 16:12-21 
War Against The Lamb - Revelation 17:14 
The Coming of Christ as King of Kings 
- Revelation 19:11-21 
Signs in the Sun, Moon and Stars 
The Great Earthquake

Chapter 14 - Coming of The King of Kings

The Glorious Return of Christ
The Church Returns With Christ
The Objects of His Wrath
Harvest of Wheat
Destruction of Gentile Unbelievers
Harvest of Grapes
Destruction of Jewish Unbelievers
Two Thirds and One Third of All Israel
The Return of the Remnant from Edom
God's Dialogs with the Messiah
The Final Conversion of Israel
Israel's National Mourning for Yeshua
The Final Outcome of Christ's Glorious Return
His Authority to Reign
The Death of His Enemies
The Fate of The Unholy Trinity

Part IV - After The Tribulation

Chapter 15 - The Millennium and Beyond

Overview of The Millennium
Progress of the Kingdom
The Kingdom was PROMISED to the patriarchs
The Kingdom was ESTABLISHED by Jesus
The Kingdom will be DEMONSTRATED during the Millennium
The Kingdom will be fully DEVELOPED in the New Heaven and New Earth
Aspects of the Millennium
Worship and Belief
St. John's Brief Description of the Millennium
Preparation for the period
Progress during the period
The First Resurrection: Raised to eternal life
Judgment of Believers
Postscript to the Period
Previews of the Millennium from the Old Testament
Messiah will Reign from Jerusalem and the Nations will come to Pay Tribute
The Last War
The Other Resurrection
Judgment of Non-believers - The Great White Throne
The Great White Throne Judgment
A New Heaven and Earth
The Heavenly Jerusalem




A - Chart of the End of the Age 
B - Definition of common terms found in 
C - Harmony of Prophecy Chart 
D - Warnings and Cautions 
E - Notes on The Covenants in the Bible 
F - The Complexities of Time 
G - The Day of The Lord 
H - The History of Edom 
I - Jesus, The Kinsman Redeemer, Jesus The 
Avenger of Blood--and the Cities of Refuge 
J - Earthquakes, Signs and Wonders
K - Pretribulation or Prewrath? 
L - The Return of Jesus Christ In Power Glory 
and Splendor 
M - The Marriage Supper of the Lamb 
N - The Judgment Seat of Christ 
O - The Great White Throne Judgment 
P - Outline of The Olivet Discourse 
Q - Outline of The Book of Revelation 
R - Notes on Daniel 11 and 12 (Stedman) 
S - Ancient Prophecies and Ancient Prayers
For the End of the Age 
T - The Internal Structure of The Book of 
U - Do You Know Christ Personally?



Scripture Index



Yes! Jesus is Coming!  

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