Friday, July 17, 2009

I’m a Christian, but not really.

I’m a Christian, but not really.

Question posted on Yahoo! Answers:

Okay so I am 16 and I am a ‘christian’. But recently I decided that I didn’t like the christian religion nor did I believe in HELL. I feel Hell is just something to make people scared and believe in religion so they don’t go to hell.

I just believe in god (and love god) and believe that jesus is my savior. I don’t really go to church unless it is christmas or easter and sometimes I will read my teen bible. am I a bad person for changing to this or what?

I mean I would NEVER tell my family because they raised me a christian and they would just assume I was an atheist (which I am NOT)

So I decided to take the name tag off of me and just let myself be a believer in god and jesus. Because personally I think it is RIDICULOUS what mankind has done to religion. There are hundreds of different religions which believes in the SAME thing but they just interpret it differently.

SO no more name tag- does this mean I am ‘GOING TO GO HELL’ or what?

I am just really confused.

God isn't confused.

He chose you and you know that because you read it in the Bible.

You chose to read the Bible and to believe in Jesus so I don't think you are confused. I think you are fine. You chose to follow Jesus.

Jesus felt like it was a little RIDICULOUS what people were aying about his Father and what people had to do to Find God, basically, he said ask, seek and find and you did.

So what's up with that? Nothing, you found what all of religion is about.....finding God.

Now that you know him, as you read, as you follow Jesus, you'll have God speak to you personally. He will. Just like he made you "feel" when you got saved.

It will seem like the most natural thing to do, whatever He is telling you to do. Others might want you to do alot of things you don't want to do, but you know what? Say a prayer and ask God to be there and if he isn't, you go Do what Jesus want you to do and you'll be fine.

We all learn differently, but God is our teacher and He will lead you and as you keep reading, in time, you will know exactly what is peaceful, perfect and right for you.

Till then, it may get confusing at times, But God is with you.

Remember that,

Gos is with you.

Keep Reading!!

Michael James Stone

What Is Purgatory?~Jack Kelley

What Is Purgatory?

Q. I thank the Lord for you, your staff and for this website.

In regards to your articles on Jesus preaching to the spirits in prison, is this the same place what the Roman Catholics believe as PURGATORY? If not, where did they get the concept from?

A. Before the cross, no one from Earth could enter into heaven upon dying. (John 3:13) Both the saved and unsaved went to a place called Sheol in Hebrew and Hades in Greek. For those who had died in faith of a coming redeemer who would die for their sins it was a place of comfort, but for non believers it was a place of torment. The story of Lazarus and the Rich Man describes this. (Luke 16:19-31) It also explains that there was no way of crossing from one to the other. In other words, once a person has died their eternal destiny is fixed. So there is no such place as purgatory.

The practice of praying for the dead originated in ancient pagan religions and may be the source of the Catholic belief in purgatory. The idea was first introduced into the Catholic Church in the 2nd Century AD. as a place between heaven and hell where the dead who have not sinned greatly enough to warrant hell, but have not yet purified themselves enough in goodness to enter into heaven, go to prepare and purify themselves of sin.

As you can see belief in purgatory requires that one first assumes the Lord’s death was not sufficient to pay for all our sins, and that it’s up to us to finish the work He only began. This is a non Biblical doctrine that is specifically and repeatedly denied in Scripture.

Moving The Ark Of The Covenant~Jack Kelley (update Michael James Stone)

Moving The Ark Of The Covenant

Q. As an archeology buff, the “Ark of the Covenant” is a fascinating subject and I really wish someone would find it. The question I have is, since the presence of the Lord is no longer dwelling in the ark itself, would we be able to touch it today if it were found or would the “don’t touch” rule still apply?

A. Numbers 4 gives very clear instructions on moving the Ark. I would imagine they still apply. Those who claim the Ark was recently moved from Ethiopia to Jerusalem are careful to note that all the soldiers involved were Levites.

I should note that so far there’s been nothing to substantiate this claim, and with the Ethiopian priest’s reversal of his recent promise to unveil it, we can’t even know for sure if the Ark was ever in Ethiopia.


Recent news articles and reports have confirmed the Ark in Ethiopia reported to be found was a Hoax. All investigators and scholars, while silent on the facts now found, still wish it would turn up in Ethiopia, or somewhere else, are suddenly going "no comment" on the embarrassment.

Semsationalizing scripture is dangerous for your reputation if you jump on the band wagon. There will be no "find" of the original ark. There will be a substitute made and it will be counterfeit like the Channukiah is a counterfeit miracle and corruption of the Menorah seen in Heaven.-MjS

Can Satan Read Minds?~Jack Kelley (update Michael James Stone)

Can Satan Read Minds?

Q. I’ve often heard it said that Satan cannot read minds. The reason, people say, is that it is because he is a created being. But that is no real answer. Since Satan was created by God, seems to me that God could have given him whatever abilities He wanted to, even knowing thoughts. Frankly, though, in most cases, Satan’s intelligence gathering demonic ‘network’ is very likely so efficient that he might seem to know thoughts. So, can Satan know our thoughts or not, and, if not, what is the biblical reason for that stance?

A. There’s no Biblical evidence to support the claim that Satan can read thoughts, so the consensus among scholars is that he can’t. There’s no way of knowing how many helpers he has so it is possible that he can spy on a great many people. Obviously he doesn’t need to worry about unbelievers, and even most Christians have such a strong secular world view that they pose little or no threat to him. That leaves the relatively small number of truly “sold out” Christians for him to keep track of. It’s probably not as big a job as we think.

He’s also been around a very long time and he’s very bright so he’s seen and heard just about everything by now and is likely pretty good at predicting what we’ll do in a given circumstance. And by influencing our leaders in government, education, entertainment, etc, he can have an astonishing influence on our culture with comparatively little effort. The fact that we’re all fallen sinners gives him further advantage.

Personally, I believe that he can plant thoughts at the thresh hold of our minds that we can either accept or reject. I think 2 Cor. 10:3-5, Ephes. 6 and other passages were written to help us defend against this kind of attack.


The bottom line is No.

Satan cannot Read Minds, yet influence and set certain conditions around a person is obvious by Reading the account of Satan and God discussing Job.

Spiritual obsession can lead to demon possesion but the "idea" of demonic possesion is not a American Pop Wiccan or Movie phenomenon nor occurs that way. There is more involved and while demonic activity occurs, it is in places where there is a VOID of the Holy Spirit's activity or Christians.

Light and darkness do not mix.

Christians are NEVER demon possessed.

Michael James Stone