Friday, October 23, 2009

Islam On the Move in United Nations

      Expert: U.N. Resolutions Would Create 'Global Blasphemy Law'

The so-called “defamation of religions” U.N. resolutions, proposed by the Organization of the Islamic Conference, would create a “global blasphemy law,” the chair of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom warned on Wednesday.

Leonard A. Leo testified to Members of Congress on the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission that though the resolutions sounded “tolerant and progressive,” in reality they would “exacerbate” religious persecution and discrimination around the world.

“Although the ‘defamation’ resolutions purport to protect religions generally, the only religion and religious adherents that are specifically mentioned are Islam and Muslims,” pointed out Leo, who noted USCIRF has been closely monitoring the resolutions for several years.

 “Aside from Islam, the resolutions do not specify which religions are deserving of protection, or explain how or by whom this would be determined.”

Out of concern that the resolutions would be abused to oppress religious minorities in Muslim-majority countries, Christian as well as secular human rights groups had launched several campaigns this year to alert U.N. members on the danger of such proposals.

Open Doors, a ministry that works with persecuted Christians, launched an advocacy campaign earlier this month aimed at preventing the resolutions from passing at the United Nations. The ministry is lobbying key countries, which will vote on the resolutions, and organizing a petition drive against the proposal.

And back in March, more than 180 non-government organizations from around the world signed a petition urging the U.N. Human Rights Council to not adopt the resolutions. Despite their efforts, however, the resolutions passed. The NGOs participating in the petition voiced concern that the resolutions would be manipulated to justify anti-blasphemy laws and intimidate human rights activists and religious dissenters.
Since 1999, the Organization of the Islamic Conference has annually sponsored the "defamation of religions" resolutions in the U.N. Human Rights Council, its predecessor, and, since 2005, in the General Assembly.
The resolutions are currently non-binding, but OIC has publicly stated that its goal is for the U.N. to adopt a binding international covenant against the “defamation of religions.”

USCIRF Chair Leonard Leo denounced the resolutions as a “poorly veiled attempt to export the repressive blasphemy laws found in some OIC countries to the international level.”

“Under these laws, criminal charges can be levied against individuals for defaming, denigrating, insulting, offending, disparaging, and blaspheming Islam, often resulting in gross human rights violations,” said the religious freedom expert.

USCIRF is among the many groups that have spoken against the resolutions. Other groups include The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, Freedom House, U.N. Watch, Christian Solidarity Worldwide, and Open Doors USA.

The “defamation of religions” resolutions are expected to be formally proposed for renewal by OIC next month or later this year.

(When a President Fails) Taliban IN Pakistans Nuclear Arsenal?

At least 22 killed in 3 terror attacks as Taliban nears Pakistan's main nuclear missile store

DEBKAfile Special Report

October 23, 2009, 1:33 PM (GMT+02:00)
Pakistani brigadier targeted by Taliban

Pakistani brigadier targeted by Taliban

At least 7 people were killed, 13 injured when a suicide bomber on a bicycle blew himself up Friday, Oct. 23, outside the big Kamra aeronautical complex 60 km west of Islamabad. DEBKAfile's military sources report this is where Pakistan houses most of its nuclear bombs and air-air and air-ground missiles. In Mohmand, 15 wedding guests were killed when their minibus hit an explosive device and in Peshawar a car bomb injured 15 people at the Sawan hotel.

Taliban fighters began to battle their way towards Pakistan's nuclear arsenal on Saturday, Oct. 10, by attacking the roads connecting the capital and high command with the nuclear ordnance centers in northern Pakistan near the town of Kohat, at Wah and in Kamra in order to cut them off.

Terrorist pressure to reach Pakistan's nuclear arsenal at these sites was first reported by DEBKA-Net-Weekly on May 15.

Friday morning, the Pakistani military spokesman said the suicide bomber was stopped at a checkpoint where he blew himself up before he could enter the Kamra complex. This was the closest a terrorist had come to the cluster of bases where Pakistan maintains the bulk of its nuclear bombs and air-air and air-ground missiles for delivery by its air force.

This month, surging Taliban attacks have left more than 180 dead, the level mounting sharply as the Pakistani army continued its offensive against Taliban and al Qaeda strongholds in South Waziristan. Thursday, a Pakistani army brigadier and his driver were killed in a shooting attack in Islamabad. He was the second high officer to die this week in what appears to be a targeted assault on Pakistani commanders in retaliation for the South Waziristan drive. Tuesday, twin blasts killed seven people at Islamabad University.

DEBKAfile's military sources report that three Pakistani columns are advancing very slowly in the mountainous tribal region amid sporadic clashes. Most of the insurgents have pulled back to the 15,000-ft peaks.

When a President Fails: President Obama advised to quit by Israeli?

We need a day of fasting for the Nation

AND a National Day of Prayer for President Obama

Give Obama the Pink-Slip

by Tamar Yonah
Cheshvan 5, 5770, 10/23/2009

One of the things we learn as children is never to play with fire.  It's cunning and it always wants to grow and grow.  Take a look at these two videos.  One is just so darned funny because it relates so closely with the truth.  The second video is NOT funny, and the American people better do something quickly in protecting their constitution, before the USA is absorbed into and finds itself under a de facto centralized world government.

Is Obama Poised to Cede US Sovereignty?

The World is not bound under the U.S. Constitution, so it couldn't care less about it.

Give Obama the pink-slip.  He's done enough damage in the White House.  Bring in Alan Keyes, bring in Bill Cosby for goodness sake, just give the pink-slip to this guy who is playing with fire.

 He shouldn't feel too bad either, as after all, he gets to go home taking with him a Nobel Prize and the big bucks that accompanied it!  I'd say those were good parting gifts!

ElBaradei's ruse helps Iran keep on enriching uranium for a nuke

ElBaradei's ruse helps Iran keep on enriching uranium for a nuke
DEBKAfile Special Report

21 Oct.
Mohammed ElBaradei, the retiring IAEA director, pulled a rabbit out of his hat Wednesday, Oct. 21 to save the Vienna talks with Iran on the future of its enriched uranium from breaking down on its third day. 

It was a draft proposal for Iran to transfer three-quarters of its enriched uranium to Russia for reprocessing. The US, France, Russia and Iran were given until Friday for their answer.

The only officials to come smiling out of the aborted meeting were the Iranian negotiator Saeed Jalili and his aides. But strangely enough, it was greeted with happy applause in the West, from secretary of state Hillary Clinton to Israel's deputy defense minister Matan Vilnai, who should have been wise to ElBaradei's machinations by now.

By some magic, the proposal "forgot" three UN Security Council resolutions and six-power demands for Iran to give up uranium enrichment. 

Iran is also suddenly absolved of the obligation to allow UN inspectors to monitor its facilities and not by a single word is Tehran forbidden to process masses of additional enriched uranium after it ships the 1.200 kilos to Russia, or even to make a bomb.

No wonder Jalilee smiled.

New Iranian missiles head for Gaza

New Iranian missiles head for Gaza, Syria tops up Hizballah's rocket stocks
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report

20 Oct.
Iran is making a huge effort to smuggle to the Palestinian Hamas Fajr-5 ground-to-ground rockets that would bring Tel Aviv within range of the Gaza Strip, and Syria, Iran's second ally with an Israeli border, has decided to transfer one-third of its missile stockpile to the Hizballah in Lebanon, topping up its arsenal with medium-range rockets that can cover central as well as northern Israel.

Israel's top strategists are asking -

1. Are the 250 Syrian surface missiles destine for Hizballah Scuds B, C and D whose ranges exceed 800 kilometers, or Iranian-Syrian made projectiles whose range is shorter?

2. Do the transfers mean Iran and its allies are gearing up for a major Middle East conflict in the months ahead, possibly in early 2010?

3. Will Syria
hand Hizballah chemicals-tipped missiles?

4. Will some batteries be installed atop the mountain ranges running down central Lebanon, together with air defense systems supplied at the same time by Syria?

Israel is particularly concerned by the Lebanese Druze leader Walid Jumblatt's recent decision to turn coat against the pro-Western camp led by Saad Hariri in favor of deals with Tehran
and Damascus.