a Production of
Precept Ministries International
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The following is an actual transcript of the PRECEPTS FOR LIFE Broadcast. For the purpose of filling transcript requests quickly, they have received only light editing. If you have questions concerning the material covered in this broadcast, Kay has published a number of books explaining the Scripture in depth. These books may be ordered by contacting the telephone number or address printed above.
Life is hard and the past can be hard to bear, but would it make a difference if you knew that no matter what you went through that God was there, that God was watching over you and that He had an ultimate purpose in it all? And would it encourage you to know that some day it‟s all going to be over and He‟s going to wipe away every tear and you‟re going to be at home with Him? We‟ll talk about that today as we look at Revelation.
When you make a list of the things that you learn; not only look at them and see what you learned but you can turn them into a matter of prayer. If they‟re a list of instructions then you can pray about what you have just read and tell God you want to be obedient.
If it‟s a list of characteristics that you learn about God the Father or Jesus Christ or a man of God, then you can turn those into worship, into prayer, into praise, into thanksgiving, into
petition. And so that‟s what I was doing this morning as I was getting ready to come and to teach you. And I just want you to know that it is such a privilege to teach you. And I thought you know, I pray for you. We all pray as a team together for you.
And I pray for you almost every day as you listen to godly teaching, not only mine, and I do pray that it is godly and I think it is „cause it‟s the Word of God; but that God would bless you and that you would grow and that you would hunger and thirst for righteousness. And I thought you know, I would like to pray for them. So may I pray for you? And I‟m going to pray for you eyes wide open.
Precious Father, I thank you that those that are listening to this program are precious to You. I thank you, Father, that they are people that have been created by You, for Your pleasure.
And I pray, Father, that You would so speak to them through Your Word, that You would so cleanse them, that You would so Father, nurture them through Your truth, that You would convict them where it‟s necessary, that You would encourage them where it‟s needful. And Father, that as a result of these programs, that they would hunger and thirst for righteousness and that they would desire when they see You face to face to live in such a way so that they hear well done.
Now Father, speak to them, speak through me, speak through Your Word, speak by the power of Your Holy Spirit, for the glory of the name of the One that is sitting at Your right hand, who ever lives to make intercession for us. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, our God, Your faithful Witness, the One who has released us from our sins by His blood. In Jesus name, Father, we thank you for your gift of love.
All right now, let‟s get to Revelation, chapter 1, and it‟s verse 8. Now he comes to a conclusion. He says everything that he‟s going to say about Jesus Christ. We‟ve seen three from‟s; “… from Him who is, who was and who is to come.”
Then we saw, “… from the one, from the seven spirits, which are before His throne.” So we saw that grace and peace come to us from God the Father and from God, the Holy Spirit, and then from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, etc. Now he brings that to a conclusion in verse 7 and this is
This is why I‟m dwelling on it. In verse 7 he says, “Behold, He is coming with the clouds and every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him and all the tribes will mourn over Him …,” Then he makes this statement, “… even so, amen.” Even though this is going to happen, so be it. Amen, in a sense, means so be it; let it be so, let it be true. And then he makes this statement. “„I am the Alpha and the Omega,‟ says the Lord God, „who is, who was and who is to come, the Almighty.‟”
Now some people say that this is Jesus Christ. But I believe that it‟s God the Father. And I will tell you why I believe that it‟s God the Father and I think that this important for us to see not because we need to quibble about it, not because it means that much technically, but because of what it means to you and to me personally, and it has to do with the introduction to this lesson, with the fact that God is always there, with the encouragement that He is not always there, but someday we‟re going to be with Him.
So let‟s look at a couple scriptures that will support my point of view at least. All right, and I want you to go to Revelation, chapter 4, verse 8. So I‟ve just read, “„… I‟m the Alpha and the Omega,‟ says the Lord, „who is, who was and who is to come, the Almighty.‟” Now some, as I said, say this Jesus, but I think that the conclusion, even so, amen, points us to now its God the Father.
And I think that‟s supported in Revelation, chapter 4, verse 8. Now Revelation, chapter 4, John is caught up into heaven; he sees God on His throne. Jesus is not present. And as he sees God on His throne, he gives us a description of what it is like. We‟re not going to go into it because of time, but I want you to look at verse 8. It says, “… and the four living creatures, each of them having six wings are full of eyes around and within and day and night they do not cease to say, „Holy, holy, holy, the Lord God, the Almighty, who was, who is and who is to come.‟” Now this is what they‟re saying to God the Father, because God the Son is not in chapter 4.
He enters in chapter 5 when He comes up, as we have talked about earlier, to take the scroll out of the hand of God the Father and to break its seals and to bring the judgment
on the face of the earth. So I believe that this is one of the reasons that we can say that this is God the Father. But what else does this tell us so that it can help us and be a blessing to us? Well I want you to go to Revelation, chapter 21.
Now what I would suggest that you do is next to verse 8 of Revelation, chapter 1, that you write Revelation 4:8 and then you write Revelation 21, verses 1 to 8. Now let‟s look at verses 1 to 8. Now I‟m taking you to the end of the book.
And you will find this passage in your study guide, although we‟re only studying Revelation 1, 2, and 3, I‟ve included some major passages from Revelation that you‟re going to look at, so that you‟ll feel free to mark them. So you find this in your booklet or you turn to it in your Bible, Revelation, chapter 21, verse1.
John is saying, “I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth passed away and there was no longer any sea. Now what he‟s telling us is there‟s a brand new heaven and there‟s a brand new earth coming for you and for me.” This is something that John saw. Now remember John was to write the things that he saw. We‟re going to see that again in just a few minutes.
But remember that Revelation is the revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him. In other words this is a revelation that God gave to Jesus Christ, who in turn, was going to give it to His bondservants, to you and to me. And the way that He did it was God gave it to Jesus; Jesus, in turn, gave it to an angel; an angel, in turn, gave it to the apostle John and the apostle John, in turn, sat down and wrote these things down and he wrote down what he heard and what he saw.
And there‟s a blessing for you and me as we read and listen to these words and then heed them and live in the light of them. So what God wants you to know is He is the one who is, who was, and who is to come. Now this is the passage that deals with the fact that He is coming.
He is coming. You see we have seen Jesus. We have experienced the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit, we haven‟t seen Him, because He‟s a spirit, but He lives inside of us. And our bodies are His temple if we‟re children of God, if we‟ve believed in Jesus Christ. And we know others have seen Jesus
because John wrote in 1 John, that which we have seen and heard and handled of the Word of life. But who‟s seen the Father?
Well you and I are going to see the One who is, who was and who is to come. And this is when it‟s going to happen. “… a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth have passed away. And I saw the holy city, New Jerusalem coming down from heaven, made ready as a bride for her husband.” I can tell you and you can‟t see it, but I‟ve got goose bumps.
I literally have goose bumps on my body. And I have them because some day, some day, Precious One, all of this is going to be over. All of this is going to be over. Everything is going to be made new. Now I know that we live in a beautiful, beautiful earth. And I know that God has made a marvelous creation for us, but it sure has been tainted and scarred by man in his sin. And this is a New Jerusalem that is coming down.
It‟s a holy city. It is prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And it says, “… and I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, „Behold, the tabernacle of God is among men and He shall dwell among them.‟” He‟s the one who is. He‟s the one who was. He exists now. He‟s always been, but He is the one who is to come. And it says, “… and He shall dwell among them and they shall be His people and God, Himself, shall be among them
Now listen to this: “… and He shall wipe away every tear from their eyes and there shall no longer be any death. There shall no longer be any mourning or crying or pain. The first things have passed away.” All these things on this earth now that have caused us such pain and such turmoil are all going to be taken away when He comes.
I‟m so glad you‟re back because there‟s such good news, such words of encouragement for you, my friend. If you are one of those that has soaked your pillow with your tears night after night, because of pain in your own life, because of a broken heart, because of something that someone has done
to you or said to you or because of an alienation or because you‟ve lost a loved one, because you feel so alone, because you feel so helpless, I want you to know there is a day coming because God is coming.
He‟s the One who is. He is now. He understands. He was. He was there when you went through whatever you went through. But He is to come.
And when He comes God, Himself, God, Himself, the One who spoke and brought the world into existence, the One who is the sovereign ruler of all the universe, the One who brought all the kings to their knees before the Son and made them kiss the Son, that One, God Almighty, the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, the One who is, who was, is to come.
And when He comes, He‟s going to cup your face in His hands and He personally is going to wipe away every tear from your eye. And He‟s going to tell you listen, it‟s over, it‟s over. That you are not going to experience pain again.
You will never experience pain again. It is gone. I have done away with it. We have a brand new heaven and we have a brand new earth and there‟s not going to be any more pain and there‟s not going to be any more sorrow and you‟ll never weep again over the death of a loved one because there‟s not going to be any more death. Revelation, chapter 21: listen to what it says: “And He who sits on the throne said, „Behold, I am making all things new.‟ And he said, „write, for these words are faithful and true.‟”
Listen, you can take this to the bank, as some people say, you can rely on this. This is pure, absolute, unadulterated truth.
These words are faithful and these words are true. Now watch what he says. “And He said to me, „It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. I‟ve always been there and I will always be there. I will give to the one who thirsts from the spring of water without cost.
He who overcomes …,‟” now listen, we‟re going to be looking at this later on as we look at the letters to the churches, but, “„… he who overcomes shall inherit these things and I will be his God and he will be My son. But, for the cowardly and the unbelieving and abominable and murderers and immoral persons and sorcerers and idolaters and liars, their part will be in
the lake of fire that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.‟” This is only good news for you,
Beloved, if you are part of the church of Jesus Christ, if you are bone of His bone, if you are flesh of His flesh, if you are a member of His body, because you have seen your sin and you have turned from your sin and you have embraced Jesus Christ as your Lord, as your God, as your Savior.
This is your promise. So as we go back to Revelation, chapter 1, this is the verse that I believe shows you that this is God the Father. He‟s the One that sits on the throne. Jesus sits at His right hand.
“And when all things are done it is Jesus that delivers everything up to the Father because it‟s ultimately all about the Father.” Now if you want to know about that you can read through 1 Corinthians 15 and you‟ll find it there. But let‟s go back to verse 9 now of Revelation, chapter 1. I, John, your brother, and fellow partaker in the tribulation and kingdom and perseverance, which are in Jesus, was on the island called Patmos because of the Word of God and the testimony of Jesus …,”
Now listen to the way that John describes himself. John wants you to understand something. John wants you to understand that John is not elevated above you, that John is there side to side with every person that is going to read this book and be blessed by it. He says, “I, your brother and I, your fellow partaker ….” In other words, I‟m one of many. I‟m a fellow partaker of three things.
Number one: I‟m a fellow partaker of the kingdom. I‟m going to be part of the same kingdom that you‟re going to be a part of and that‟s the kingdom of God. It‟s not the kingdom of this world. But it‟s the kingdom of God, because the kingdoms of this world are going to be done away with.
And that‟s what you learn when you continue to study on in Revelation.
But you‟re part of the kingdom of God, which according to Daniel, chapter 7 and Daniel, chapter 2, endures forever and ever and ever and ever because after all the kingdoms of this earth are put down, there‟s one kingdom that will remain forever and that is the kingdom of God.
And he says, “I am your brother and I‟m your fellow partaker of the kingdom …,” And he says, “… and the perseverance
which are in Jesus, the perseverance which are in Jesus.”
Now what he‟s saying is he says this, he says listen if you are truly a child of God, you will persevere. If you are really a child of God, no matter what comes your way, you‟re never going to turn around, you‟re never going to deny Him, you‟re never going to turn your back on God.
This is one of the things that lets you know and helps you understand that salvation, true salvation is seen in the perseverance of the saints. In Hebrews, chapter 3 it says in verse 6, “But Christ was faithful as a son over His house, whose house we are if we hold fast our confidence and the boast of our hope firm until the end.”
And then you come down and he says in verse 14, “For we have become partakers of Christ if we hold fast the beginning of our assurance, firm until the end.”
That is perseverance. In Hebrews, chapter 10 he talks about perseverance.
And he talks about the fact that you and I are to persevere no matter what and we are to persevere, he says in Hebrews 10, verse 35, “Therefore, do not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward. For you have need of endurance …,” Endurance is the same word here as perseverance. “… so that when you have done the will of God, you may receive what was promised.” So John is a brother. He is a fellow partaker. And I left out one thing. We are a fellow partaker with John in the kingdom and in the perseverance.
But there‟s one thing that he mentions before that. And that‟s in the tribulation. In other words it is given to you and me while we‟re in this life, to suffer. It is given as a gift, not only to believe on Him, but also to suffer for His namesake. But He tells us that if we suffer with Him, we will reign with Him. Well, in our next program, what we‟re going to do is we‟re going to see Jesus as He stands among the churches.
Prophecy Digested
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