Friday, July 31, 2009

Fighting a War we will not Win

What is the reason we are in Afghanistan?

What is the exit strategy?

Christopher Dicke

Losing Afghanistan’s Drug War

The U.N. drug czar says that efforts to eradicate opium have failed.

Less is More: A Golden Opportunity~Chris Bennett

Friday, 31 July 2009

A Golden Opportunity

What a world we live in !! What a desperate state of affairs we are building for our children to inherit. What a failure for us – what a victory for Satan !! People throughout the world are turning to look at the great faiths of the world – desperate to see something better than they see in the world at the moment.

We are living in an increasingly desperate world - a world desperate for something better - a world desperate to hear from God. Amos 8:11 "The days are coming," declares the Sovereign LORD, “when I will send a famine through the land - not a famine of food or a thirst for water, but a famine of hearing the words of the LORD.”

The world is getting ever more desperate for ‘something better’. They have looked at the world – particularly their own world – and they have seen how shallow, how false so much of it really is. People are beginning to realise that they must seek out that ‘something better’ – whatever it is.

The time that the prophet Amos spoke of is here – now. It is a present reality. We are now living in the days of desperation so eloquently spoken about by Amos. So what on earth is the Church doing about it ?
How the devil must laugh as we preach the world rather than preaching the Gospel or teaching from the Word. Jesus said "Feed My Sheep". Who are His sheep? I think that every human being can be one of His sheep – but we are feeding only those sheep already inside the sheep-fold. We are not spreading the Gospel outside the comfort of our sheep-fold.

And what Gospel do we preach in these days of such desperation? Have we watered down the Gospel? We don’t hear much about sin, about grace, about repenting and dying daily to self so He can be seen more clearly through us – at least not in most churches and most pulpits. If there's no gospel message of sin, grace, repentance, and salvation there is nothing at all and we fail those who need to hear the Gospel message.
We hear much about the prosperity Gospel. The prosperity gospel is, in my opinion, really "the ear-ticklers gospel" (2 Tim 4:3-4 ) - it’s what the audience wants to hear rather than what’s truthful. The Prosperity Gospel is also false, worldly teaching by those who would twist Gods Word to their own ends and profit via emotional blackmail.

Oh - As we sit in our smug self-satisfied 'sanctified' complacency the Lord must weep over our luke-warmness. Send us a fresh injection Your Holy Spirit and Fire Lord. The Lord weeps over our lack of faith and our lack of belief in His Word. Not theology, nor liturgy, nor what we think the Word of God says – but what it actually says – in context and as it is supposed to apply to our lives. The trouble is that, not only have we watered down the Gospel, we have also seen fit to omit huge important chunks of it from our teaching. We think that an hour spent listening to a preacher talk about Jesus followed by two minutes spent saying the so-called ‘Sinners Prayer, and that’s it – we’re saved. Where is the life change? Where is the broken, true repentance? Where is the full gospel message of sin, grace, repentance, and salvation?

Brothers and Sisters, we are living at a time when God in His great mercy and love has given us a golden opportunity to spread His real Gospel throughout the world. We’ve had one (poor) model already – at Lakeland, Florida in 2008. That we wasted most of that opportunity was down to our own sin alone. Ignore what happened among the leadership – look at the effects around the world during that time of revival. We had the technology and we used it. Media, TV, Internet – all combined to take news of what was happening in Lakeland right round the world – to virtually every nation – as it was happening. The anointing in the meetings was transmitted over the airwaves and through our computers and TV sets into every home open to watch what was happening.

If we could only learn. People this is what it’s all about - LESS of us, more of HIM. If we would only stand back, let go, and let God do things through us, despite us and because of us - because He loves us so much. Whatever we think, His way is ALWAYS best and we must learn to let Him do things. This is the Golden Opportunity for us to make ourselves available to God the Holy Spirit so that He can use us to present the Gospel His way. He leads us into ALL truth so let Him lead us into sharing His wonderful and glorious gospel – the ransomed, healed, restored, and forgiven Gospel. NOT the “sign here and you’re saved” Gospel but His saving, redeeming gospel of Salvation through the glorious Blood of Jesus Christ.

CGB 31 July 2009

Iranian Newspaper: The Americans Are BEGGING Us For A Dialog (Are we now the Powerless?)

Friday, July 31, 2009

Conservative Iranian Newspaper: The Americans Are BEGGING Us For A Dialog

"The situation today is that the Americans are begging Iran for dialogue - in very disrespectful language, like uncultured cowboys. Because of their arrogant nature, they have not yet learned that asking for dialogue with someone you need requires a certain politeness - and that desperate battle cries, shouting, and screaming are not considered a sign of strength. We return, therefore, to the starting point - that is, to the American reevaluation of its dialogue strategy following the Iranian elections.
With its refusal to cease or even slow down nuclear development, Iran has basically answered President Obama's offer of dialogue and the decision by his administration to join talks on Tehran's nuclear program. To the consternation of some European officials, Arab nations, and Israel Washington has insisted on dropping a long-standing demand that Iran obey U.N. resolutions ordering it to suspend uranium enrichment before negotiations begin. Iran's rulers also see that the United States is trying to pressure its primary target, Israel to take an attack of Iran's nuclear facilities off the table.

Its no wonder that Iran's leader's see the United States as begging for talks with the regime.

Kayhan: "The Americans Are Begging Iran for Dialogue"; U.S. Strategic Needs in Pakistan, Afghanistan Supersede Its Need to Prevent Iran from Going Nuclear

In a July 27, 2009 editorial, the conservative Iranian daily Kayhan stated that the U.S. has only one strategy for dealing with Iran, namely striving for dialogue with it - particularly, Kayhan said, after U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton recognized Iran as nuclear.

It should be noted that Tehran is depicting Clinton's July 22, 2009 statements in Thailand - that the U.S. would offer its allies in the region a "defense umbrella" against a nuclear Iran, and that the U.S. has a plan to prevent Iran from taking over the Middle East if it obtains nuclear weapons - as proof that the U.S. is coming to terms with a nuclear Iran.

In its editorial, Kayhan explained that the U.S. interests in the region, particularly in Pakistan and Afghanistan, are more important for the U.S. than the threat of Iran going nuclear. Thus, it said, the Americans are sending a desperate message to the world, begging Iran for dialogue. Tehran understands that Washington is not overly concerned about the prospect of a nuclear Iran; moreover, it knows that enhanced sanctions against Iran or even an attack on the country are impossible, and that threats of the same are only an American maneuver to bring Iran to the negotiating table.

The editorial also ridicules the Americans, "whose entire lives are foolishness," and praises them for finally realizing that decisions in Iran are made by Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and that they should not pin their hopes on turnover in the Iranian government.

Following are the main points of the Kayhan editorial: [1]

The U.S. Has No Strategy, Just a Need for Dialogue with Iran

"The Americans are now saying that, in light of the events following the Iranian elections, they are reexamining their strategy towards Iran... From these statements, it appears that, prior to this, the Americans, as representatives of all Iran's enemies, had a clear and defined strategy regarding Iran, and that now they want to change it. But there is much evidence and many signs that they never had anything of the sort.

"For the past several months, the Americans have made efforts to arrive at a united outlook that includes all options against Iran. However, it gradually became clear that the only thing that they could aspire to regarding Iran was a statement that 'it is necessary to talk with Iran' - and that no comprehensive strategy could be formed as long as there is no such dialogue. In their talks with the Russians, the Chinese, the Europeans, the Arabs, and the Zionists, they agreed that sufficient time should be allowed for the idea of talks with Iran - but there is no consensus on the key question, that is, what to do if the talks fail.

"Hillary Clinton's statements a few days ago proved that this [question] has [now] also arisen among senior American officials. The Israelis have long since agreed to the idea of dialogue with Iran, and their intensive efforts in talks with senior U.S. officials in recent months have been aimed at getting the Americans to agree to use [what the Israelis call] paralyzing sanctions - and then, in the event that the talks fail, to put the military option on the table..."

"The U.S.['s] 'Strategic Need' for Iran Has Become So Critical That It Does Not Want to Lose the Option of Dialogue With It - Even at the Price of a Nuclear Iran"

"At the same time, Clinton's statements revealed a different reality, one that the Zionists have feared for some time and have talked much about, even if not explicitly. In her [abovementioned] speech last week, Clinton accepted the possibility of a nuclear Iran, and tried to show that the danger of a nuclear Iran has been overblown, and that the classic nuclear deterrent doctrine (mutual destruction) would be used against Iran just like it is used against any other nuclear power.

"She expressed the gist of this idea by saying that if Iran goes nuclear, then America will spread its nuclear umbrella across the entire region [i.e. the Middle East]. The Israelis very quickly jumped on this point, saying that it meant that the U.S. accepts the idea of a nuclear Iran, and that, [in order to assure its allies,] it promises them protection from possible dangers stemming from the phenomenon [of Iran's nuclearization].

"The words of the American secretary of state must be understood on a deeper level than merely as proof of America's acceptance of a nuclear Iran. Currently, the widespread perception in Tehran is that the U.S. is in a situation where it is sending a worldwide message that its 'strategic need' for Iran has become so critical that it does not want to lose the option of dialogue with it - even at the price of a nuclear Iran.

"The Americans' [comprehensive] strategic needs in the region have become so acute that, in comparison, the prospect of the emergence of a nuclear Iran appears less important."

The So-Called Punitive Measures Against Iran Are Merely a Manipulation Aimed at Dragging It to the Negotiating Table

"U.S. intelligence officials have reiterated and emphasized in recent months that the 'concrete dangers to [U.S.] national security' are in other places, such as Pakistan and Afghanistan, and so, instead of wasting energy in useless conflict with Iran, they prefer to obtain its cooperation in order to deal with their acute troubles.

"[Therefore,] the recent manipulations by the Zionists and by the U.S. Congress - regarding a military attack [on Iran] and regarding economic sanctions - have nothing to do with an American strategic decision to punish Iran if talks fail. The top U.S. officials are not [even] emphasizing the issue [of punishing Iran if talks fail], and their pleas [for dialogue] are confined to a demand [that the G-]8 give Iran a period of several months (until September) in order 'to enter into dialogue.' In other words, the Americans are now not even thinking of the post-talks phase, and their main concern is that Iran might not agree to dialogue.

"Even the so-called punitive measures are [merely] a manipulation to drag Iran to the negotiating table, and not to punish it after the talks fail - because they know [that punishment] is both impossible and ineffective."

The Americans "Have Not Yet Learned that Asking for Dialogue with Someone You Need Requires a Certain Politeness - And That Desperate Battle Cries, Shouting, and Screaming Are Not Considered a Sign of Strength"

"The situation today is that the Americans are begging Iran for dialogue - in very disrespectful language, like uncultured cowboys. Because of their arrogant nature, they have not yet learned that asking for dialogue with someone you need requires a certain politeness - and that desperate battle cries, shouting, and screaming are not considered a sign of strength. We return, therefore, to the starting point - that is, to the American reevaluation of its dialogue strategy following the Iranian elections.

"So far, we have said that the U.S. in effect has no strategy, and that all it does have is an aspiration for dialogue. After the [Iranian presidential] election, the Americans were tempted to think that 'something' had changed in Iran, and that they must choose a different course [of action]. But they soon realized that in matters connected [to Iran's strategy against the U.S.,] the Iranian government implements the decisions of [Iranian Supreme] Leader [Ali Khamenei]... and that therefore [the U.S.] shouldn't pin any hopes on turnover in the Iranian government. This little flash of insight by the Americans, whose entire lives are foolishness, is in itself valuable."

[1] Kayhan, Iran, July 27, 2009.

False Propaganda Alert !!! Industries Targeted for Government Takeover ~ Bible Prophecy Today

False Propaganda Alert Industries Targeted for Government Takeover ~ Bible Prophecy Today

At some point in time you have to ask yourself just how gullible the author thinks his audience is?

If this were printed overseas it would be propaganda. As it is being used for a Political Post I would call it Politician Speaking.

Since it is listed as a Prophecy Piece, it has to be rated as False Prophecy and the only relationship to Prophecy is that of rejecting authority and acting like the Spirit of anti-christ.

Sadly, we need to pray for the author to repent, for he knows not what manner of spirit he writes from.

Michael James Stone