Saturday, July 2, 2011

Prophecy Today Q&A: "What Will We Know?" -Jack Kelley


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Jack Kelley

What Will We Know?

Q. I have a question regarding people after the Rapture/Resurrection. I’ve heard two different views, one being that we will know everything from the time we are raptured, everything that can be known we will know. The other view being that we will not know everything but will contently be learning and gaining new knowledge but we will never reach all knowledge. What does that Bible say, or at least, what is your thought on that matter?


A. The Bible says for now we only see shadows and fuzzy images of what’s to come, but after the rapture we will know fully, even as we are fully known (1 Cor. 13:12).  Scholars take that to mean that we will understand God’s plan as God understands us, completely.


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Prophecy Today Series: "The Kingdom, Power & Glory”(1) -Koinonia House


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The Kingdom, Power & Glory

by Nancy and Chuck Missler



Did you know that Daniel Webster, the famous 1800s statesman, was a born-again Christian? He was also known as a brilliant scholar who gave the most eloquent speeches ever delivered in Congress. One evening he was invited to lecture a group of congressmen. After dinner, the small talk didn’t interest him, so he got up and went into another room. The Chairman of the group was concerned, followed him and tried to engage him in a meaningful conversation: “Mr. Webster,” he asked, “tell me what is the greatest thought that has ever passed through your mind?” Webster immediately responded, “My accountability to God” (and he meant after he was saved!)

The most important thought that Daniel Webster ever had was “the importance of his accountability before the Lord,” as a Christian! He went on to say: “God puts us here and will someday judge us for the way we have treated Him and our fellow beings. This thought should be written in bold type on the tablets of our hearts.”1

This is really the subject of our new expanded and updated book, The Kingdom, Power and Glory, and the subject that we are going to be exploring over the next several months in our newsletter—the importance of our own accountability before God, after we are saved.

The way it all began with us is about three years ago, Chuck and I read a book called The Reign of the Servant Kings by Joseph Dillow and that experience began a series of events that totally changed the way we look at our own accountability before the Lord.

After being Christians for more than 50 years, what we learned then and what we have learned since then in our re-search for the new book has totally revolutionized our personal walks with the Lord. We consider the truths that we share in the book to be some of the most life-changing principles we’ve encountered since our new births.

We are passionate about this material because it has made the whole Bible come alive for us. Passages of Scripture that we have known for years are now taking on a new depth of understanding; passages that have stumped us are being enlightened; and passages we never saw before as millennial are now jumping off the page.

We pray that we’ll be able to adequately communicate some of what God has taught us and then you can take what you hear back to the Word of God and see if the Lord confirms the same thing to your hearts.

We are going to cover some controversial issues—issues that probably will go against some of your traditional views, as they did ours—so we encourage you, first to be open and teachable like Acts 17:11 tells us, but then check out everything out in God’s Word.

If intense warfare is any indication of the importance of a spiritual message, then this message has to be one of the most important messages we have ever given! Because the warfare in preparing for this book—and the DVD & CD series that ac-companies it—has been greater than anything we’ve ever faced in preparing other studies or materials.

So, get ready for a real roller-coaster ride as we begin to explore some of these things together.

One of God’s purposes for calling us as Christians is “to be conformed to His image.” We used to believe that to be the ex-tent of our calling. But, we’ve come to understand that God’s calling is far more extensive than that.

The real reason for our calling is to rule and reign as kings and priests with Christ in the coming Millennial Kingdom and after that for eternity. Genesis 1:26-28 and Revelation 5:9-10 are two Scriptures that confirm we were created for this very purpose. Thus, everything in the universe moves toward this goal.

Being conformed into His image is critically important (being a living example of Christ is what will bring other to Him), but the real purpose for our calling is to have positions of authority alongside of Christ in the coming Millennial Kingdom, and after that, in eternity.

But, here’s the catch: Our life here on earth is the training ground, the proving ground, and the testing ground for that privilege. In other words, it’s not a shoe-in! It doesn’t happen automatically! It’s doesn’t happen with-out effort!

The Millennial Kingdom that we will be talking about is not heaven; it’s that literal, physical kingdom on earth where Jesus Christ will reign in person for a thousand years. It’s a place where we will recognize each other, where we will have intimacy with the King of kings, and where we will have a chance to rule and reign alongside of Christ. (Micah 4:1-2)

When we say “rule and reign” with Christ (which we will mention quite often) we simply mean we will hold positions of authority (or levels of responsibility) that Christ will entrust to us. It might be authority over a country, over a state, a city, a town, or simply a housing complex. It will all depend upon our faithfulness here in this life.

Most Christians acknowledge the Millennial Kingdom to some degree or another, but many have no ideaas to what is required to enjoy a significant role there. We certainly didn’t. There are many Scriptures that talk about the requirements for ruling and reigning. For example: 2 Timothy 2:12 and Romans 8:17 which both tell us that only “if we suffer, will we reign with Him.”

Suffering in this context doesn’t mean being tortured in some far off prison. This type of suffering comes from denying ourselves. It comes from baring ourselves from following what we think and feel, and choosing instead to follow Christ. And, it’s true, when we deny our “flesh,” it often ispainful and we do suffer.

These are only two of the many Scriptures that talk about God’s requirements for ruling and reigning, yet many of us just skip over these passages.

Another example: We asked one young believer recently, “Does what you do here on earth as a believer influence your position in the coming kingdom?” He immediately responded, “Oh yeah, we get rewards or something like that!” That was the extent of his understanding. To be honest, that was the extent of our own understanding until a few years ago. “Oh, yeah, at the Judgment Seat of Christ we get rewards or some-thing like that!”

Many of us don’t understand that not only our rewards, but also our place of responsibility in this future kingdom will ei-ther be won or lost according to our faithfulness in this life.

2 Corinthians 5:10 talks about the Judgment Seat of Christ and tells us that all Christians will be judged there according to what they have done, either for good or for bad. This judgment is a judicial evaluation not only of the good we have done; but also for the bad. It’s here that our position in the coming kingdom will be determined. So, this judgment seat is not just for rewards!

Erwin Lutzer, Pastor of Moody Church in Chicago and author of One Minute After You Die, said: “The assumption that rewards are nothing more than crowns is false in my opinion. Rewards have more to do with levels of responsibility that will be given to us. When we become more like Him we will be qualified to share with Him in the inheritance, and to work with Him in important positions of high responsibility over the whole universe.”

Colossians 3:24 calls it the “reward of inheritance.”

Consequently, there is an urgent need in the Christian body for a renewed recognition of our own personal accountability before the Lord (after we have been saved), just as Daniel Webster said. It’s essential that we have a “kingdom perspective” where we see our lives here on earth in the context of eternity. We must understand that once we are saved, we are still responsible for what we do with the rest of our lives here and now.

It isn’t “cheap grace”! Effective faith is more than just belief. It’s more than just knowing the Scriptures! And it’s more than just going to church on Sundays. Saving faith is learning how to be a partaker of Christ’s Life––which means not only receiving His Life at our new birth (being born again), but also living His Life every day!

The Bible calls these kind of sanctified Christians (those who partake of His Life) “overcomers.” And the Lord promises some incredible things to these overcomers: “He that overcometh shall inherit all things, and I will be his God, and he shall be My son.” (Revelation 21:7)

Both of us have been Christians for more than 50 years and we are only just now seeing the importance not only of becoming overcomers, but also of our own personal accountability before the Lord. We don’t want other believers to have to wait 50 years in order to see and understand these things. We want to help them know now what “the hope of their calling” is and understand now what the “riches of their inheritance” are in the coming kingdom. (Ephesians 1:17, 18) We want them to see that they are deciding today what kind of Millennium they will enjoy tomorrow.

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Prophecy Article Today: "What Is your World View?" - Rapture Ready


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What Is your World View?


By Gene Lawley

Like a telescope with an automatic focusing mechanism, current events are bringing into sharp display the contrasting world views that are seeking to dominate this globe we live on.  These end-time entities have long been evident, but never have they jockeyed into position so clearly as they are today.

There appear to be three opposing world views that seek to capture the allegiance of mankind in these last days:  The secular world view; the religious world view; and the biblical world view.

The Secular World View

This secular view is both economic and political and is determined to accomplish its purpose without admission of God or submission to God.  It is almost as old as time, itself, at least reaching back to the Tower of Babel, when mankind was clearly engaged in an effort to “reach the heavens” without the assistance of the Almighty.  God said, in Genesis 11:5-8, “But the LORD came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men had built.  And the LORD said, ‘Indeed the people are one and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do; now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them.  Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one another's speech.’  So the LORD scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth, and they ceased building the city.”

Secular history confirms the forward-looking prophecy of Daniel that describes the four world-dominating kingdoms he saw in his visions.  The Apostle John, looking back beyond Daniel and forward to his day, and further, to our day, sees a series of seven world-dominating kingdoms (Revelation 13:1).  The one existing in John’s era was the kingdom ofRome, and he envisioned that it would die, then rise again in the latter days as ten united entities encompassing the whole world.  (Those prior to Rome were Assyria, Egypt, Babylon, Medo-Persian, and Greece.)

One might wonder where the global presence of the British Empire fits into the scenario, having extended its colonial expansion to the extent that it claimed that “the sun never sets on the British Empire”.

Out of that British outreach came the American colonies, and then, the United States of America.  Where does it fit into the world view?

These have their roots in the Roman domination and expansion, and it is becoming evident that they are continuing to be an integral part of that original entity and its current restoration.

While John identified with Daniel the kingdoms, he also identified the driving force inherent in these dominating world powers over the expanse of their respective existences.  In Revelation 12 he describes Satan as a fiery red dragon,having seven heads and ten horns on his heads.  It is practically the same description as John gives in Chapter 13 when he sees the beast rise up out of the sea. 

Therefore, it appears that this secular world view’s driving force in its effort to control mankind by economic and political means is Satanic.  The cruelty and disregard of human life that has been displayed in secondary splinter philosophies, such as the Nazi, Communist and Japanese Imperial forces in recent years, and others over the centuries, have revealed Satan’s control of the secular world view.

Where is the secular world view now, in its progress to world dominance?  Its proponents are busier than ever, destroying the sovereignty of nations and their economies, toppling dictatorships, arranging peace treaty discussions between Israel and the Palestinians, and working on a plan to establish a ten region confederacy of nations without individual sovereignty—a one world government.

Its major “burr under its saddle blanket”, apart from the seemingly reluctant downfall of United States sovereignty, is that constant harassment of unsettled relationships in theMiddle East, the senseless, ongoing Israeli-Palestinian squabble.  What a pity it is that the world’s great utopia must wait while tempers flare with age-old hatreds that make no sense, in light of the coming glorious reformation of the world social order.  (I write facetiously, of course.)

Without a doubt it is a sure thing that a shadow group of elite financiers have been promoting this secular world view for many years, and it appears their deepest desires are no longer as secret as they have been in the past.  Dr. Henry Kissinger is on record announcing that “Barack Obama has been primed to create a new world order”.  It may be surprising that Kissinger, a former Secretary of State in the Nixon administration and not generally thought of as one aligned with liberal political views, would have had anything to do with the Obama presidency, but those who are planning for a one world government have no other political loyalties—including that of national heritage.

The Religious World View

Another segment of the world population has its eyes set on dominating all people, one way or another, is that of the Islamic faith—the Muslims.  They are gradually out-numbering the non-Muslims in physical reproduction by about 4 to 1.  The figure is over eight children per Muslim family, compared to two or less per non-Muslim family.  Major European nations are now experiencing Muslim population explosions (no pun intended) and America is certainly in its cross-hairs.

Studies have shown that as the percentage of a population is increasingly Muslim, the demands for rulings that favor their doctrines are advanced amid terrorism and violence.  The outcry is essentially, “become Muslim or die”.  Thus, the whole world is viewed as conquerable in the name of Allah, and the Islamic goal is toward that end. 

How is it that this view can co-exist with the secular world view?   The seculars think they can use the radical Muslims to break down the sovereignty of nations, just as is the goal of that religious viewpoint, and come out on the final end as the only just and right victor.  With the seculars, there is no God who figures into the mix.  God is a non-entity to these modernTower of Babel descendents, and therefore, in the final analysis and coming enlightenment, that issue will disappear.

Revelation 13 tells us that a false prophet will appear alongside the Anti-Christ and work in tandem with his dominating moves to conquer the world.  Current headlines tell us that inter-faith movements are being pushed by political figures, even, while leading church clergy are abandoning their evangelical roots to embrace the “politically correct” pressure to compromise the gospel message of Christ only, always.  A Nigerian-originated combination of Christianity and Islamic doctrines, called “Chrislam”, has surfaced in recent days.

How will this merge into the end-time religious system described in the Apostle John’s Revelation now appears unclear, since that prophetic picture seems to point to Rome, the city on seven hills  (Revelation 17).  That same chapter ties together the beast, the Anti-Christ, the one-world government, the religious system and the woman in one giant package.  It also reveals the total rejection of the religious system by the Anti-Christ, for he will declare himself God and demand total submission of all mankind.

Reality, however, has a better offer, and the God of eternity stands behind the scenes as they unfold before the eyes of the world.

The Biblical World View

The God of the Bible is described in these terms in Psalm 90:2:  “Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever You had formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, You are God.”  Considering the meaning of these words, not a lot more needs to be said of those lesser world views.  They are the ones being used to accomplish a totally different world view, one that has been in place eternally.

Paul writes to Titus these words:  “…in hope of eternal life which God, who cannot lie, promised before time began” (Titus 1:2).  Is there any other world view that gives such long-standing hope and assurance?

The biblical world view now has on its doorstep welcome mat a barrage of predictions becoming realities—geophysical upheavals, economic crises, warring factions and political uncertainties.  Looming on the horizon are several predicted events that will lead up to the seemingly successful secular world view, interwoven with threads of the religious world view, although perhaps not so consistent with the intent of today’s view of that faction.

What are those events waiting in the wings?  The circle of enemies around Israel’s very borders, filled with hatred and a burning desire to see Israel no more existing, their anguish for a Palestinian state and the demise of Israel will likely result in the confrontation described in Psalm 83.

God’s miraculous delivery of Israel from the intended destruction and demise will result in serious considerations for a peace agreement that favors Israel and its even newer borders.  As this discussion begins to take shape, a very strange event may well be next on the schedule, and that is the sudden disappearance of millions of people from off the face of the earth, in the twinkling of an eye.

Reading Paul’s account of the occurrence and the connecting context, the flow of the events seems to give an idea of their timing and relationships (I Thess-alonians 4:16-5:4):  “For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first.  Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.  And thus we shall always be with the Lord. Therefore, comfort one another with these words.

  But concerning the times and the seasons, brethren, you have no need that I should write to you, for you know perfectlythat the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night.  For when they say, “Peace and safety!”, then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman, and they shall not escape.  But you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as a thief.”

This Day of the Lord seems to be the beginning of the “time of Jacob’s trouble”, (Jeremiah 30:7) the seven-year period of judgment on the world and the Jewish recognition of their true Messiah.  The details of the rapture of believers is identified as that Day of the Lord, and it is in the “times and seasons” when a certain covenant is confirmed (Daniel 9:27) for seven years, acknowledged by a cry of “Peace and safety”.  Within the timing of these events is when all true believers will hear that trumpet blast and will be transformed from mortal to immortal, in the twinkling of an eye.  This will occur before that man of sin, the Anti-Christ, will confirm that covenant, for he will not be revealed until the believers are taken out of the way (II Thessalonians 2:7-8).

All of the events of the final 70th year of Daniel’s prophecy then will begin to play out, as described in Revelation 6 and following, including the Gog-Magog invasion from the far north—Russia, Persia (Iran), and others.

When are the “times and seasons”?  It is apparent that they are now, for what other “covenant for peace” could one envision than the one now being considered?  How soon will the burning anger and hatred for Israel, worldwide, boil over into the Psalm 83 scenario?  How much longer will the secular world view proponents’ patience hold in place?  The reshaping of Middle East political entities portends an awesome immediate future of deep trouble for Israel.  The fire is hot and the pot is boiling.  Is it not even at the door?






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Prophecy Video Series: "Chuck Missler - Israel & the Last Days (1-6)" pt 1 -Chuck Missler

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Daily News: "Rapture Ready News" Friday 01 July 2011

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02 Jul 11

Report: Iran smuggled weapons to Iraq, Afghanistan
The Iranian military smuggled new deadly munitions to its allies in Iraq and Afghanistan in recent months in order to accelerate the US withdrawals from these countries, The Wall Street Journal reported Citing unnamed US officials, the newspaper said the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps has supplied its allies with rocket-assisted projectiles, which have already killed American troops.  

Jordan's PM reshuffles Cabinet
A top government official says Jordan's prime minister is reshuffling his Cabinet. The official says seven Cabinet members will go as part of Saturday's reshuffle of the 27-member government. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he is not allowed to release the information before an official announcement is made.  

Hamas slams Greece for blocking departure of Gaza-bound flotilla
Hamas criticized Greece on Friday for blocking the departure of the flotilla set to sail to Gaza, accusing Greece of playing into Israel’s hands, AFP reported. AFP quotes Hamas as saying Greece’s action is “inhumane” and “contrary to international regulations and norms.” "Barring this aid from reaching the Gaza Strip is done as a result of pressure imposed by the Zionist occupiers," the statement also said.  

Bahrain: Sunni leaders begin talks with Shia groups
Talks between Bahrain's Sunni-led government and the majority Shia opposition are under way. King Hamad Bin Issa Al Khalifa has said all options are on the table for the meeting, which is being attended by al-Wifaq, the main Shia opposition bloc. The discussions follow months of anti-government protests that have killed more than 30 people.  

Russia plans Arctic army brigades
Russia's defence minister has said he plans to create two specialist army brigades to be based in the Arctic. The announcement comes days after Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said Russia would strongly defend its interests in the region. The brigades could be based in Murmansk, Arkhangelsk or other areas, Russian news agencies reported.  

Libya: Muammar Gaddafi threatens Europe
Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi has threatened to attack Europe in revenge for Nato's operations in Libya. Col Gaddafi said Libya would target European "homes, offices, families" unless Nato stopped its campaign. He spoke via an audio message broadcast to tens of thousands of supporters gathered in a central Tripoli square.  

Panetta sees 'tough budget choices' at Pentagon
Newly installed US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta has pledged to maintain the "excellence" of the US military while promising "tough budget choices". "I do not believe in the false choice between fiscal discipline and a strong national defence," he wrote in a letter to the Pentagon. Mr Panetta, sworn in on Friday, promised to be a strong advocate for the troops and their families.  

'German far right is less obvious, more dangerous'
'Der Spiegel' reports that right-wing activists, neo-Nazis, are ditching classic garb, increasing tendency towards using violence for cause. The skinhead image of the neo-Nazi is undergoing an aesthetics change, Der Spiegel reported Saturday, making Germany's far right "less conspicuous but more dangerous."  

Foreign Ministry denies Irish claim of flotilla sabotage
...Israel was not behind the engine damage caused to an Irish ship participating in the Gaza-bound flotilla, Foreign Ministry officials said on Saturday. Turkish newspaper Hurriyet Daily News reported Friday that the damage caused to the Irish ship might not be a result of sabotage at all. According to the report, investigations have also revealed that the ship was damaged before it entered Turkish waters.  


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