Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Emergent Church~Jack Kelley~update by Michael James Stone

Emergent Church

I have a question regarding the rapid growth of the emergent church and I wonder if you could explain this movement to me in more detail. I had always thought that the real Church would be the one falling away from the false teachings going on in organized religion today.

Q. Again thank you so much for your knowledge and faith.

I have a question regarding the rapid growth of the emergent church and I wonder if you could explain this movement to me in more detail. I had always thought that the real Church would be the one falling away from the false teachings going on in organized religion today. Not falling away from OUR FATHER, but false religion.Thanks again.

A. The Emergent Church is also known as the Seeker Friendly or Seeker Sensitive movement. It was begun a few years back as a way to bring more people to church on Sundays. The Gospel is de-emphasized in favor of a less threatening message with a focus on entertainment and socialization. The idea is to attract as many people as possible into a church setting thinking that some of them would want to learn more about Jesus on their own.

Although the movement has attracted a great many people who wouldn’t otherwise have gone to church, it’s criticized by traditionalists for not providing clear guidance into a born-again relationship. After all the point of Christianity, they say, isn’t to spend Sunday mornings in a building singing and laughing with a bunch of people, but to secure our place in eternity and learn how to live in a manner pleasing to God while we wait.

The phrase falling away comes from 2 Thes. 2:3 where it’s also called the rebellion. The Greek word it comes from is the one from which we get apostasy, which is the act of abandoning the truth. So it’s not the true church falling away from false doctrine, but the exact opposite.


Related Posts:

  1. Do We condemn or convince?
One of the biggest splits in the Early Jesus Movement was Vineyard and Calvary Chapel. In a simplified anlysis:

Calvary Chapel put the Word or Bible First over experience.
Vineyard put the Experience of the Holy Spirit First.

We who were there, could have fought tooth and nail to argue fine points of what God was doing, but God used Calvary Chapel......


God used Vineyard.

Eventually God allowed the Toronto Blessing to occur.....it nearly destroyed Vineyard Ministries and aftermath is still around, an Experience that taught the leaders well.

I recall a wise statement Chuck Smith told me once, He said, we will watch and see what you are calling this new blessing and if the Holy Spirit is leading you, then you go, but as we are also Blessed by God, we will continue as God leads us.

I do not know WHO is in fact a bonafide off the wall account of a "seeker friendly" or a User Friendly, or a Emergent Church.

I do know the gospel and Jesus radically shook up established religion by saving the poor, sinners, destitute, prostitute and Tax collectors and he went where they were no matter where they were....

So I say the Doctrine may be off, but until YOU ACTUALLY see for yourself, or a factual texting of a sermon is presented:
  1. Be careful who you label
  2. Check your facts first
  3. Pray First for the people and the ministry
  4. Seek to Ask to speak and listen to the Pastor
  5. Watch to see if people "are" getting saved.
  6. See if they mention the name "Jesus"
We can resist the false spirits that are out there, and we can STAND against emerging ideas if they contradict scripture and we know why and how they do, but we do have to be careful as to individuals who often have no idea what you are talking about when you label them something they do not know.

Genuine Miracles actually occur at some of the biggest charlatans in Christendoms History because God will Judge the Minister, but he will Do as He chooses to do as He wills and not our will.

In the Winter, I will go to a Emergent Church and repost back.

On the Doctrine I can find fault, on the presentation, I ahve yet to see.

Michael James Stone

I Protest! Do You? (Gay Parade in Jerusalem)~Tamar Yonah, update Michael James Stone

I Protest! Do You?

Tammuz 3, 5769, 6/25/2009

I protest the Gay Pride Parade taking place in Jerusalem today. I just want to make that clear to all. Today, my brothers and sisters who practice what the Torah says is an 'abominable' act, are going to march down the streets of Jerusalem, G-d's Holy City, the holiest city in the world, essentially laughing at G-d and telling Him they are going to re-define what is moral and right. Lest someone think that these LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender, Queer -[their use of words, not mine]) marchers have no where to go, only several days ago, they executed a Gay Pride Parade in Tel Aviv. Now there is to be a march in Holy Jerusalem today.

Over a thousand police are expected to be placed on the streets (and just as an aside the Jerusalemites who are mostly dead set against this, will have to pay for this). The Jerusalem Open House (a type of homosexual center) has their website stating the reason they exist is …. "The Jerusalem Open House (JOH) is a grassroots, activist organization of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered people, and allies.

Since 1997, we have worked to make our city a place where all people are free to seek self-fulfillment. Our greatest challenge is a tradition of conformist heterosexism that continues to be enforced by almost all social institutions in Israel, including the family, the school, the state, and the religious establishment. This challenge is especially formidable in Jerusalem, a city of traditional values and deeply rooted religious commitments."

What one can make of this is that they are waging war against the values that not only Jews, but also Christians and Moslems hold as the foundation for keeping the family, society, and mankind in an ethical and enlightened state of existence. G-d would not have commanded Man to abstain from something that he made them not able to abstain from. To my knowledge, with all the money that has been funded for scientists to try to find a gene proving that people are 'born this way' , no solid proof of a homosexual gene has ever been found. People may have 'tendencies' to not want to be monogamous, or want to be promiscuous, or even want to be with family members or little children. To seek 'self-fulfillment' in this way is not the way G-d wants Mankind to act. We are on a higher level than animals and other creatures and need to behave in a moral manner.

I have covered the last 4 parades in Israel. I don't ever recall seeing any signs carried in them that cry for lack of equal rights. No signs complaining of unequal pay, etc. It has always been a message of free sex, no borders (whatever THAT means, and I am scared to even think about what 'no borders' in sex means).

There is a lot more one can say on this issue, but for brevity's sake, I will simply ask you all, that since we did not organize far in advance to prevent this parade, like the LGBTQ's did do in planning it, and now there is little if anything we can do about the parade, we CAN do what we CAN do. We CAN at least try to add more holiness to this world as they march with their message of breaking 'conformist heterosexism' and defying the Torah.

Rabbi Dr. Nachum Amsel writes in an article about the Torah's view of sexual abberations:

The Torah clearly states its views about the act of homosexuality. The act of homosexuality i.e. two men having sexual relations, is prohibited.


The act is twice called a Toaiva-an abomination“ and it is such a severe sin, that it merits the death penalty in a Jewish court system.


If not for the fact that homosexuality is prevalent in Western Society today, there would be little controversy about this Torah sin. It is clearly forbidden and never condoned anywhere in the Torah.

The very context of the prohibition SOURCE1 shows the Torah view. It is couched between the prohibitions of child sacrifice (to an idol) and bestiality (sexual relations with an animal). In most countries today, these two acts are considered abhorrent and contrary to modern values. It is only because homosexuality is relatively widespread and condoned by many people that it seems that the Torah is —out of step“with the real world."

There are millions and millions of people living today who believe in the Bible and do NOT agree with hosting and enabling Gay Pride parades or any sexually promiscuous parades for that matter. What people do in the privacy of their own bedroom is between them, their partner and G-d. However, bringing it to the public streets where our children are exposed to this promiscuity now forces us and MAKES IT OUR BUSINESS. Therefore we are obligated to act.
It's inter
esting that today marks the third anniversary of IDF Cpl. Gilad Shalit being held as prisoner by the Hamas terror organization in the Palestinian Authority, Gaza. If these people really cared about human rights, they'd be carrying signs for his immediate release, not their own sexual fulfillment.

It's interesting that today marks the third anniversary of IDF Cpl. Gilad Shalit being held as prisoner by the Hamas terror organization in the Palestinian Authority, Gaza. If these people really cared about human rights, they'd be carrying signs for his immediate release, not their own sexual fulfillment.

So, what now? What CAN we do? One can go and protest. And one can try to even out the scales. While they are parading their promiscuous lifestyles down the streets this late afternoon, we can be saying Tehilim (Psalms). We can be begging G-d for mercy, pray deeply from our hearts and do tshuva (repent), and then go out and do an extra good deed to back up our prayers and implement them into action.

What good deed will that be? Perhaps to do a favor for someone, call an older person and make them less lonely, give charity to a worthy organization or a poor person, tell someone in your family or a co-worker how much you appreciate them, … I am sure you can think of other and perhaps even better things you can do to make this 'negative' situation into a 'positive'.

Rabbi Dr. Nachum Amsel adds in his article : Hillel the Elder said —Be like the student of Aaron, who loved peace, loved all people and brought them closer to Torah.“ That is to say that this is our task for those people who are distant from God‘s Torah. For there is a Mitzvah to hate them, those who sin but also a Mitzvah to love them, and both (emotions) are correct. Hatred for the evil that is within them, and love for the good what is buried within them, that is the spark of God.

I am asking you all to write a talk back, please, include a good deed that you will COMMIT to do to counter off the 'tumah' (spiritual impurity) that will be spilled onto the streets of Jerusalem today. I protest! Do you?


Life Liberty and the pursuit of Gay Pride?

I am sorry, I am not a Pro Quo God made America or this is a Christian Nation, I know my history to well.

I am against Homosexuality. No apologies. No excuses. I hear too many contradictions by Christians excusing the behaviour by assuming it is a personal sexual preference;

  1. No it is Not.
It is someone holding a loaded gun and pointing at you and me and saying I have rights, I have privileges and I have freedom to exercise them.

  1. No you don't.

Because you are jeopardizing the life of the people around you.

God decided eventually to Walk in and See for Himself what was going on. He Came, He saw, He left and He wiped out every MAN , WOMAN and CHILD in two cities.

Care to play Truth or Dare with God?

The Truth is, are you Lot or Abraham?

Are you tolerating sin and willing to give your children up to a child molestation, rape, sin?
Lot Did.

Lot still got saved, but not because of Lot, but because someone asomewhere was praying for Him. Someone negotiated for Him. Someone bargained for Him: Abraham.

You know what you are called to do: So are you Lot or Abraham?

Protest now, or you will be fleeing later........,

America....home of the Free and the Gay.

Michael James Stone

Israel to Nab Russian, Iranian Nukes ~ Bible Prophecy Today ~ I don't Think So Michael James Stone

Bible Predicts: Israel to Nab Russian, Iranian Nukes ~ Bible Prophecy Today

Israel to Nab Russian, Iranian Nukes ~ Bible Prophecy Today I Don't Think So~Michael James Stone

I have a real problem when impractical gets to impossible and their is enough good in the post to not promote a wild idea like using Nuclear Arsenals from Russia or Iran.

Israel isn't interested. Period.

It has and sells fissionable fuel to India (or has) and does in fact sell to countries arms and development.

The post above presumes a "weak and inferior" Israeli Nuclear arsenal that even experts are amazed at Israeli ingenuity for redeveloping and redeploying inferior American Technologies, then selling them back to us.

Israel does not need Russia Nukes or Iran fissionable material, period.

Another KEY PHRASE used in the post is the "RETHINK" which in Christian Prophecy Political Correctness is: We were wrong so now we want to change our mind.

Words like "if" , 'may be", possible, "many scholars" "some" "without getting into details" are all ways of avoiding accountability, responsibility, and factual Prophecy scholarship.

In other words if it was a Used Car, it would be "like new".

To show the difference in style here is my Response.

Israel will NOT nab or use Nuclear Fuel or nuclear weapons from Russia.

Notice I said "Nuclear" because WNB does sensationalize a lot so they added the Word nuclear to the prophecy because people know Ezekiel does describe a Nuclear type incident where God intervenes, but No where does it say Israel uses Gog or Magog's Nuclear Weapons....

Weapons or that which is left behind maybe, but try picking up pieces from a Nuclear Blast....I am sure it's usable to someone, just not Israel.

Israeli, as shocking to some as this is, DOES NOT WANT TO EXPAND.

Israel, wants Peace. Period.

When Persia and Gog, and Magog are defeated, Israel isn't going to go move in, they know better. They DON'T want another nations peoples or lands.

Europe might and certainly Fear of Israel might fall on the World to start a Crusade of anti-Israeli sentiment, or worse, a treaty to rebuild Israel where EU and UN comes in to HELP RESTORE Israel after the Russian Invasion....

Now that is plausible for Prophecy....especially as it would make a treaty to rebuild, restore and renew, Israel, after a huge onslaught, acceptable to the average Israeli.

The problem withe making vague posts like the one above is the reader is left with fear based on no facts rather than pointed to Jesus and reassurance God said it, how he said it, when he said it, they way he said it, and will fulfill what he said, the way he said, the way he chooses.

Listening or reading to posts like this I want maple syrup to go with the waffles because someone is serving waffles for breakfast to earn their bread and butter.

"PROVE ALL THINGS (especially prophecy authors, bloggers, posters, pundits)
Hold Fast that which is Good"

Michael James Stone

Senate Will Approve Sotomeyor~ Bible Prophecy Today follow up~Rush Limbaugh

Senate Will Approve Sotomeyor ~ Bible Prophecy Today Follow up by Rush Limbaugh

Follow Up to This By Rush Limbaugh:

As Hearings Kick Off, Democrats Focus on Sotomayor v. El Rushbo
July 13, 2009

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RUSH: All right, to the audio sound bites involving the hearings with Sonia Sotomayor. This is very important, actually. It's a lifetime appointment that will affect this nation for decades. Sotomayor will be involved in rulings that impact the next generation. And I don't care about flash polls. I don't care what Chuck-U Schumer says. What I care about is that Obama has nominated a radical who reflects his beliefs. Remember, the importance of these hearings. Like Lindsey Graham is out there saying, "Well, she's probably going to make it barring the meltdown." Well, then why do the hearings, Lindsey? Look, there's politics here. This woman... If done right -- and the Republicans got off to a good start today -- these hearings could help inform the country about who Barack Obama is because this woman, Sonia Sotomayor, is a reflection.

She is a radical. She reflects the beliefs of Barack Obama, including his own racial attitudes. Conservatives and Republicans must not only expose her but they have to vote against her. This empathy business? Empathy is another word for activism. Sessions was great on that today. The truth is that a judge who uses empathy to rule is not empathetic. This is the interesting thing. Empathy means that you're able to feel the circumstances of other persons. It's not sympathy. You don't have to feel sorry for them. You empathize, you relate to them, you understand the hard times they've had in their lives.

A judge who uses empathy to rule is not empathetic. Sotomayor is abusing her position to punish someone because of their race or their income, which has nothing to do with justice. This is perverse. "Empathy" means you understand who's been disadvantaged for whatever reasons and then you go after them, and you give them preference and weight. She's an affirmative action judge. Call it whatever you want. Now, the Democrats want to make this all about Sotomayor versus me. We have a spot, a new ad run by a liberal Latina organization called "Presente Action." They have a website called DenunciaRush.com. DenunciaRush.com and they're running these radio ads in Florida against John Mica and Adam Putnam.

ANNOUNCER (translated from Spanish): Sonia Sotomayor is set to be the first Latina, and Puerto Rican, to serve on the US Supreme Court. It is a proud moment for our community. Yet Republican leaders insist on attacking her:

RUSH ARCHIVE: She doesn't have any intellectual depth. She's an angry woman. She's a bigot. She's a racist.

ANNOUNCER (translated from Spanish): That's Republican leader Rush Limbaugh calling Judge Sotomayor a racist and a bigot. It's insulting to all Latinos and Americans. We asked Republican Congressman John Mica if he would denounce Limbaugh's words. His response? Silence. Let's put a stop to the hate. Call Congressman Mica (R-FL) today. 407-657-8080. Tell him to condemn this language.

RUSH: Must have hit home on that one if they're running ads out there trying to denounce -- they've got a whole website called DenunciaRush.com because I called her a "racista," a "racista and a bigot," and they're taking that... By the way, I sounded pretty good in that sound bite, don't you think? I'm the only one in English in the whole bite, but you get the drift here. The last line of this: "We asked Republican Congressman John Mica if he would denounce Limbaugh's words. His response? Silencio." Silence. So from that we were able to glean how Pat "Depends -- Leaky Depends" Leahy would open the hearings today.

LEAHY: Unfortunately some have sought to twist her words and her record and to engage in partisan political attacks. Ideological pressure groups began attacking her even before the president made his selection. They then stepped up their attacks by threatening Republican senators who do not oppose her. That's not the American way, and that should not be the Senate way.

RUSH: Jeez.

LEAHY: I think we have a high responsibility to base any criticism we have on a fair and honest statement of the facts, and that nomination not be subjected to distortions of their records.

RUSH: This is just absurd. I mean, this is a guy that seeks to destroy every Republican nominee that comes up there. "It's not the American way. It's not the Senate way." Partisan political attacks? Here's the woman comes out and says a wise Latina would rule better than an average white guy. Her ruling was overturned, the Ricci firemen ruling in New Haven, Connecticut. During these hearings all the senators get their open statement. Sotomayor still hasn't said a word. She's just sitting there beaming, and not beaming when the Republicans are speaking (except for Lindsey Grahamnesty) and these blowhards are going through their opening statements and telling everybody how important they are. They're creating sound bites for their reelection efforts. Here's Russ Feingold. Now, Cookie, who put the audio sound bites together, is convinced Feingold was talking about me even though they don't even mention my name.

FEINGOLD: I'm glad, however, that Judge So-to-may-or will finally have an opportunity to answer some of the unsubstantiated charges that have been made against her. One attack that I find particularly shocking is the suggestion that she will be biased against some litigants because of her racial and ethnic heritage. This charge is not based on anything in her judicial record, because there's absolutely nothing in the hundreds of opinions she has written to support it. That long record which is obviously the most relevant evidence we have to evaluate her, demonstrates a cautious and careful approach to judging. Instead, a few lines from a 2001 speech taken out of context, have prompted some to charge she's a racist.

RUSH: Uh-huh. And she is. She's racist and she's bigoted. Look, if words still mean things, then she is. "A wise Latina would be far better" to make judgments because of her "rich background" as a wise Latina than your average white guy, an average white male. Now, we may not want to face the hard reality of the definitions of words but there's no other way to characterize what she's talking about. Also, he says here that there's nothing in her judicial record to support this. Well, what about being overturned all these times by the Supreme Court? What about the Ricci case that was just overturned? She didn't even delve into the constitutional issues of that case. She simply decided against the white firefighters. There's no question what the woman is. She reflects the racial anger, attitude that Obama has. They both have used that anger to advance themselves throughout their careers. Next up, it was Dianne Feinstein from San Francisco, and they had a little problem here in the middle of Feinstein.

FEINSTEIN: Everything in your record to indicate you --

MAN: (shouting)

LEAHY: (banging gavel)

MAN: (shouting)

LEAHY: The Senate...! The Senate will...! The -- the police will remove that man! Let me make very clear: There will be no outbursts allowed in this committee either for or against the nominee, either for or against any position that Senator Sessions or I or any other Senator will have. This is a hearing of the United States Senate. We will have order and we will have decorum.

RUSH: Now, this bite -- because the screaming starts and the gavel pounds and Leahy starts yelling -- you can't hear everything that the abortion protester said, but what he said was, "Stop the genocide of unborn Latinos." He was a ponytail guy. He looked Hispanic, but I don't know. But he was screaming, "What about abortions? Stop the genocide of unborn Latinos," and that's when they jumped into gear and they got the guy out of there. A little fireworks early on. Here's Jeff Sessions laying out what the hearing is all about.

SESSIONS: Our legal system is at a dangerous crossroads. Down one path is a traditional American system so admired around the world where judges impartially apply the law to the facts without regard to personal views. This is the compassionate system because it's the fair system. In the American legal system courts do not make law or set policy, because allowing unelected officials to make law will strike at the heart of our democracy. Down the other path lies a Brave New World where words have no true meaning, and judges are free to decide what facts they choose to see. In this world, a judge is free to push his or her own political or social agenda. I reject that view and Americans reject that view.

RUSH: That's Jeff Sessions, the Republican leader on the Senate Judiciary Committee. He was good, and all that followed. They were all that followed. They're pretty unified with all this. Before we go to the break, he was so good. The State-Run Media had to rebut Sessions, and what we have here, this is Matthews. Chrissy! Chris Matthews talking with Richard Wolffe of Newsweek. "This fight between Republicans, Democrats today across the board, you're saying," O wise one?

WOLFFE: It's not just about Sotomayor. This is a proxy battle about President Obama. Does he represent core American values? Can you trust his woooord? Is he in league with some foreign power? This is codeword for stuff that we all know circulates on the extreme of the conservative movement. This is --

MATTHEWS: That somehow a world government is going to come into Nebraska --

WOLFFE: (clucking)

MATTHEWS: -- or in Idaho and take away your guns and then take you away.

WOLFEE: Take away -- or take away your private property for a shopping mall.

RUSH: I think that happened not in Nebraska. It happened in New London, Connecticut, did it not? Liberal enclave, did it not? Did not the Supreme Court take away someone's home to build a shopping mall that has not been built? All right. Why would people be worried it could happen to them if it's already happened in New London, Connecticut? Why would people be worried about that? Is that paranoia? Is that extremism? All right, quick time-out. We're coming back. We've got more. Stay with us.


RUSH: we have crashed, ladies and gentlemen, we have crashed DenunciaRush.com. They are at the moment finito. DenunciaRush has been crashed. So Russ Feingold, a couple of words that Sonia Sotomayor said taken out of context. You mean like Macaca? George Allen saying Macaca? We heard about that for weeks and months as the Washington Post and the Democrats sought to destroy Allen. He'd been a congressman, a governor, and a senator. Sotomayor's comments are much worse than Macaca, and they're frequent, and they are long held. You see how this race thing works, folks. If you're a liberal nothing you say can be held against you. And then Richard Wolffe, the British guy in the last sound bite, (muttering) "Take private property in Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, and open a shopping mall." Well, this is a guy that has written a kiss-up book on Obama, is a failure. Renegade is the book, number 217 on Amazon. Nobody is buying Richard Wolffe's book and nobody is reading it. What do you think the G8 cap and trade and all the rest is about, Richard, you dunce? It's about the transference of wealth. It's about the redistribution of wealth. It is about the expansion of government and the loss of individual liberty. What do you think Kyoto and its success are all about?

These libs make no sense. They talk about being global citizens and sophisticated and urbane. When you call 'em on it then they call you a nut. Richard Wolffe, yeah, it's Richard Wolffe who wrote the Obama book, Renegade, number 217 on Amazon. I don't know what it is in Coeur d'Alene, Iowa. 217. I don't know what it is in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. It was just a slip of the tongue. Coming up, Colin Powell, this was last Sunday when I was already on the golf trip. But we told you we had the preview of what he was going to say because CNN was using it to promote their Sunday show, State of the Union, and he chimed in on me and called me a nonelected official, a problem for the Republican Party and so forth.

Read the Background Material...

The Hill: Sessions Says Sotomayor 'Prejudiced'
Washington Times: Graham: Sotomayor Confirmation Likely Unless 'Meltdown'
Reuters: Republicans Fight Obama Supreme Court Choice
American Thinker: What Ricci Says About Sotomayor - and Obama

*Note: Links to content outside RushLimbaugh.com usually become inactive over time.
The Answer for a Christian is simple: Pray for Sotomayor.

Whether appointed or not is irrelevant to God, but her salvation is. We are not called to fix the World or Save the Supreme Court, We are told to change the heart of man and the World would conform.

The only way.....The ABSOLUTE only way to change the heart of Men in politics, supreme court, or next door is Jesus.

Michael James Stone

Arab Jews~Tamar Yonah & Follow up by Michael James Stone

Arab Jews
Tammuz 7, 5769, 6/29/2009

Some are calling them Jewish Palestinians. The fact is, that there are Arabs today who are living in Israel and the Palestinian Authority who are outwardly Moslem, but claim they are really Jewish.

"Up to 85 percent of the Arabs living between Jordan and the sea are
Jews in one way or another, and at least the half of them know it." says Tsvi Misinai, a Researcher & Hi-Tech entrepreneur who is working on a unique project to - in his words- try to bring peace to Israel.

"In 1012, about a thousand years ago, there was a decree here [in the Land of Israel] by the Fatimid Khalif, called El-Hakim. And the decree stated that whoever is not converting to Islam has to leave the country. At that time, the majority of the Christians left, and the population that remained here was mainly the people of Israel [Jews], that had to convert to Islam externally, but at home, they had been like Marranos (anusim) [the Jews from Spain who were forced to convert to Christianity) they continued with [their] Judaism." . Misinai shared this information that few people know about, on Israel National Radio's Weekend Edition.

Misinai, and the team he works with, including Arabs themselves, are on a mission trying to bring peace to Israel through a one-state/nation solution. Educating Arabs that they most likely stemmed from Jews and then integrating them into society as Jews (after proper conversion) will join these lost sheep back to their true heritage. It is in this way that Misinai believes the fighting can stop and peace can begin.

This unique and questionable project to bring peace between the Arabs and the Jews is called, "The Engagement": The Roots and Solution to the Problem in the Holy Land.

Misinai works visiting Arabs in several villages in Israel. He has witnessed many Jewish customs imbedded in these (today) Muslim Arab families. Jewish customs such as the way they bake bread and taking [hafrashat challah] a separation of dough, and signs of a mezzuzah on their door posts [that he says were removed because of Islamic hostility], Jewish slaughtering rituals, eating matzah on Passover, and tearing their shirts and mourning for 7 days after the death of a family member, are found practiced in certain Arab villages. "What we are finding is only in the minority of the population, about 200,000 people." Misinai stated in the interview. "Most of them today are secular, and they just know their story from grandfather to grandchild, which is given when the old person is close to his death, and is telling the truth, because this is the last time that he can." -he described, similar to how the Jews from Spain would reveal their Jewish roots to their children when on their death bed.

Misinai describes himself as a secular Israeli but when delving deeper, he admits to a deep belief in G-d and even attempts at keeping many mitzvoth or commandments.

Tsvi Misinai explains that at least half of the Arabs in Israel know somewhat of their Jewish roots. "Since many Arab clans marry only within themselves, their own villages, some admit in interviews that they consider themselves part of the Jewish nation. They even take pride in the fact that they are part of the Israelite nation since they have not married 'out' throughout the ages. After we inform them that they are Jews de facto, we will be successful in bringing them back to the Jewish nation. They will take courses in Hebrew, Judaism, Torah and learn about their history, and how they were coerced to accept Islam. It is in this way that these Arabs in Israel can be prepared for conversion. They will eventually take an oath that they are not Arabs, but rather, Jews or Israelis, for not all of them are from the tribe of Judah, and within 40 years, we will return the majority of them to Jewish awareness. Whoever is not Muslim will be recognized as a kosher Jew, as they are already Jews."

Misinai continues that just as they are religious or secular today, they will accept Judaism instead of Islam. "If I, as a secular individual am considered a kosher Jew, there is no reason to force them to be religious, for they are Jews just as I am. We were one people and we will return to being one people."


The above is posted as a follow up to this Post:

Thursday, July 9, 2009

You a Jew?: Are the Palestinians Also Jews? ~ Bible Prophecy Today

Are the Palestinians Also Jews? ~ Bible Prophecy Today

The Chassidic Rebbe Schneersohn started a Holy War so to speak when He was challenged to answer the most important question a Jew asks another Jew:

You a Jew?

The fight and the fancy has gone on for centuries but the fact of this man's reply was perfect:

A Jew is a Jew.

There are Rabbinic Courts, Chassidic Interpretations, Reform Jews, Applications, Israeli Supreme Court decisions and a host of WANNA BE's as well as Replacement Theologies to shake a stick at and say:

You a Jew? Oy mein gott!!!!!

From Russian deceptions (oh come on now, we know not all Jews who immigrated to Israel from Russia WERE Jews) to Ethiopia, Sudan and some American Indian Fringe Elements.........


ARE YOU NUTS?........Dershtikt zolstu veren!!!

When the Messianic Movement got really Messy,

ALL Jews seeemed to come from Texas and Say : Yah Yah.

The yo-yo's would come out and you could see people like me going....uh huh...sure...no problem....you a jew?....nice....no problem....you say it's yah yah.........no problem....you say you are the lost tribe....no problem....

Whistling with the Yo Yo going UP and Down....Up and Down, I could tell watching the money there were cashing it on it was for them..........No Problem...

So, you see the Problem?

As long as there is no problem, no pogrom, no persecution, no adversity, no God to deal with and have deal with you.......it was fun for people to WANT TO BE A JEW.

People want the Bennie's and i don't mean steinberg, the benefits of being a Jew without the cost....,

Such a Deal.........., I should be so lucky.............., I could have been a Gentile.........,we have Jews who would just as easily say could you pick someone else for awhile God , and others saying : Pick Me, Pick me,

Or Bless Me Bless Me, I am not tooo sure sometimes......,

At any rate the latest craziness is paying to prove your ancestor is a genetic match for all the not so few numbers of people who lived previously in a genetic pool area of the Middle East.

Do you know How Many People tell me they are ANCIENT ISRAELITES? Some blood bank out there is getting rich......

I say we Jews decide to be Gentiles and all the Gentiles in the World BE JEWS....

Hmmmmm....Might work out....ah God...Can I talk to for a minute?

Michael James Stone