12 Jul 11
Deadly Church Bombing in Nigeria: Police Blame ‘Militant Islamist’ Group
The All Christians Fellowship Mission church was bombed in Nigeria Sunday, killing 3 and wounding 7. Officials say their first priority is tending to the victims. According to Reuters, this is not the first time the Christian community has been targeted for attack. So far, a reported 150 have died in similar incidents this year.
Obama Executive Orders Impose New Gun Rules
“In an effort to stem the illicit flow of weapons into Mexico, the Justice Department announced Monday that all gun shops in four Southwest border states will be required to alert the federal government to frequent buyers of high-powered rifles. Under the new policy, federal firearms licensees in Texas, California, Arizona and New Mexico must report purchases of two or more of some types of rifles by the same person in a five-day span.
Gunmen blow up Egypt gas pipeline
At least four masked gunmen attacked the station, near the town of Al-Arish, about 30 miles west of the Israeli border, in the early hours of Tuesday. The attackers ordered the guards on duty to leave and then blew up the terminal, starting a fire that could seen from 12 miles away, There were no reported casualties. It was the fourth attack on facilities supplying Egyptian gas to Israel this year.
Israel and Palestinian sources to Haaretz: U.S. peace efforts have failed
The intensive U.S. efforts to create an agreed outline for renewed negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians have failed, Israeli and Palestinian sources have told Haaretz. The sources said the Palestinian leadership is more determined than ever to pursue the recognition of an independent Palestinian state at the United Nations in September.
Urban plants' role as carbon sinks 'underestimated'
Plants in cities and towns make a major contribution towards removing carbon from the atmosphere, a study suggests. The authors say the research is the first of its kind in Europe to quantify how much carbon is stored within this urban vegetation. They add that the data are vital because local authorities are key in helping the UK reach its target of cutting CO2 emissions by 80% by 2050.
Bolivia appeals for help as snow strands thousands
The worst snow storms in Bolivia in the last 20 years have left thousands of people stranded, as more snow is forecast for the coming days. The Bolivian government has appealed for help from neighbouring countries. It says it needs helicopters to drop aid to isolated communities and heavy machinery to clear the roads.
EU moots changing bailout rules to calm markets
Pressed by Italy's sudden trouble on the markets, eurozone finance ministers on Monday night (11 July) decided to increase the "flexibility and the scope" of the eurozone's bailout fund (EFSF), so far a taboo for Germany and the Netherlands.
Syria says Clinton's remarks on Assad 'provocative'
Syria denounced on Tuesday a statement by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in which she said Syrian President Bashar Assad had lost legitimacy and was "not indispensable." "Syria strongly condemns the statements of the American foreign minister... these remarks are provocative and aim at continuing the internal tension," Syria's state news agency SANA said.
Dollar falls to 79.18 yen in London, lowest since March
The U.S. dollar fell to as low as 79.18 yen at one point Tuesday in London, the lowest level since March 18 when Group of Seven advanced economies jointly intervened in the currency market to stem the yen's surge following a massive earthquake in Japan.
Archbishop warns of coming affirmation for infidelity
Roman Catholic Archbishop Timothy Dolan warns that the ongoing redefinition of marriage soon will include the idea of "nonmonogamy" – or the concept that faithfulness between a man and a woman in marriage is outdated.
Philippines Earthquake 2011: Magnitude 6.2 Temblor Strikes Off Coast
A 6.2 magnitude earthquake has struck off Negros Island in the Philippines, according to the U.S. Geological survey.
Sovereign Debt Crisis Menaces Italy As Securities Tumble
By showing its determination in the manageable countries, the European Union was hoping to deflect concern about the major economies that were in financial trouble, These are mainly Spain and Italy.
2012: Iran's Atomic Daydreams
Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Khameni has ordered the revolutionary guards to "immediately" proceed with the completion of an atomic bomb with hopes of a test in 2012, Iran Press News reports.
Middle East Quartet meeting 'excellent', says U.S. official
Representatives of the U.S., Russia, the EU and the UN dined in Washington and discussed renewing direct negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians, but made no public statement.
81% of Israelis support EU membership, BGU poll finds
Survey also finds 64% of Israelis would support NATO deployment of peacekeeping troops to West Bank, Gaza; Merkel most popular EU leader.
No sign of Middle East talks after Quartet meeting
Meeting on ways to avert diplomatic showdown at UN in September ends with no progress; senior US official: "We need to do more work, privately."