Thursday, April 28, 2011

Prophecy Today Q&A: "Telling False Teachers From Correct Ones" -Jack Kelley


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 Prophecy Today

Q & A

"Answering the Questions in Prophecy Biblically"


 Jack Kelley

Telling False Teachers From Correct Ones

Q. How does one sort out false teachers/prophets from the correct ones? Ever since I became a Christian, I’ve noticed  how clever false teachers are with scripture and how imaginative they can be. They seem to talk about personal revelations that God gives them, and the scariest thing is that they talk so passionately about God, Jesus, Holy Spirit.  How can we know one from the other?


A. Believers can be deceived by false teachers because they either don’t know the Bible well enough to recognize false teaching when they hear it, or they don’t check what they’ve heard against the facts of God’s word.   Paul complimented the Bereans for always confirming with Scripture the things He was teaching them (Acts 17:11) and that advice still applies.  The only sure way to recognize a counterfeit is to compare it with the real thing.

James 3:1 says that not many of us should presume to be teachers because we who teach will be judged more harshly, so the false teachers will get what’s coming to them for leading people astray.  But that doesn’t excuse us from the responsibility of confirming that what we’re being taught really is what God is trying to teach us.


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