Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Yom Tov: (Jewish Studies) Wednesday, March 30, 2011 24 Adar II, 5771 (Your Jewish Calendar)

Yom Tov: (Jewish Studies) Wednesday, March 30, 2011 24 Adar II, 5771 (Your Jewish Calendar)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011   
Yom Tov
ערב טוב
Yom Tov in two words "Good Day" symbolize and embody the Scripture 
 "This is the Day that the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it"
Since God created the day from the night in genesis and called it good, it is possible He might have looked at the day dawning and said: "Yom Tov"
-Eben Micha'el Ya'akov ben Avraham-
Today in Jewish HistoryOpen All
 Blood Libel Declared False (1817)   Less

On Adar 24, Czar Alexander I of Russia declared the Blood Libel -- the infamous accusation that Jews murdered Christian children to use their blood in the baking of matzah for Passover, for which thousands of Jews were massacred through the centuries -- to be false. Nevertheless, nearly a hundred years later the accusation was officially leveled against Mendel Beilis in Kiev.

Link: a brief history of the blood libel; the Beilis affair







# Jewish Studies on the "Natszal:Jewish Studies Network" will be adding a "Friday's Feast" series comparing how to enjoy something "Jewish" without being a legalist or religionist or labeled an Adventist or even Jewish.