Michael James Stone "The Original Jesus Gypsy" |
LastGenReport: News From Rapture Ready 29 Mar 11 "Sarkozy warns Arab rulers about Libya precedent" Posted: 29 Mar 2011 11:47 AM PDT
The Last Generation Network News Report "Your Digital News Flash"
News From Rapture Ready
29 Mar 11 Sarkozy warns Arab rulers about Libya precedent Israel and The Occupation Myth Libya summit to launch post-Gadhafi era Syria poses new dilemma for France’s Sarkozy Assad supporters 'loyal to nation' George Soros: Demagoat Japan finds plutonium in soil at stricken nuclear plant Two Koreas in talks on potential volcano threat Egypt election set for September Obama says too much testing makes education boring Peking University to screen students for 'radical thoughts' Israel threatens unilateral steps if UN recognizes Palestinian state Syria government supporters hold pro-Assad rally in Damascus EU to ban cars from cities by 2050 Iranian Video Says Mahdi is 'Near' China 'to overtake US on science' in two years Japan nuclear: PM Naoto Kan signals 'maximum alert' Libya: Obama says US intervention will be limited London meeting to clarify politics of Libya action Fatah, Hamas set to hold April unity talks in Cairo 'Syrian PM, cabinet expected to resign within hours' The Syrian prime minister and the entire cabinet were expected to resign Tuesday, AFP reported, quoting high-ranking officials in Damascus. The official told AFP, "The government will tender its resignation today and a new cabinet should be formed within 24 hours." The current government was formed by Syrian Prime Minister Mohammed Naji Otri and was reshuffled two years ago.
The Last Generation Network News Report
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The Last Generation Network News Report: Profiles in Ministry "Rapture Ready News" Posted: 29 Mar 2011 11:17 AM PDT
"The Last Generation Network News Report" Profiles in Ministry News is always in the perspective of the one reporting and subject to interpretation. This is especially true in Christan and Prophecy News. Always treat this material as opinionated and not necessarily as fact.
Rapture Ready is an Evangelical Christian site founded by Todd Strandberg in 1995, dedicated to the idea that the Rapture will soon occur, and that non-Christians should be warned.[1]The site tracks the real-world occurrence of events prophesied in the Bible, and uses these to calculate what it sees as the approach of the Rapture.[2] The site began as an index of weekly updates posted in newsgroups such as alt.bible.prophecy and alt.christnet.second-coming.real-soon-now. In 1995, the newsletter moved to its first web format, and it was known as the "Rapture Index" until 1997. At the time of its launch, the site only had seven articles - later it would have over 18,000. In 2003, prophecy author Terry James joined the Rapture Ready staff. Rapture Ready has been featured by the news media, both in the United States and in Europe, in print, such as inRolling Stone, Newsweek, New York Times, Playboy, on television news channels including CNN, and in Robert Lanham's book The Sinner's Guide to the Evangelical Right.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "The Last Generation Network News Report" Profiles in Ministry
The Last Generation Network News Report "Your Digital News Flash" News From Rapture Ready This Series is presented daily as a reliable Morning Report of the Digital New Flash Service. For the most part it is Generic; Brief, and handles the news in a professional way. Rapture Ready News is to be prayed ofr and cared for by all those who enjoy the minsitry it provides to Jesus and the Body of Christ as a whole. ON TUESDAY Focus is placed on all the News Services and "special attentioin" is paid to develop, refine, promote and post as well as exand services in the Last Generation Network News Report, The Digital News Flash Service, and Biblical Christian Digital Network and all hosting web sites on "the Biblical Christian Network".
The Last Generation Network News Report
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***The Christian Biblical Network*** "My Prayer" -Michael James Stone Posted: 29 Mar 2011 08:46 AM PDT Yes! Jesus is Coming! -The Classic Christian Network-Biblical Prophecy Today Network-Last Generation News Report-Christian Issues Network-Last Call Devotional Network-Natzsal The Jewish Network-Michael James Stone Online-The Last Word in Videos Network-Poor Christians Alamanac-BroadCast Christianity-
Father It is so easy to be about everyone else's business but so hard to be about yours. It is so easy to be critical of everyone else's learning but so hard to learn from you.
God I can find fault with everyone And so can you; But Lord
You choose not to; and why can't I?
Is it so hard to Trust in You? Is it too hard to let you be God? Do You Need me to warn, correct, and point out things, To people who already know you?
Jesus What can't I serve and not be self serving In all I do; and say; and act today? Why Lord? Why?
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The Christian Biblical Network (filed on "pages" under "What" on each Site. Posted: 28 Mar 2011 10:56 PM PDT Yes! Jesus is Coming! -The Classic Christian Network-Biblical Prophecy Today Network-Last Generation News Report-Christian Issues Network-Last Call Devotional Network-Natzsal The Jewish Network-Michael James Stone Online-
In the Latter Days that we live in, we are told Knowledge would increase. In this the Last Generation before Jesus return; knowledge is happening so fast that only pieces of wisdom can be communicated and so much is happening too fast few take the time to verify facts; or "be there" for those who will err and makes mistakes. "Saving a Soul is easy; living with it is Hard" Jesus said His People are known by thier love; so while we cannot find many who will love His Body as we do; we do glean and share the best of Chrisitiantiy and the Heritage of God providing the material and inspiration God has given to; Prepare His People to Come Home Yes! We are Going Home! In none of the Authors presented is anyone without error or perfect religion or faith. All are men and women of God and as such are flawed. That is the gift God allows in us in our imperfections we perfectly fit each other if we find the Way, the Truth and the Life; which is Jesus. In Him our flaws; debates; differences and dissertations mean nothing, for in Him is everything. We will help to prepare the Bride by giving her the freedom to be who she is, as she is in these Networks and words of the Men and Women of God. We will build and bless, encourage and exhort, pray and seek peace in the violent and violence of the age we live in. We see our role as the Fringes on the Bottom of the Garment that adorns the Bride Jesus is coming for. We know we will at times cause some to turn away and even walk away and all I can say is God be with you and God Bless You for all we do is present these Networks for Learning. Your relationship with Jesus is your own and your dynamic in God between you and Him. Our function is to provide, we ask nothing in return. If we do it well, it is enough. Yes! Jesus is Coming! (and for some of us, we just can't wait)
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SundayonMonday: James Kennedy (CORAL RIDGE HOUR) 3/27 Posted: 28 Mar 2011 09:04 PM PDT
[The Last Word in Videos Network]
SundayonMonday: James Kennedy (CORAL RIDGE HOUR))"when you can't make it on Sunday" SundayonMonday Series **************
************** D. James Kennedy The Last Word in Videos Last Word Video Log Last Days Videos The Last Word in Videos
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SundayonMonday: Greg Laurie (HARVEST) 3/27 Posted: 28 Mar 2011 09:00 PM PDT
[The Last Word in Videos Network]
SundayonMonday: Greg Laurie (HARVEST)
"when you can't make it on Sunday" SundayonMonday Series **************
************** Greg Laurie The Last Word in Videos Last Word Video Log Last Days Videos The Last Word in Videos
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SundayonMonday: Jack Hayford (SPIRIT FORMED) 3/27 Posted: 28 Mar 2011 08:20 PM PDT
[The Last Word in Videos Network]
SundayonMonday: Jack Hayford (SPIRIT FORMED)
"when you can't make it on Sunday" SundayonMonday Series **************
************** Jack Hayford The Last Word in Videos Last Word Video Log Last Days Videos The Last Word in Videos
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The Christian Biblical Network Posted: 28 Mar 2011 07:11 PM PDT
We are growing. Today was a Day of Steps Forward and Back The Network went down twice But, God also inspired.
May each day bring us all Closer to Him
-Michael James Stone- | |
SundayonMonday: John MacArthur (GRACE TO YOU) 3/27 Posted: 28 Mar 2011 06:45 PM PDT
[The Last Word in Videos Network]
SundayonMonday: John MacArthur (Grace to You)
"when you can't make it on Sunday" SundayonMonday Series **************
************** John MacArthur The Last Word in Videos Last Word Video Log Last Days Videos The Last Word in Videos
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SundayonMonday: Hal Lindsey (HAL LINDSEY REPORT) 3/27 Posted: 28 Mar 2011 04:25 PM PDT
[The Last Word in Videos Network]
SundayonMonday: Hal Lindsey (HAL LINDSEY REPORT)"when you can't make it on Sunday" SundayonMonday Series **************
************** Hal Lindsey HD The Last Word in Videos Last Word Video Log Last Days Videos The Last Word in Videos
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Prophecy Q&A: 119 questions (3)" If man started out sinless, then how did sin? Posted: 28 Mar 2011 03:17 PM PDT
119 Most Frequently Asked Questions About Prophecy.
Arno FroeseIf man started out sinless, then how did sin?
Isaiah 14:12-14 says: “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou has said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.” The prideful “I will” attitude gave birth to sin. Ezekiel describes the anointed cherub's former glory in chapter 28:13-15: “Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created. Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire. Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee.” Satan, the anointed cherub, was not deceived, but sin was born with him. Thus, he is outside the realm of salvation. Verse 12 provides further clarification: “Son of man, take up a lamentation upon the king of Tyrus, and say unto him, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Thou sealest up the sum, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty” (Ezekiel 28:12). This is addressed to the king of Tyrus. Is Satan the king of Tyrus? No. But the king of Tyrus is an embodiment of pride, arrogance and selfishness, which are all characteristics of the devil. Sin originated with Satan.
BIBLICAL PROPHECY TODAY NETWORK biblicalprophecytoday@gmail.com
Biblical Prophecy Today Biblical Prophecy Today Biblical Prophecy Today Biblical Prophecy Today ******************************* "After Word" In the world of Eschatology there is a lot of money to be made selling books, doing seminars, giving speech engagements and generally sensationalizing anything that "sounds like" or "looks like" prophecy.
That is not why we are here or what I do. We would see Jesus
And that is What Prophecy is all about. Merchandizing and Marketing are the two largest leverages used in promotion of prophecy today. They are effective, they work, and they also distort.
We are about the Message.
We try to remove the M&M's from the sites posting so you get less candy and more meaning. We are ALL about the Message.
It is not that we are ooposed to any Christian trying to make a buc, we simply choose to remove the dollars and sense so anyone and everyone can freely study and freely recieve the best, the most relevant and the currrent materials available on the internet to anyone who wants to know Fact from Fiction about End Times. That can only be accomplished by personal study. We aren't going to tell you what to beleive That is the role of the Holy Spirit but we are going to give you tools to study. Current Series
Perspectives; Prophecy Q&A; Studies From Rapture Series; Questionable; Book of Charts; Updated; News from; Warnings:
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SundayonMonday: Adrian Rodgers (LOVE WORTH FINDING) 3/27 Posted: 28 Mar 2011 03:05 PM PDT [The Last Word in Videos Network]
SundayonMonday: John Knapp (FAITH THRU THE WORD)
"when you can't make it on Sunday" SundayonMonday Series **************
Adrian Rodgers
The Last Word in Videos Last Word Video Log Last Days Videos The Last Word in Videos | |
SundayonMonday: Chip Ingram (LIVING ON THE EDGE) 3/27 Posted: 28 Mar 2011 03:00 PM PDT [The Last Word in Videos Network]
SundayonMonday: Chip Ingram (LIVING ON THE EDGE)
"when you can't make it on Sunday" SundayonMonday Series ************** ************** LIVING ON THE EDGE Chip Ingram Most Recent: 03/27/11WEEKLY
The Last Word in Videos Last Word Video Log Last Days Videos The Last Word in Videos | |
Prophecy Q&A: 119 questions (2)" If God did create the world, then why is it imperfect? Posted: 28 Mar 2011 02:41 PM PDT
119 Most Frequently Asked Questions About Prophecy.
Arno FroeseIf God did create the world, then why is it imperfect?
The world exists in a state of imperfection as the result of sin. Not only does the Bible clearly teach that man is imperfect; but every scientist, anthropologist, historian, psychologist, psychiatrist and physician knows very well that man is imperfect. It stands to reason that if we were perfect, then those above professions, whose occupation it is to “fix” man's imperfection, would be jobless. Sin is the cause of man's imperfection, and the only lasting remedy is found in forgiveness through the substitutionary sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
BIBLICAL PROPHECY TODAY NETWORK biblicalprophecytoday@gmail.com
Biblical Prophecy Today Biblical Prophecy Today Biblical Prophecy Today Biblical Prophecy Today ******************************* "After Word"
In the world of Eschatology there is a lot of money to be made selling books, doing seminars, giving speech engagements and generally sensationalizing anything that "sounds like" or "looks like" prophecy.
That is not why we are here or what I do. We would see Jesus
And that is What Prophecy is all about. Merchandizing and Marketing are the two largest leverages used in promotion of prophecy today. They are effective, they work, and they also distort.
We are about the Message.
We try to remove the M&M's from the sites posting so you get less candy and more meaning. We are ALL about the Message.
It is not that we are ooposed to any Christian trying to make a buc, we simply choose to remove the dollars and sense so anyone and everyone can freely study and freely recieve the best, the most relevant and the currrent materials available on the internet to anyone who wants to know Fact from Fiction about End Times. That can only be accomplished by personal study. We aren't going to tell you what to beleive That is the role of the Holy Spirit but we are going to give you tools to study. Current Series
Perspectives; Prophecy Q&A; Studies From Rapture Series; Questionable; Book of Charts; Updated; News from; Warnings:
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Prophecy Q&A: 119 questions (1)" Did God create the world or did it randomly evolve over a period of millions of years? Posted: 28 Mar 2011 02:23 PM PDT
119 Most Frequently Asked Questions About Prophecy.
Arno FroeseDid God create the world or did it randomly evolve over a period of millions of years?
The Holy Spirit inspired the Apostle Paul to write these words: “Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse” (Romans 1:19-20). Based on the visible world around us and all that it contains, we can conclude that this world did not come into existence as the result of an “accident.” On the contrary, it was a perfectly designed, divinely orchestrated event that was completed in six days, not several million years. The argument between creationists and evolutionists continues: Scientists try to prove that the world and all life forms evolved, while Christians use the same fundamental approach to prove that God created the world. But our final authority is Scripture, which says, “Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear” (Hebrews 11:3). Notice the use of the pronoun “we” instead of “they.” For the believer, it is eternally settled in heaven: “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” We fully comprehend this fact by faith!
BIBLICAL PROPHECY TODAY NETWORK biblicalprophecytoday@gmail.com
Biblical Prophecy Today Biblical Prophecy Today Biblical Prophecy Today Biblical Prophecy Today
"After Word"
In the world of Eschatology there is a lot of money to be made selling books, doing seminars, giving speech engagements and generally sensationalizing anything that "sounds like" or "looks like" prophecy.
That is not why we are here or what I do. We would see Jesus
And that is What Prophecy is all about. Merchandizing and Marketing are the two largest leverages used in promotion of prophecy today. They are effective, they work, and they also distort.
We are about the Message.
We try to remove the M&M's from the sites posting so you get less candy and more meaning. We are ALL about the Message.
It is not that we are ooposed to any Christian trying to make a buc, we simply choose to remove the dollars and sense so anyone and everyone can freely study and freely recieve the best, the most relevant and the currrent materials available on the internet to anyone who wants to know Fact from Fiction about End Times. That can only be accomplished by personal study. We aren't going to tell you what to beleive That is the role of the Holy Spirit but we are going to give you tools to study. Current Series
Perspectives; Prophecy Q&A; Studies From Rapture Series; Questionable; Book of Charts; Updated; News from; Warnings:
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SundayonMonday: Craig Hawkins (COLLEGE OF THEOLOGY) 3/27 Posted: 28 Mar 2011 02:15 PM PDT [The Last Word in Videos Network]
SundayonMonday: Craig Hawkins (COLLEGE OF THEOLOGY)
"when you can't make it on Sunday" SundayonMonday Series **************
COLLEGE OF THEOLOGY Craig Hawkins Most Recent: 03/27/11WEEKLY
The Last Word in Videos Last Word Video Log Last Days Videos The Last Word in Videos | |
Prophecy Today: News from Last Day Bible Prophecy "Nuclear Radiation in Bible Prophecy?" by Clark Callear Posted: 28 Mar 2011 01:45 PM PDT
Can We Trust the Old Testament Prophecies?Hank HanegraaffHomeIs Jesus God?Old Testament PropheciesCan We Trust the Old Testament Prophecies?About Hank HanegraaffThe Bible records predictions of events that could not be known or predicted by chance or common sense. Surprisingly, the predictive nature of many Bible passages was once a popular argument (by liberals) against the reliability of the Bible. Critics argued that various passages were written later than the biblical texts indicated, because they recounted events that happened sometimes hundreds of years later than when they supposedly were written. They concluded that, subsequent to the events, literary editors went back and "doctored" the original, nonpredictive texts. But this is simply wrong. Careful research affirms the predictive accuracy of the Bible. For example, the book of Daniel (written before 530 B.C.) accurately predicts the progression of kingdoms from Babylon through the Medo-Persian Empire, the Greek Empire, and then the Roman Empire, culminating in the persecution and suffering of the Jews under Antiochus IV Epiphanes, his desecration of the temple, his untimely death, and freedom for the Jews under Judas Maccabeus (165 B.C.). Old Testament prophecies concerning the Phoenician city of Tyre were fulfilled in ancient times, including prophecies that the city would be opposed by many nations (Ezekiel 26:3); its walls would be destroyed and towers broken down (26:4); and its stones, timbers, and debris would be thrown into the water (26:12). Similar prophecies were fulfilled concerning Sidon (Ezekiel 28:23; Isaiah 23;Jeremiah 27:3-6; 47:4) and Babylon (Jeremiah 50:13, 39; 51:26, 42, 43, 58; Isaiah 13:20,21). Since Christ is the culminating theme of the Old Testament and the Living Word of the New Testament, it should not surprise us that prophecies regarding Him outnumber all others. Many of these prophecies would have been impossible for Jesus to deliberately conspire to fulfill—such as His descent from Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Genesis 12:3, 17:19); His birth in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2); His crucifixion with criminals (Isaiah 53:12); the piercing of His hands and feet on the cross (Psalm 22:16); the soldiers' gambling for His clothes (Psalm 22:18); the piercing of His side and the fact that His bones were not broken at His death (Zechariah 12:10; Psalm 34:20); and His burial among the rich (Isaiah 53:9). Jesus also predicted His own death and resurrection (John 2:19-22). Predictive prophecy is a principle of Bible reliability that often reaches even the hard-boiled skeptic! Taken from "The Bible: Human or Divine?" (used by permission).
BIBLICAL PROPHECY TODAY NETWORK biblicalprophecytoday@gmail.com
Biblical Prophecy Today Biblical Prophecy Today Biblical Prophecy Today Biblical Prophecy Today
"After Word"
In the world of Eschatology there is a lot of money to be made selling books, doing seminars, giving speech engagements and generally sensationalizing anything that "sounds like" or "looks like" prophecy.
That is not why we are here or what I do. We would see Jesus
And that is What Prophecy is all about. Merchandizing and Marketing are the two largest leverages used in promotion of prophecy today. They are effective, they work, and they also distort.
We are about the Message.
We try to remove the M&M's from the sites posting so you get less candy and more meaning. We are ALL about the Message.
It is not that we are ooposed to any Christian trying to make a buc, we simply choose to remove the dollars and sense so anyone and everyone can freely study and freely recieve the best, the most relevant and the currrent materials available on the internet to anyone who wants to know Fact from Fiction about End Times. That can only be accomplished by personal study. We aren't going to tell you what to beleive That is the role of the Holy Spirit but we are going to give you tools to study. Current Series
Perspectives; Prophecy Q&A; Studies From Rapture Series; Questionable; Book of Charts; Updated; News from; Warnings:
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SundayonMonday: John Mendoza (LIVING WATER) 3/27 Posted: 28 Mar 2011 01:21 PM PDT
[The Last Word in Videos Network]
SundayonMonday: John Mendoza (LIVING WATER)"when you can't make it on Sunday" SundayonMonday Series **************
************** John Mendoza The Last Word in Videos Last Word Video Log Last Days Videos The Last Word in Videos
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Prophecy Today: News from Last Day Bible Prophecy "Nuclear Radiation in Bible Prophecy?" by Clark Callear Posted: 28 Mar 2011 12:21 PM PDT
20 MARCH 2011Nuclear Radiation in Bible Prophecy?Nuclear Radiation: Chernobyl and Japan The nuclear radiation, now being released from Japan’s 4 reactors, is said to be second only to the Ukrainian Chernobyl disaster in severity. I wondered if there was anything in the Bible about “nuclear radiation.” I couldn’t think of any such scriptures, so I called my friend Larry (2 days ago) to ask him. Larry knows the Bible better than most, so if it was there, he would probably know. He said there are many scriptures that appear to refer to nuclear fires, bombs and explosions but, like me, nothing came to mind concerning the invisible, hazardous radiation emitted from nuclear catastrophes. I dropped it. Well yesterday I called Keith Lunders concerning other Bible matters. I haven’t visited with Keith for a month or 2. Sure enough, he was just thinking about calling me! He wanted to tell me about something he had just learned about Chernobyl. Namely: Chernobyl means: “wormwood” Students of Bible prophecy are familiar with this word which, until now, has been a total mystery to me. With Keith on the phone, I looked on Wikipedia for Chernobyl. Sure enough it reads: “CHERNOBYL… NAME ORIGIN: THE CITY IS NAMED AFTER THE UKRAINIANWORD FOR MUGWORT OR WORMWOOD (ARTEMISIA VULGARIS), WHICH IS ЧОРНОБИЛЬ "CHORNOBYL".Some prophecies in the Bible read:
"Therefore thus saith the LORD of hosts concerning the prophets; Behold, I will feed them with wormwood, and make them drink the water of gall: for from the prophets of Jerusalem is profaneness gone forth into all the land. (Jer 23:15)" Here the prophet of Lamentations, a son of Israel, is anguishing from his vision of God’s wrath upon Zion: "I am the man that hath seen affliction by the rod of His wrath. He hath led me, and brought me into darkness, but not into light. Surely against me is He turned; He turneth His hand against me all the day. My flesh and my skin hath He made old; He hath broken my bones. He hath builded against me, and compassed me with gall and travail…He hath filled me with bitterness, He hath made me drunken with wormwood. He hath also broken my teeth with gravel stones, he hath covered me with ashes. (Lam 3:1-19 *Note)” *Note: This scripture is used to make my point (about “wormwood”) but I should not leave this scripture out-of-context. The Lord’s Mercy endures Forever. The prophet of Lamentations continues: “My soul hath them still in remembrance, and is humbled in me. This I recall to my mind, therefore have I hope. It is of the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness. The LORD is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in Him. The LORD is good unto them that wait for Him, to the soul that seeketh Him. It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the LORD. (Lam 3:20-25)” And finally, in the Last Days, in the midst of the Great Tribulation: "And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter. (Rev 8:10-11)" So Chernobyl means “wormwood.” I think this is a sign for us to understand one of the manywoes that are facing us in these last days. Remember: these tribulations do not come in great intensity all at once. But instead they will creep upon us as “birth pangs.” In Matthew 24 (1-7) Jesus described certain events that lead to His “coming, and the end of the world.” (I think nuclear radiation could very well be included in these). In verse 8 Jesus said “All these are the beginning of sorrows.” The Chernobyl disaster occurred in 1986. Since then, many other “signs of the times” have been increasing in frequency. As a woman’s labor pains increase, in both intensity and frequency, so shall be the signs of His coming: “Jesus left the temple and was walking away when his disciples came up to him to call his attention to its buildings. ‘Do you see all these things?’ he asked. ‘I tell you the truth, not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down.’ As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately. ‘Tell us,’ they said, ‘when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?’ Jesus answered: ‘Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am the Christ,' and will deceive many. You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains. (Matt 24:1-8 NIV)” “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places, and famines. These are the beginning of birth pains. (Mark 13:8NIV)” “For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. (1Thes 5:3 KJV)” --clark
BIBLICAL PROPHECY TODAY NETWORK biblicalprophecytoday@gmail.com
Biblical Prophecy Today Biblical Prophecy Today Biblical Prophecy Today Biblical Prophecy Today
"After Word"
In the world of Eschatology there is a lot of money to be made selling books, doing seminars, giving speech engagements and generally sensationalizing anything that "sounds like" or "looks like" prophecy.
That is not why we are here or what I do. We would see Jesus
And that is What Prophecy is all about. Merchandizing and Marketing are the two largest leverages used in promotion of prophecy today. They are effective, they work, and they also distort.
We are about the Message.
We try to remove the M&M's from the sites posting so you get less candy and more meaning. We are ALL about the Message.
It is not that we are ooposed to any Christian trying to make a buc, we simply choose to remove the dollars and sense so anyone and everyone can freely study and freely recieve the best, the most relevant and the currrent materials available on the internet to anyone who wants to know Fact from Fiction about End Times. That can only be accomplished by personal study. We aren't going to tell you what to beleive That is the role of the Holy Spirit but we are going to give you tools to study. Current Series
Perspectives; Prophecy Q&A; Studies From Rapture Series; Questionable; Book of Charts; Updated; News from; Warnings:
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SundayonMonday: Tony Clark (THE WORD MADE PLAIN) 3/27 Posted: 28 Mar 2011 12:20 PM PDT [The Last Word in Videos Network] SundayonMonday: Tony Clark (THE WORD MADE PLAIN)
"when you can't make it on Sunday" SundayonMonday Series
************** ************** THE WORD MADE PLAIN Tony Clark Most Recent: 03/27/11GALLERY
The Last Word in Videos Last Word Video Log Last Days Videos The Last Word in Videos | |
Prophecy Today: News from ESCHATOLOGY TODAY "United States in Bible Prophecy " by Bill Perkins Posted: 28 Mar 2011 12:03 PM PDT (#Note. If you think Commercialism and Democracy is God given and the American way of life is for the World to adopt, you won't like this post. The fact is, it may be more accurate than even Biblical Scholars want to admit. I wrote a piece once called Why we are Included but not Exluded in Prophecy: American Babylon. Glad to see others are asking the same questions and getting answers.)
United States in Bible Prophecy | |
Prophecy Today: News from ESCHATOLOGY TODAY "The Libyan War" by Sean Osborne Posted: 28 Mar 2011 11:34 AM PDT
Last Call:(This Weeks) "BOB COY Devotionals" Posted: 28 Mar 2011 11:00 AM PDT Last Call:(This Weeks) "BOB COY Devotionals"
"Legacy" Legacy Posts will be presented in Weekly Formats Begining in May and starting ASAP posts as part of our "Legacy Series" will be posted on Monday AM for the Week. Some of the Classics will post a Sun-Sat; others will be Mon-Fri. This "note" or one similar to it will proceed all Last Call posts for the remainder of this year; 2011. The benefit to the reader is to have a "weeks" worth of Devotions to Read. As a "free ministry" the Network has exapnded globally and this is a adjustment to grow with that need. The "Current" Series of Devotions will begin to follow the same format. It is likely that many in the "Current" series will be on a One week delay. Any comments or questions please write: lastcalldevotionalnetwork@gmail.com
This Weeks Bob Coy Devotionals
Devotionals For Monday thru Friday March 28th-April 2
Devotional For Monday March 28
Devotionals by Active WordLet's get specific Monday, § Let's get specific Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. Ephesians 5:22 (NKJV) Paul now moves from the general to the specific. He goes from the general command for everyone to submit to God, to the specific command for wives to submit to their husbands. The word here for "submit" is an interesting Greek word; it's the compound word hupotasso, which is a combination of the two wordshupo, meaning under, and tasso, meaning order. It conveys the idea of putting something in an orderly fashion under something else. There's no arm-twisting here; it's a voluntary and agreeable act of coming under the authority of another, which is what wives are called to do in relation to their husbands. Wives are to place themselves under their husbands' authority in an orderly manner. But… That's often the first reaction in a wife's heart when confronted with this. Why is that? Most often it is because their mind is drawn towards their husbands. Do you have any idea who you're telling me to submit to? However, that's not the direction the Lord wants us to take. Remember the context for this command. It comes after the general command to submit to God, so first and foremost, it's a matter of obeying and trusting Him. And it's a powerful demonstration of trust when a wife does submit to her husband, because she's essentially declaring, "Lord, I am trusting that You will be the One to ultimately cover and take care of me as I choose to bring myself under my husband's authority, because I'm really obeying You." That's the important thing for wives to remember. If their degree of trust simply extends to the character of their husbands, they'll have plenty of motivation not to submit. But it's way bigger than that; submitting to a husband is an investment of faith in God, faith that He knows best and has ordained this order because it's good for her individually and good for her marriage. Think about it… What does this passage reveal to me about God?
*********************************************************** Devotional For Tuesday March 29
Devotionals by Active WordA double obedience Tuesday § A double obedience For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church… Ephesians 5:23 (NKJV) Yesterday we saw the Apostle Paul, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, present God's divine action plan for wives. That action plan is to willingly submit themselves under the authority of their husbands. Being a master teacher, Paul would often follow up a straightforward exhortation like this with an illustration to help make his point stick in the minds of his audience. He does so here by linking the call for wives to submit to their husbands with our call, as Christians, to submit to Christ. It's a powerful parallel because it touches on this truth: Just as Jesus is the head, or leader of the Church, so too the husband is the head of the marriage union. Why does the husband get to be the head? Why is he the leader? Because that's the way God wanted it. He could have created woman first, but He didn't. In His sovereign providence, God created the man first. Man led the way in creation and God ordained that he should also be the leader in life. That's not man striving for supremacy over the woman. And it's not some sort of power struggle where man came out on top. That's just the way the Lord determined it to be…man is to be the head, the leader. And where there is a leader there must also be a follower. Just as Jesus is the leader that we follow, the husband is to be the leader that the wife is to follow. Think through what an incredible statement that is. God compares a Christian following Christ, to a wife following her husband. The Lord honors both forms of following, because both honor an order that's been established by Him. A double obedience exists here for wives, for by following their husband's lead, they're also following after Christ. Think about it… What does this passage reveal to me about God? What is my prayer for today? *********************************************************
Devotional For Wednesday March 30 Devotionals by Active WordKeep it straight Wednesday § Keep it straight Therefore, just as the church is subject to Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything. Ephesians 5:24 (NKJV) Before we leave this point of wives submitting to their husbands, there's something else we need to address lest there be any confusion going forward. We live in a fallen world, a world that doesn't function the way our Father originally intended, a world that is suffering the scourge of sin, a world where the principle of submission has been twisted and pulled in a direction God never intended. This happens when people take this passage and try to apply it to non-marital relationships. Don't miss what the Word actually says. "So let the wives be [subject] to their own husbands." This poignant picture of our trust in Christ, this precious gift of submission, is to be expressed and exchanged within the context of marriage and not outside of it. Obviously, there will be situations where it's necessary for a wife to submit to people other than her husband: to an employer (Colossians 3:22), to civil authorities (1 Peter 2:13), and to spiritual leadership (Hebrews 13:17). But these God-ordained relationships aren't going against the principle that Paul puts forth here. The point here is that a woman isn't called to submit herself to the whims of any man simply because he's a man and she's a woman. That's not true biblical submission. In order for submission to retain it's true power and beauty, in order for it to remain a reflection of our relationship with Jesus, its proper place needs to be kept straight. It needs to be recognized as something specifically and uniquely reserved for those who have entered into the sacred bond of marriage. Then, and only then, will submission assume its proper place in our minds. And when it possesses its proper place in our minds, it will then occupy its proper place in our marriages. Think about it… What does this passage reveal to me about God?
Devotional For Thursday March 31
Devotionals by Active WordA love like His Thursday § A love like His Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her… Ephesians 5:25 (NKJV) Paul is painting a picture for us here in the book of Ephesians that likens Christ's connection to His Church to a husband's connection to his wife. But the picture is only half-complete; he has to fill in the remaining responsibilities of the husband, which he does by commanding them to love their wives "just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her." God expects husbands to love their wives with same love that Christ has for His Church. So what exactly does that look like? Candy for Valentines Day? Flowers on your anniversary? Dinner and a movie every Friday night? Those are loving acts, but God calls husbands to a loving attitude—a lifestyle that resembles Christ's love in three specific ways. First, husbands are to love their wives sacrificially. See how Paul even adds the tag that Jesus "gave Himself" for the Church, underscoring the fact that He made the ultimate sacrifice for us. Christ lived for us, and husbands are called to do the same for their wives. Secondly, husbands need to love practically. The Lord's love wasn't theoretical in nature. He didn't merely wax eloquently about loving us. Jesus actually got His hands dirty. He did something that was tangible which met our actual needs. Thirdly, husbands are to love their wives unconditionally. Christ Jesus didn't sit around and wait for us to become lovable before He loved us. His love came first. Sometimes a couple will be at a stalemate in their relationship because he won't love her and she won't submit to him. So who makes the first move? Who made the first move in our relationship with God? Romans 5:8 says Jesus died for us while we were still sinning. That's not to excuse wives from submitting, but it shows husbands that there's no excuse for a stalemate in their marriage…and there won't be if they love their wives as Christ loves us. Think about it… What does this passage reveal to me about God? What is my prayer for today? *****************************************************
Devotional For Friday April 1
Devotionals by Active WordNo-lose situation Friday, May 28, 2010 § [ ] No-lose situation That He might sanctify and cleanse her… Ephesians 5:26 (NKJV) We're in the middle of Paul identifying the husband's role and responsibilities in marriage. He's to assume the same role that Christ did with us, loving his wife as Christ loved the Church and gave Himself for her. That's not all, though. Paul goes on to share that Jesus did much more than this: That He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word, that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish. Ephesians 5:26-27 (NKJV) Follow the flow of thought here. Christ's love for the Church didn't just lead Him to die for us. It didn't end at the cross. No, it led Him to purify and wash us with the water of God's Word so that we could become clean, so that we could grow in godliness and become more holy and less worldly. In the same way, a husband has a responsibility towards his wife. He can never cleanse her the same way Christ has cleansed us. But he does have the scriptures at his disposal, and he can have a cleansing effect on her heart by spiritually washing her with the Word. He can help her grow in godliness and become more holy and less worldly. "Sounds like an awfully big responsibility…how often do I need to do this?" Well, how often do you need to be cleansed by God's Word? Here's what a husband needs to realize: By loving his wife like Christ, by washing her in His Word, he's never making a sacrifice that truly hurts him…because his wife is only going to grow more spiritual and lovable in the end. It's a true no-lose situation whenever a husband takes the time to do for his wife what the Lord does for him. "You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you. John 15:3 (NKJV) Think about it… What does this passage reveal to me about God?
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