What are your thoughts on this week’s QOTW? – http://www.gotquestions.org/questweek.html –
“Do faith in God and science contradict?”
Comment by Rd
God created all physical laws, gravity etc. We live in earth and universe He also created.
Ungodly so called scientists want you believe it does conflict. It doesn’t. Suggest:http://www.answersingenesis.org
http://www.icr.orgThey ministries clearly brings out this subject.
Comment by Richard Broch
Shalom ya`all,
Suggested reading related to this question – Psalm 104, The Lord`s care over all His works.
Now, I believe that all inventions (from the wheel on),medical breakthroughs, astronomy, the I-pod, and any other scientific discovery, or progress realized since the Creation originated with Almighty God. Amen.
I say He planted and processed all these ideas in the finite minds of human beings with His infinite powers, and allowed them into fruition.
God has utilized scientists, professors, and doctors for His purposes through the years. He even had a physician (Dr. Luke) write a couple books of His Bible(Luke and Acts).So, we can partake of science as long as we don`t worship the human inventor or the product; credit where credit is due. God said that NOTHING happens without Him knowing about it.
The story goes – A group of scientists approached God and told Him that scientific know-how has risen to the point that mankind can now do everything and anything. And to prove their point, they were going to construct a live human being. God said,”Go for it.”
So they proceeded with shovels and buckets to go outside and get some dirt for their project.
God then said,”Get your own dirt.”Grace and Peace.
Comment by Glenn Dowling
To the writers of the “GotQuestions.org” below – basically, it’s a fairly good treatment of “faith and science.”
However, several things that would help a believer – and especially, an unbeliever (In my opinion)
1. Faith is a free gift from God – and comes from “hearing the word of God.”
2. Faith (of any kind) must have an object – in the Christian faith, the object is Jesus Christ.
3. Saving faith is not something one conjures up because we are gullible, ignorance, or fooled – OR are well read, or not well read.
4. AND – “believing” about God is not faith in God – “even the demons believe and tremble.”Glenn Dowling
Bryan, Texas -
Comment by Robert
Do faith in God and science contradict? Quite the reverse, knowledge of science INCREASES my faith in God. The more I learn about the universe, the more my faith in God increases.
Comment by Debbie
No, I don’t think God and science are mutually exclusive. As scientists delve deeper and deeper into the essence of being, they are only proving who and what God is. “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” (HEB 11:1) My faith can believe that God made quarks!
Comment by Ahmed1rfan
To me God = law and Science is = Signs!
According to Science of signs the universe is rule by A1Law, rule of right hand law thus according to Science there is only A1GOD!
Even more amazingly i find that unit and tenth of golden Ratio 1618 corresponds with the covenant of all religions being 18, just as well as it corresponds with the palm of each right hand that depict the darkest of three lines to be a 1 and an /\rc, the /\ is basically an 8 in Hebrew Arabic chinese and most of the rest world religon maths, and 18 stands for Torah, Amidah, bendictions, Vedas, Mudras, Total eclipse, Antikythera Machenism, even Quran suggest a cave numbered 18 as refuge in times of afflictions and trials of anti-Christ, the Sura Kahaf.
Mention of rule of right hand law by science matches the signs of Torah Quran and Bible that mention the appearance of a right hand of God in end times! For me this digital age has a digital sign of God himself, we just need to meditate in what it is trying to tell us through the rule of right hand law and the constant number 18!
I seriously now wonder if Torah was a Digital book of right hand based on two mathematical digits 18, wisdom of which later was constructed into Arc of Covenant to be found later, and i find it re appear in 1901 at Antioch(Antikythera). i have so much to say, am glad to find this blog. The ensign has been raised, and it is none other than a scientific digital ensign! -
Comment by bruce
deuteronomy 29 :29 explains it all.
Comment by Alan Jackman
Your dissertation on God verses science was good as far as it went. But it could and should have gone further. It didn’t explain how in Genises we read that the world was made in six days, including man, when we know there were millions of years between the formation of the earth and man. And Adam named all the animals of the earth? Come on. Adam never met a dinosaur. The dinosaurs were here long before man and were destroyed long before man. I’m not suggesting that God didn’t create everything. I’m just suggesting that science has taught us that it didn’t happen the way Genises says it did. For the most part, Genises is a fairytale writtn so uneducated men of the day could have some understanding of the beginning of the universe. Try telling any one of them what we know today and they simply wouldn’t get it.
Comment by rani
didn’t you write this on the 18th?? -
Comment by ceseeley
Ahmed1rfan and All;
Ahmed1rfan, I can comprehend some of what you are sharing, where is it coming from … from where did you learn all of this … it is new to me to a certain extent?
Comment by Mimi
I look to my faith for the answer “A thought on the faith of the scientist
“The scientist’s condition as a sentinel in the modern world, as one who is the first to glimpse the enormous complexity together with the marvellous harmony of reality, makes him a privileged witness of the plausibility of religion, a man capable of showing how the admission of transcendence, far from harming the autonomy and the ends of research, rather stimulates it to continually surpass itself in an experience of self-transcendence which reveals the human mystery”.
- Pope John Paul II, 7/17/85.”
http://www.its.caltech.edu/~nmcenter/sci-cp/sci85073.htmlGod Bless, Mimi
Comment by Rambo
I visited the sites you suggested, and find truth there. I also find issues which Mr. Ken has not addressed. Particularly, GEN 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.God was speaking to Satan… and clearly refers to “thy seed.” Of course Cain killed Able, and Jesus references this in John 8 and Mat 23 identifying the ancestors of the Pharisees (not those deceived like Paul) being Cain descendants. Two seeds… a Satanic seedline, and a Scepter seedline. Makes one kind of wonder what actually happened in the Garden? But, we haven’t figured out what happened in Noah’s tent! I’ve regressed to where God created DNA…
RICHARD, Shalom dude! I certainly appreciate giving credit where credit’s due! I can appreciate not worshipping the scientist, we pray for them, well, the good ones! They all aren’t good any more than all auto mechanics are good… the same goes people in all disciplines including theology, whether formally studied or not. God invented electricity, Ben discovered it, Edison invented the light bulb after a thousand failures, talk about faith!
God, Creator… and we all work within His creation, including Edison.
ROBERT! Man… keep studying science! We need more Christians in the sciences. The devil never sleeps, so we need to burn the midnight oil! There’s entirely too much illiteracy in theology and science. I find more faith in the Good Book studying science than I find faith in listening to theologians! In fact, it’s my experience that the confluence to these two rivers we call reality, one river is abstract, and the other river is concrete, where we find truth!
How does one measure weight (gravity)… we’ve got that one, concrete knowledge. How then does one weigh faith? We have to depend on One who came from a totally abstract world! Science continues to surge forward with discoveries and inventions… how is our faith advancing? How do we know we have faith? Demonstrate that one person’s faith is greater than anothers? Jesus did! What did Jesus see… what did Jesus hear that convinced Him the Centurion had faith uneen in Israel? What did Jesus hear that convinced Him that dog of a mother begging for crumbs had faith…
I disagree with the fork in the river representing conflict between faith and science. I propose the confluence of science and the Word offers the most ultimate faith we can find in these flesh bodies, which are in fact, the confluence of flesh and spirit. Jesus had perfect flesh, and perfect spirit!
AHMED, really fascinated with your broad knowledge of other religions to capture the underlying Arc /\. I’ve shared with my son that Pi was used to construct the pyramid, /\, of Giza built by the Hebrews, a couple thousand years before Archimedes laid claim to Pi’s discovery.
Pi is used to calculate the area of a circle… the orbit of our planet is eliptical with the sun being off center. Noting the four calendar events in orbit: spring equinox (daylight reigns over night), fall equinox (night time exceeds daylight), winter solstice(longest night, shortest day) and summer solstice (longest day, shortest night). Plot these celestial events on the orbital path, draw a line between the equinoxs’ and another between the solstices, we find the figure of a cross… is the sun in the middle where these two lines intersect? If our planet’s orbit were circular, we’d find an “x”. Jesus was conceived on the winter solstice, resurrected on the spring equinox, born on the fall equinox… will Jesus return on the summer solstice? Thanks for contributing…
Comment by alvin
As Bruce stated in #7, Deuteronomy 29:29 does figure into this discussion.
We are responsible to follow God in the revealed things and the secret things belong to Him.
From time to time God reveals things which were secret in previous periods. Example: 1 Corinthians 15:51,52 “I show you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye, because the last trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised incorruptible. We shall be changed!”
Science learns new things and corrects previously taught errors all the time.
So does the church.God knows everything.
Scientists do not.
Preachers do not.
Though the Bible clearly states that the earth is hung upon nothing, preachers misunderstood the Bible in previous centuries and taught a flat earth.
More recently, while I was a child, preachers were teaching that dinosaurs never existed.
Currently, scientists who are christians are raising opposing theories to some of the unsupportable theories with which secular scientists contradict the existence of the christian Creator God. Unfortunately, some of those very elegant theories are being taught as fact in some of the churches by people who do not know the science involved well enough to teach it. So errors will be made in church teaching once again, that will give ammunition to those who suspect there is no God. And possibly harm the faith of little children as they progress in learning and see that what they were taught in church was too simplified to be true.
The teaching against a Genesis flood is presently being counteracted by a hydraulic theory involving breakup of subterannean caverns in a specific theory of a pre-existing firmament different than what exists today.
The Bible does teach the flood of Noah, but not a specific explanatory theory for what earth conditions caused or contributed to it.(You can, however,find sea fossils in North Dakota museums at a specific depth also found at the same depth in many other places around the world, which fits well with a universal flood). The Bible does not teach that Jonah was swallowed by a whale, though one word in the new testament is often mistranslated whale. (Jonah was swallowed according to the Bible by a specially prepared sea creature.) So church preachers have tried to prove whales swallow people and they come out alive.
The facts involving the speed of light and development and lifetimes of stars contradict a 4th day creating of stars either in the 24 hour day sense or the 1,000 year day sense, and church preachers have defended both positions, trying to provide evidence from scripture. But Genesis only says “He created the stars also”.
Bottom line? What God says is true. What we may believe He meant is just as likely to be proved unreliable as the wildest theories of the secular scientists. -
Comment by ceseeley
How can faith in Science and God contradict? Science is constantly revealing God!!! Science and Faith in God contradict when it is a false Science that eliminates academic freedom … a false science that has an agenda that doesn’t follow the Proper Scientific Way of reasoning, measuring, recording … etc.!!!
As mentioned in Comment #7 by bruce, Deuteronomy 29:29 is a great Key to all of this because God will only allow Science to discover as much as God wants it to discover:
Deu 29:29 The secret [things belong] unto the LORD our God: but those [things which are] revealed [belong] unto us and to our children for ever, that [we] may do all the words of this law.
One can only hope with the new Space telescope, that will replace the Hubble Telescope, that a glimpse of the outer edge of the third Heaven, where God dwells along with being everywhere else, that that edge will be slightly revealed!!!
Deu 10:14 Behold, the heaven and the heaven of heavens [is] the LORD’S thy God, the earth [also], with all that therein [is].
1Ki 8:27 But will God indeed dwell on the earth? behold, the heaven and heaven of heavens cannot contain thee; how much less this house that I have builded?
2Cr 12:2 I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) such an one caught up to the third heaven.
Some astronomers have stated that as they probe deep into the Universe, it seems to be surrounded by a Phenomenal Glow which one can wonder if that is the Luminescence of the Third Heaven!!!
There is hope for Christians that will inherit Internal Life because someday we will know as we are known!!!
1Cr 13:12 For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.
Comment by Mimi
Excellent Post & thank you for all the Scripture that you share with us.
God Bless YOU,
Mimi -
Comment by Debbie
Your theory on Pi was interesting. Are you sure He was born on the fall equinox? We had a long debate on that in our small group Bible study and decided there was not enough information in the angel’s discourse to Zecharias in the LUKE account to draw a definite conclusion. The fact that He put do death on Passover, resurrected on the Feast of First-Fruits and started His Church on the Feast of Pentecost speaks to me. MMMMMM….I read GQ’s article on the Pre-Adamic Theory, but don’t think that is what I believe. I keep going back to GEN 1:1 and the verb (bara) for “created.” It can mean transformed or re-created. I can believe there was a war in heaven when the angels rebelled and were separated in elect and fallen. I could believe that God cast Lucifer out and strange things happened. The dinosaurs, the steaming jungles all trashed into an enormous ice age. Then God transformed the earth….LOL!! Well, it is strictly a viewpoint and my own so I am not claiming doctrine. God is in control, but it helps me in my own mind. So, my theory is based upon one little Hebrew word, (bara)
I have been unable to find this on the internet, but is there any scientific evidence that the area behind the north star it is empty? I heard a teacher saying that is where the third heaven is located (2COR 12:2) and thus, “the sides of the north.” (PSALM 48:2; ISA 14:13) Not verifiable, but fun for me to visualize. Somehow, I just don’t see science and God as mutually exclusive. I believe some scientists have set out to prove there is no divine power and in the process have become believers.
Comment by alvin
Debs’ theory in #16 ” I can believe there was a war in heaven when the angels rebelled and were separated in elect and fallen. I could believe that God cast Lucifer out and strange things happened.”
has at least this much scriptural support in Ezekiel 28:11-19 where the former beauty and fall of Lucifer to become the father of lies called Satan. Jesus mentions him in passing in Luke 10:18 “I saw Satan fall from heaven like lightning”.
Sincere honest doubt is one of the paths to faith. Josh Mcdowell is one of the more recent people who have travelled that path to faith. A reporter turned Christian recently wrote a book about his journey from disbelief to faith. Many years ago an archeologist named Ramsey ended up proving the historical accuracy of the of the book of Luke though he began from a position of doubt. Atheists can make excellent baby christians.