Our Choices Make Us
Run from anything that stimulates youthful lusts. Instead, pursue righteous living, faithfulness, love, and peace. Enjoy the companionship of those who call on the Lord with pure hearts. |
— 2 Timothy 2:22 |
Why is it that some Christians succeed, while others who make a profession of faith miserably fail? Why is it that some seem to run the race of life and cross the finish line with flying colors, while others just collapse in a heap? It is because of choices—choices that we make each and every day. We make our choices, and our choices make us. And life is filled with choices.From the moment you get up in the morning until the moment you lay your head on your pillow, you will have made hundreds—maybe even thousands—of choices. Some are simple choices that don't mean a lot, and others are choices that mean a great deal. It comes down to this: If you want to grow spiritually, you will. And if you don't want to grow spiritually, you won't. It is not the luck of the draw or something that only happens randomly; it is making the right choice to do the right thing.We either will go forward as Christians, or we will go backward. We either will progress, or we will regress. We either will gain ground, or we will lose ground. And if we stand still, we will lose ground. So this is the kind of commitment where we should be seeking, on a daily basis, to grow spiritually, to progress, and to learn—and not just hold our own.We all need to commit ourselves to growing spiritually, because there are things that impair our spiritual growth, and there are things that help it. We want to live lives that will honor God and stay away from the things that will drag us down spiritually. Because spiritual growth is based on doing what is good—and not doing what is bad.
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Greg@harvest.orgWant to read more from Greg Laurie? Be sure to check out his weekly columns at World Net Daily. Click here to read his latest article.Copyright ©2010 by Harvest Ministries. All Rights Reserved.Last Call Digest
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