The Last Generation Network News Report
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"Your Digital News Flash"
"Tuesday is News Day"
(google "Tuesday is Newsday")
"Showdown in America" “This is a lie. This is totally untrue.” Capitol experienced "three to five years of wear in that one month." "The plan unraveled as the first helicopter tried to hover over the compound." One finalist: "Does not supply oxygen" on a dust mask. "It's not necessarily clear to people in the lighting industry that LED chips were ever meant to go into a bulb." “There is a selective outrage machine here." "Strategy for the Arctic" "I am truly sorry." "We hope that Chrissy gets justice and that these young ladies get justice as well." "I'm much more comfortable with a Humvee." "I want the voters in California to know that we are practically brothers of the brain.” Even NASA is impressed. "...I am not ready to leave the private sector." "We will not be ready for it." "done" Now the title says he's "in conversation" with Obama. "inaccurate" "So, Mike, enjoy the show." "I don't think there's as much urinating this year so far." "Every little boy has got a SEAL in them." "Let's get those t-shirt guns out here..." "It's unconscionable, it's sacrilegious." "To all Bible believers, let us UNITE to stand up and speak up for the State of Israel." "We demand an end to U.S. support for Israeli occupation..." "What American export could be less helpful to the Middle East than that?” "the great massacre" "Intentions." "I believe I've been asked to stand -- in Jerusalem." "Why don't you get out before you make a bigger fool of yourself." "Folks, don’t ask me to explain this. There is no explanation!" "Variation" vs. no mandate "period." "strong supporter of the right of workers to organize" "...for people afraid for the dark." "Bart seems to think he can play mind-reader..." "The boots makes them look more sexy..." "It shows him being hit and tossed aside in the street..." "he's still dedicated to the cause" "There is a gigantic regional coup by Iran taking place." "We practiced several crash scenarios today." “They had like broomsticks for paddles is what it looked like.” THE STORIES
Mexico Police Find 513 US-Bound Migrants in Two (!) Trailer Trucks WORLD
WATCHLerner’s Plan in Action? 400 Protesters Converge on JP Morgan Shareholders Mtg US
WATCHDamage Control: Gingrich Holds Conference Call With Conservative BloggersPOLITICS
WATCH$8 Million: That’s How Much the Wis. Budget Protests Will Cost Taxpayers GOVERNMENT
AP Uncovers New Details About OBL Raid: ‘It Nearly Went Terribly Wrong’ GOVERNMENT
Read the 5 Ridiculous Finalists for the ‘Wacky Warning Labels’ Contest BUSINESS
Are You Ready to Pay $50 for a 100-Watt Bulb? TECHNOLOGY
‘Boo-Yah’: O’Reilly vs. Stewart Showdown Over Rapper Involves Accusations of ‘Pettifogging’MEDIA
Are Exploding Chinese Watermelons Another Warning Sign? WORLD
Denmark Plans to Lay Claim to North Pole WORLD
WATCHSchwarzenegger Reveals He Had a Child With a Member of Household Staff US
Update: Attackers Charged With Hate Crimes in Brutal McD’s Beating CRIME
Rep. Allen West Learns the Trick to Pumping Gas Into a Jaguar GOVERNMENT
WATCHWhy Did Glenn ‘Endorse’ a Calif. Democrat for Congress on Radio? POLITICS
Passenger Takes Stunning Pics of Shuttle Launch From Airplane Window SCIENCE
Trump Says He Won’t Run for Prez: ‘Business Is My Greatest Passion’ POLITICS
‘Judgment Day May 21, 2011′: Man Spends Life Savings Proclaming End of Days FAITH
WATCHStealthy Socialism: Liberal Journalist Explains How Obama Could Decree Federal Control Over Private Corporations to Unionize & Regulate Them Using Laws Already on the BooksGOVERNMENT
WATCHNews Anchor ‘Loses It’ With Laughter After Seeing Hilarious Sports Footage MEDIA
Update: CNN Changes Name of Zakaria Video to Soften ‘Advising’ Position MEDIA
CNN‘s Fareed Zakaria Now Denies He’s ‘Advising’ the President MEDIA
WATCHTrump Tapes Special Message for Huckabee Show — Did He Know Ahead of Time?
25 Arrested: San Francisco Cracks Down on Nudity & Drunkeness at ‘Bay to Breakers’ Race US
WATCHSEAL-Mania! America Goes Crazy for Navy Unit After bin Laden Death US
WATCHSNL Sketch Features Over-the-Top Obama Reveling in OBL Death ENTERTAINMENT
WATCHMedia Amnesia: One Week Before His Renewed Muslim Outreach Why Has No One Reported Obama‘s Massive Egyptian ’Spring’ Misread
WATCHBlaze Exclusive Social Justice in School PART 1: Piven & Professors Push Voting Rights for Non-Citizens & Borderless, One-World, Anti-Capitalism, Government
WATCHFlorida Church Takes Heat for Publishing Prayer Request for…Osama bin LadenFAITH
Pastor John Hagee’s Open Letter to Glenn Detailing Anti-Israel Disruptions FAITH
WATCHProtesters Interrupt TX Church Service to Shout Anti-Israel Slogans FAITH
WATCHRachel Maddow Mocks Beck & His Fans For ‘Courage’ Event in Israel WORLD
WATCHHamas Cleric: The Jews Will be Annihilated & Palestine Will Be Capital of New Caliphate WORLD
WATCHMayor of Jerusalem Tells Beck His Simple Rule for Detecting Evil in Strategic Relationships MEDIA
WATCHThe Road to ‘Restoring Courage’: Glenn Explains Logical Path to Israel EventMEDIA
Beck Announces Major ‘Restoring Courage’ Rally in Israel This August MEDIA
WATCH‘Unforgivable’: Intense Video Captures Iowa Voter Calling Gingrich ‘Embarrassment’ for Ryan Remarks POLITICS
WATCHRush Rails Against Gingrich‘s ’Inexplicable‘ and ’Mind-Boggling’ Obamacare Comments POLITICS
WATCHSo What Does He Believe? Gingrich Gives Confusing Statements About Individual Mandate POLITICS
CT School Says ‘Know English or No Diploma’ EDUCATION
Office of Management and Budget Could Soon Unionize Under AFL-CIO GOVERNMENT
Stephen Hawking: Heaven is a ‘Fairy Story’ FAITH
Bible Scholar: Half of New Testament ‘Forged’ FAITH
WATCHYour Eyes Aren’t Deceiving You: 3-Feet-Long ‘Pointy’ Boots Are the Craze in Mexico WORLD
WATCHAmazing Video: 9-Year-Old CO Boy Survives Incredible Hit-and-Run CRIME
WATCHArmy ‘Birther’ Lt. Col. Released From Jail After Refusing to Obey OrdersGOVERNMENT
WATCHBen Stein: The ‘Arab Spring’ Is a Fraud MEDIA
WATCHNo Bull: Watch NFL Star Chad Ochocinco Last 1.5 Seconds on a Bucking BullSPORTS
WATCHCruise Ship Heading to FL Picks Up Cubans Adrift at Sea US
WATCHNovelist Vince Flynn Talks to Hugh Hewitt About His Cancer Fight (and Much, Much More) MEDIA
WATCHYankees, We Want to See Your Dead Bodies in a Cemetery in Washington D.C.: Libyan Reporter Broadcasts Message to America After NATO Bombing
WATCHHomeland Security Sec Napolitano: That Whole Bin Laden Death Thing Really Didn’t Make Us Safer or Change Anything
The Last Generation Network News Report
Last Generation News Last Generation Report
EVERYONE at "The Biblical Christian Digital Network" takes News seriously. You should to. Serious enough to realize that ALL NEWS and ALL NEWS SERVICES are biased and opionated. That is a fact; that will not change no matter where you get your news or read it from.
This is News for some but there is no such thing as Fair and Balanced or Fact news.
When human beings are involved it means we all see things differently at times. News outside of America admits it is biased; News in America in the last 75 years has tried to "market" the idea of "journalistic integrity" when since before America became a nation it has been the venue of News to express opinion. Often as in media, owned and operated by "Newsservices" for political reason.
It is up to you what you see; what you hear and what you understand.
The Only Facts For a Christian is The Word of God.
You control what you see; Be Carful how you read a story. You control what you hear; Be careful what and who you are listening to. You control what you understand; be mindful of God to direct your understanding.
In all things remember; you control how you act upon them; don't react to them.
"Take Everything to the Lord in Prayer; then leave it there."
Yes! Jesus is Coming
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