Thursday, May 5, 2011

Thursday is Prophecy Perspectives: "Today if you Hear His Voice" -Michael James Stone


 Biblical Prophecy Today   Biblical Prophecy Today   Biblical Prophecy Today   Biblical Prophecy Today 

Every Thursday We Post Perspectives in Prophecy


(google: "Prophecy Today Q&A" or "Biblical Prophecy Today")


 Prophecy Article Today

"Articulating Prophecy Biblically"


Thursday is Prophecy Perspectives


All Day Thursday the Seven Networks focus on Prophecy  and articles from the growing Network of Biblical Christians who study and present material to be considered in your preparations as Jesus is Coming Soon.
It is has always been and always will be that we live in "The Last Generation" and as such "Look to and Look for" Jesus, the author and finisher of our Faith.
In all these posts and in all our presentations, Always "Prove All Things, Hold fast that which is Good."
The fact is you may not always agree with what is written. We might not either, however we do choose to examine Prophecy Perspectives to see Jesus and not to divide the Body of Christ or the Bride as she prepares for her groom.
Our Highest Goal and over riding rule in Prophecy is: "We would see Jesus" 
All else is irrelevant to us, thus Prophecy is the Revelation of Jesus.
It is our Hope you would See Him
and in seeing Him
Know Him.
Thursday is Prophecy Perspectives: 
Today if you Hear His Voice
Harden not your heart, but Listen to Him.
-Michael James Stone-





 -Christian Issues Network-   -Last Call Devotional Network-   -Natzsal The Jewish Network-

     -Michael James Stone Online-

The Biblical Christian Network is composed of Seven Networks. Posts releated to Biblical Prophecy appear only in Biblical Prophecy Network; etc.. Click on the Link above; At the top of the page of each Network there is a tab to see "alternative sites" if you cannot view the Home Network Page. Each Home Network Page has a 'specific Network Tab' and a "Biblical Network' tab exlplaining details. Each "Network" has a tab called "Content" to explain when new posts appear and what features are on that Network.

If you looking for a specific area of interest; look for that Network.