Wednesday, May 25, 2011

ThinkAboutIt: "What Do you Want?" - Michael James Stone

"Giving you somthing to think about"


Last Call Devotional Network


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What Do you Want?

You know; Everyday I wake up, I get up and get busy about what I want to do. Sometimes it's about waht I have to do or need to do but have you ever thought about this?:

God, What Do YOU want to do today?

It is so easy to plan, too easy to schedule and almost without thought easier still to say what we "need to do" but I wonder sometimes..., I wonder if we asked God what he wants to do; if it is the same as what we want?

Oh sure, I can tell you a hundred reasons why my schedule or my plans are "ok by him" or "His Will" and you know while he permits me to "get away" with planning it all.....maybe.....just maybe....God might say something else today.

Maybe today He might sound less like the voice in my head or the concience in my heart I programmed and more the personal living God I know if I take the time and in reality make the time to simplu ask that one question:

What Do You Want?

Now you know. I never said I WOULD DO IT, I just said maybe we should ask. Nothing wrong with finding out what GOD wants to do today. You still can plan, you still can do, you still can go right about your own business and duty as I am sure by God's own good graces in you will allow.

But you know...,

What if God has something special in mind today?

What if we ask Him;


What DO YOU WANT to do Today?


Yes! Jesus is Coming!  

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