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Please read the Article below to understand my "common sense" approach to Tornadoes, Earthquakes, Floods, Mudslides, Fires and "natural calmity"
I care about people. I help them out when they are smart and I help them out when they are dumb. I even help people out when they reap what they sow and I help them after they build thier house on sand. But one thing I am not....and that is surprised.
EVERY YEAR in SOCAL, southern California the hot dry Santa Ana winds come up and every year there are major fires that hit the news. As long as I can remember every year the Missippi river floods, Tornado alley gets lots of Tornadoes, Hurricanes hit or near miss the Southern states, and most of the time there is a volcanoe going off somewhere in the world.
Why are we surprised?
My wife saw a house slide off a hillside in California and asked me why I didn't care, I told her they'll rebuild and do it all over again.....about that time the News reporter asked the person how many times this had happened.....the home owner said twice.
I just looked at my wife and said nothing.
I saw a great News Story about a home that got flooded on the Mississippi River FLOOD plain. He said, "They told us when we built here this coould happen." That man I could shake his hand. HE KNEW it could happend and since it was ON A FLOOD PLAIN it could FLOOD.
Anyone see a pattern here? Anyone one thinking about House on Sand or Reap what you sow or even the little child that asked me......Why would anyone build a house under sea level?
Please don't tell me anyone is that stubborn and doesn't realize..........some of our disaster cases ARE avoidable.
I am all for helping. I am all for picking up the pieces. I am even up for changing dirty diapers.
But if you tell you are rebuilding a house destroyed by tornado and NOT making it tornado proof.
I will say;
Thats Stupid.
Michael James Stone
Tornadoes kill an average of 80 people annually in the Midwest and South, and in some years, many more. The tornado that touched down in Joplin, Mo. yesterday has exceeded that annual average on its own, having killed at least 89 people. So far in 2011, the twister death toll has already topped 400. By contrast, no one has died in an earthquake in the United States since 2003. While earthquake-proof building codes are becoming ever more stringent for structures built in the country's earthquake zones, why are there no tornado building codes in Tornado Alley? According to Tim Reinhold, senior vice president for research and chief engineer at the Institute for Business and Home Safety (IBHS) in Tampa, Fla., it comes down to something called the "return period" -- the interval between two disaster events in a given location. Although major tornadoes happen every year, the likelihood they'll happen twice in the same place is very low. "In some areas of California, earthquakes happen tens or hundreds of years apart, and they affect a tremendous area with a lot of properties," Reinhold told Life's Little Mysteries."But for a tornado hitting a particular location in Tornado Alley, you're dealing with return periods of thousands of years." Earthquake building codes, Reinhold explained, vary between regions, but at their most stringent, they only apply to areas with disaster return periods of 500 to 1,000 years. "Building codes are required for a building that, in any given year, has a 1 in 500 to 1 in 1,000 chance of getting destroyed by an earthquake," he said. "With tornadoes, because they're relatively small and don't cover very much ground, the chances that a particular building in Tornado Alley would be hit is 1 in 5,000 per year. And within that, the chance that the tornado will be F4 or F5 [the highest levels on the Fujita scale] is even lower. So to make everyone build houses to stand up to that level would be a huge cost increase and we'd all be living in concrete bunkers," Reinhold said. Whether we're driving, flying in an airplane, or simply living in Tornado Alley, there is always some risk involved in human activities, he pointed out. Though neither the state nor the federal governments require it, there are precautions people can take to protect themselves in the event of a tornado. "The best thing people can do for personal safety is to put in a storm shelter," Reinhold said. "There is money available from FEMA to help people if they want to build a storm shelter which is designed to withstand 200 mph winds and to resist a two-by-four [piece of wood] hitting the wall at 100 mph. It depends on whether the state is participating as to whether those funds are available." If people don't want to build storm shelters, "there are guidelines available for what you can do to create a safe area in a home or business as opposed to strengthening a whole house," he said. One example is to strengthen the wood studs in the wall of an inner room. "FEMA says when a tornado is threatening your area, the key is having a safe place to go and enough time to get there," he said. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) broadcasts weather information all across Tornado Alley, so people should keep their radios tuned in, he said.Why Aren't There Tornado Safety Building Codes?
23 May 2011 2:40 PM ET
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This is News for some but there is no such thing as Fair and Balanced or Fact news.
When human beings are involved it means we all see things differently at times. News outside of America admits it is biased; News in America in the last 75 years has tried to "market" the idea of "journalistic integrity" when since before America became a nation it has been the venue of News to express opinion. Often as in media, owned and operated by "Newsservices" for political reason.
It is up to you what you see; what you hear and what you understand.
The Only Facts For a Christian is The Word of God.
You control what you see; Be Carful how you read a story. You control what you hear; Be careful what and who you are listening to. You control what you understand; be mindful of God to direct your understanding.
In all things remember; you control how you act upon them; don't react to them.
"Take Everything to the Lord in Prayer; then leave it there."