Thursday, March 10, 2011

Yom Tov: Thursday, March 10, 2011 4 Adar II, 5771

 Thursday, March 10, 2011   

Yom Tov
ערב טוב
Yom Tov in two words "Good Day" symbolize and embody the Scripture 
"This is the Day that the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it"
Since God created the day from the night in genesis and called it good, it is possible He might have looked at the day dawning and said: "Yom Tov"
-Eben Micha'el Ya'akov ben Avraham-


Today in Jewish HistoryOpen All
Maharam's Body Ransomed (1307)   More
Passing of R. Leib Sarah's (1791)   More
Roman Ghetto Abolished (1798)   Less
In 1555, Pope Paul IV segregated the Jews of Rome in a walled quarter surrounded by gates that were locked at night. The ghettoed Jews were then subjected to various forms of degradation as well as restrictions on their personal freedoms.
During the French Revolution, Italy was conquered by Napoleon Bonaparte. On the 4th of Adar (Tuesday, February 20, 1798) the Ghetto was legally abolished. It was reinstated, however, as soon as the Papacy regained control.