Saturday, March 5, 2011

Biblical Prophecy Today "Overview"



(Coming Soon)



  1. Q&A Prophecy from: (Questions and Answers from some of the Most Popular Prophecy Sites on the Web) Keyword Look up: Q&A
  2. Prophecy Perspective: (Featuring a "New" Prophecy site weekly with Information, "Mini-View" of the site and perspective) Keyword Look up: P&P
  3. Prophetic Opinion: (Articles from leading Writers expressing a propehtic opinion of the Scriptures and/or Prophecy subject material) Keyword Look up: O&P
  4. Signs of the Times: (A personal perspective by Authors of the "State of the World" from a Christian Perspective) Keyword Look up: O&P


This is the 'scheduled' line up each "featured" series that runs on "Biblical Prophecy Today"

This is an example:

Q&A Prophecy from: Bible Prophecy Blog  "What is the Rapture" -Chuck Smith





In Prophecy Sites there is a tendency to become "a subset" of commonly exlusive authorships that "post together" "preach together" and profit together.

Often these are valid ministries just trying to "make a buck" to pay for the cost of living and cost of ministry. Sometimes the "adds" and advertising clouds the message which may be an exceptionally well written.

With the Coming "Scare" of 2012, it is crucial to have as much "information" available to the Christian to evaluate the "hype" from the reality.

"To Prove ALL things and to hold fast that which is good."



No one Site will have all the answers in Prophecy and no site or author will not have posted errors in prohecy on it's site.

No One.

Often major authors in the Prophecy develop a kind of "blinder" mentality when they choose to "toss out the baby with bathwater".

They "do not" associate or learn from someone who might not share ALL the same perspective they have.

It is "sometimes" done on Theologically Sound Doctrines, but neglect the fact that a "kernel" of Truth" may be hidden or squirreled away in a unacceptable person or place.

Biblical Prophecy Today doesn't seek to validate any person or ministry, but to present information to study concerning Prophecy Today that just might be accurate, though it also my be questionable.

As such we try to focus on the Facts of the Articles not the person God used to write it.

There is a common story on the Internet attributed to C.H. Spurgeon ; A.W. Tozer, and Rich Mullins it says

"When God spoke to Balaam through an Ass don't be surprised by that, He has been speaking through asses ever since"



We will Try to have this site 24/7 soon.

As such I can only Hope you will Pray not Pay for us.

Jesus is Coming, Soon.

You should study and Be prepared, not scared or oblivious to that fact.