Harold Camping: Playing with Numbers
By Dr. David R. Reagan
Lamb & Lion Ministries
Harold Camping, owner of the Family Radio Network who has set the date for the Lord's return at May 21, 2011, is a former engineer, and as such, he loves to play with numbers. They are an obsession with him.
The best example is a mathematical formula he discovered that absolutely convinced him that he is correct in dating the end of the Church Age to May 21, 1988. He treats this formula in his writings as if it has eclipsed the world's previously most important equation — namely, E=MC2. You had better sit down. Here's how it goes:And if that silliness is not enough, Camping points to another calculation of his that he says validates his date for the Rapture. He states that the Noahic Flood occurred in 4990 BC (most Evangelical scholars place it from 2500 to 2300 BC!). He then points out that the time span from 4990 BC to 2011 is exactly 7,000 years.
Even if this were true, what would it prove? Well, Camping says that when Noah preached that Mankind had 7 days to escape the destruction (Genesis 7:4), he was really saying that Mankind had 7,000 years of existence left, since to God a thousand years is as a day. Once again, we find allegorical interpretation running amok!
In the next part of this series examining the madness of Harold Camping's date-setting, we'll look at the Bible verses that ultimately challenge Camping's set date.