Is The Bible True?
Is the Bible true? Who wrote the Bible? These are vital questions that deserve serious investigation and a serious response. The Bible isn’t just a “religious book” – it’s a collection of history books written by 40 authors over some 1,600 years. These writers came from all walks of life (from kings and warriors to fishermen and shepherds). The claims in these books may seem dramatic (or unrealistic to some), but a careful and honest study of these historical texts will show them to be truly unique and special.
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- Is The Bible True? - Can we hold the Bible as truth and authority for our lives? Check out the evidence here.
- Origin Of The Bible - How can we know that the Bible translations we read today are the same as the originals?
- Is the Bible True Video - What does the evidence of history, archaeology, and prophecy reveal about Biblical inspiration, trustworthiness, and authenticity? You gotta watch this short video clip.
- Who Wrote The Bible - A look at the diverse group of authors and texts that make up the Bible.
- History of the Rosetta Stone Video - Why are Egyptian Hieroglyphics so important to Biblical Studies? Have Egyptian artifacts impacted the integrity of the Jewish scriptures? Click to watch this short video stream now!
- Holy Bible - Concise yet detailed review of the history of the Holy Bible. Discover the origins of the Old and New Testament.
- Bible Truth? - A look at the legitimacy and integrity of the entire Bible. Check out the whole story here.
- All About Truth - Is the Bible truth? Does it contain any truth? Study the facts of prophecy and archaeology for yourself.
- Biblical Prophecy - A review of some Old Testament prophecies and their well-known fulfillments.
- Introduction To The Bible - Read the Bible as an "intellectual exercise" to help connect the dots with respect to historical people, places and events.
- Bible Origin - Divine inspiration revealed in the Word of God. The New Testament canon and the authenticity of scripture. God-breathed Truth.
- Galilee Boat Video - Randall Niles visits the restored first century find known as the Jesus Boat on the Sea of Galilee in Israel.
- Kidron Valley Video - Randall Niles looks up at the Golden Gate on the Temple Mount of Ancient Jerusalem.
- Qumran Caves Video - The Caves at Qumran above the Dead Sea in Israel. Randall Niles views Cave 4 at Qumran, discovered in 1952. This is one of the famous caves where the Essenes hid the Jewish Scriptures during the first century.
- Tel Dan Video - Randall Niles explores the ancient stronghold of northern Israel at the headwaters of the Dan Spring just below Mount Hermon.
- Bible Archaeology Video - Randall Niles goes on a journey from Treasure Hunting to Soft Science.
- Dead Sea Scrolls Exhibit Video - Randall Niles visits the Israel Museum in Jerusalem where many of the Dead Sea Scrolls are stored, including the Great Isaiah Scroll.
- Pontius Pilate Video - Randall Niles reads from Pilate's dedication stone to Tiberias at Caesarea on the Mediterranean Sea in Israel.
- Al Khazneh - What myths and history revolve around the treasury at Petra? What do historians say? Find out here.
- Petra the Ancient City - Who were the earliest inhabitants of this mysterious area? Learn about the Horites and how they impacted the history of Petra.
- Tabgha Video - A View of the Sea of Galilee above Tabgha. Randall Niles looks out from the hillside where the masses listened to Jesus teach.
- History of Israel Video - Randall Niles looks at the ancient prophecies of Isaiah, Ezekiel, and Jeremiah in light of current events in the Jewish state of Israel.
- Petra - Find info on this stunning location – the history, the purpose. What is it used for today?
- Bible Truth Video - What does the evidence of history, archaeology, and prophecy reveal about Biblical inspiration, trustworthiness, and authenticity?
- Sea of Galilee Video - Randall Niles scans the shoreline near Ancient Genesar Harbor during a major drought in 2008.
- Dead Sea Scrolls Video - Randall Niles goes on location to tell the story of the Essenes and the ancient Jewish scriptures hidden in caves above the Dead Sea in Israel.
- Megiddo Video - Randall Niles explores Solomon's Gate entering ancient Megiddo just above the Jezreel Valley in Israel.
- Temple Mount Video - Randall Niles views the Temple Mount of Ancient Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives across the Kidron Valley.
- Chorazin Video - Randall Niles stands in the ancient synagogue where Jesus taught above the Sea of Galilee in Israel.
- Moral Ethics Video - Randall Niles examines the conflicting concepts of moral relativism and universal truth as they are applied by many people today.
- Caesarea Philippi Video - Peter's Confession at Banias. Randall Niles looks at the biblical significance of Caesarea Philippi to Jesus and his disciples.
- City of Petra - What is the significance of this great tourist spot and city of history? Find out about the inhabitants and history.
- Fulfillment of Bible Prophecy - Could the Gospel writers have told the story of Jesus’ life in such a way that it conformed to Old Testament prophecy?
- Christian Prophecy - Jewish prophecy and Christian prophecy come from the same place. It's just a matter of reading with an open mind.
- Christian Persecution - Martyrdom is a powerful testimony for a religion founded on an historical event. Check out why here.
- History Of Israel - A look at biblical history and how the people of Israel were established as a nation.
- New Testament Archaeology - Like the Old Testament, I found that the historical record of the New Testament was upheld time and again by archaeology.
- Bible Prophecies Fulfilled - The prophets Hosea and Micah each predicted the destruction of Samaria, the capital city of the Northern Kingdom of Israel.
- Gospel Of Luke - Recent discoveries reveal that the Romans had a regular enrollment of taxpayers every 14 years, beginning with Caesar Augustus.
- Israel History - Israel history includes the freeing of the Jewish captives from Babylon by Cyrus the Great, as recorded on the Cyrus Cylinder.
- Biblical Archaeology - Numerous finds discovered throughout the Holy Land continue to point to an accurate biblical record.
- 10 Commandments - Is there a list of moral standards by which we can base our life and morals? Find the list here.
- Israel Archaeology - There's a big difference between historic generalities and the specific people and events mentioned in the Bible. Check out the evidence!
- Bible Manuscripts - Biblical manuscript evidence far surpasses the manuscript reliability of other ancient writings that we trust as authentic every day.
- Josephus - Who was the Jewish historian who wrote for the Roman Empire?
- Ancient Israel - Archaeological evidence for the ancient cities of the Israelites mentioned in the Bible, including Jericho, Shechem, Dan, Jerusalem, and Megiddo.
- Biblical Archaeology - Archaeology confirms that the writers of the Bible had a solid grasp on the people, places and events of history.
- Basics of Archaeology Video - Stream this short video clip now. What are the basics of biblical archaeology? Is archaeology just treasure hunting or compelling evidence for truth?
- Ark Of The Covenant - Why was this special traveling container of the Israelites so important?
- Bible Translations - Study five of the major versions of the Bible and history that impacted each. What are their distinctives?
- Bible Codes - Is there a special message system incorporated into the Bible that reveals its supernatural origin?
- History Of The Bible - Beginning as early as 250 BC, the Hebrew Bible was translated into Greek by Jewish scholars in Alexandria, Egypt.
- Bible Prophecy - The Bible declares that its test for supernatural inspiration is 100% fulfilled prophecy. That means no predictive failures whatsoever.
- Churches of Revelation Video - Stream this short video clip from ColdWater Media on the incredible seven churches of Revelation. This Rocks!
- Seven Churches in Revelation - Do the seven churches in Revelation refer to literal churches? If so, do they also have spiritual significance for churches and believers today? Watch these short video clips!
- Messianic Prophecy - Take a look at the collection of prophecies from the Jewish Scriptures that tell of a coming Redeemer.
- Dead Sea Scrolls - A huge find in our own generation. Textual criticism of the biblical text has been revolutionized.
- Ancient Mesopotamia - Check out the evidence for Nebuchadnezzar and the Babylonian Empire, which destroyed Jerusalem in 586 BC and exiled the Jews to Babylon.
- Bible Contradictions - Alleged errors and inaccuracies in the Bible. A barrier for many critics. Definition, analysis, translation and context answer the questions.
- Saint Luke - The archaeological evidence establishes that Luke is a historian of the first rank. He is now considered one of the great historians.
- Gospel Of John - Even with historical trustworthiness, the notion of "divine inspiration" still seemed a little over the edge to me.
- Septuagint - Why is thise Greek translation of the Jewish Bible so important to textual accuracy today?
- Origin of the Bible Video - You have to see this short video clip on ancient manuscripts and how they were created! Check out how many manuscripts of the New Testament have been found! It will blow your mind!
- Zeitgeist Movie Video - Did mystery religions influence Christianity? Randall Niles looks at the ancient pagan and mystery religions.
- Zeitgeist Movie - Are the allegations true that Jesus is a mythological amalgamation of pagan deities invented by various ancient cultures?
- Bible Translations - What about all of the changes made to the Bible over the centuries? What about all those interpretations of oral tradition?
- All About Archaeology - Learn about the people who analyze ancient cultures through artifacts, inscriptions, and other remains. What biblical finds have these people discovered?
- Importance of the Dead Sea Scrolls Video - What does this discovery mean to the integrity of the ancient scriptures? Why are the Dead Sea Scrolls so important? Stream this short video and dig deeper now!
- Old Testament Law - Do Old Testament laws continue to bind Christians today? Read this response to Sam Harris by RC Metcalf.
- Teachings of Jesus - What was Jesus’ response to the Old Testament Law? Does it point the way to forgiveness and salvation from sin?
- King James Bible - A look at the history and translation team behind the classic version of the Bible.
- Bible Archaeology - Cities of Old Testament scripture. Homes of Abraham and the Patriarchs. Capitals of the Mesopotamian Empires. Cities of ancient Israel.
- Bible Contradictions - A few names and numbers must be considered copyist errors. However, any alleged inconsistency of any real significance is fully explainable.
- Bible Prophecy - The book of Daniel prophesies with detailed accuracy the fate of the Grecian Empire. Learn more about these prophecies here.
- Power Of Prophecy - Who was this "Immanuel" (literally, "God-with-us") who the prophet Isaiah declared would be born of a virgin?
- Misquoting Jesus - Read a response to Bart Ehrman’s book Misquoting Jesus. Study some Greek variants that lead to his conclusion on textual criticism.
- Biblical Inspiration - Investigate seven problem texts cited by Ehrman in the book Misquoting Jesus. Do the affect key doctrines of the faith?