“What signs indicate that the end times are approaching?” Comment by Debbie I believe via Scripture that Israel is the time clock. There are current events that are fulfilling the Book of Ezekiel. Turkey joining the Islamic union and rejecting her former Christian status was a huge sign. Palestine announcing they will declare independence early this summer is another sign which could easily set up the Gog-Magog invasion. There are signs in nature as well. Look at some of the signs in the Book of Revelation. The blood moon (total lunar eclipses) are a sign. Research when they fall in the coming years. The Jewish Feast Days are another sign in past that seem to reveal events. The signs are visible to those who read and believe God’s Word. I am still waiting for the physical temple in Jerusalem to be rebuilt. I know that everything from the stones, priestly garments to the red heifer are ready and waiting, but have not been instituted. Until He comes, I must keep doing what He requires of believers, but I know in my heart it is soon…. Comment by alvin I was just wondering today if dna had shed any light on the 10 lost tribes of Israel. so i googled. (and giggled) amid the misinformation it appears that the tribes may indeed be spread among every nation of earth, and revelation does state that 12,000 will preach the gospel from each tribe in those days. Are we now at the edge of knowing who the 10 tribes are? Comment by terry are we not in church eph3:21 world without end. Comment by Michael James Stone Signs of the Times are not the “Global Events” necessarily that Jesus spoke of, because Who he spoke to, (besides you and me today) had no concept of the “global events” that we so often add to his words. He spoke to common people dealing in an environment they could recognize all around them. Without Television, WOULD WE see a Sign in every event? The Signs of the Times were meant to be local to Israel, but also understandable as easily as the weather. You see a cloud you don’t take an umbrella, but if you see a really dark sky full of clouds, then you pretty much plan on rain. THAT is how Jesus described the signs of his soon returning. So if you are adding up a list than involves what is occurring IN ISRAEL as if you were standing THERE looking out, then maybe you get a better perspective and point of view. BUT if you go by the BUZZ WORDS; SOUND BITES; PROPHECY SPINS; and general”hyper” mentality people take in looking at Prophecy and the Signs of the Times of His Coming, then Everyday you have to Find and Create an even bigger “fix” because the Lord may not use your exaggeration in His Explanation as He recorded it in Matthew. Do I Believe we are in the Last Generation? Yes. Does that mean the 2011, 2012 fanatics or the Psalm 38 War Criers? No. What it means is I carefully sit down, pray, examine what is true, and see if the pieces I am given fit, or do I have to be told they fit? I can listen to a weather man tell me on a sunny day it’s going to rain, but you won’t find me carrying an umbrella with no cloud in the sky. Comment by Mary Why wasn’t Matthew 24:14 included in your answer? Comment by Ian Everything. It has been the End Times since Jesus ascended back to Heaven. No one thing points to His return, everything points to His return. We don’t know when He will return only that He is returning. That is why He said to be ready because He comes like a thief in the night. Comment by Denise I wasn’t clear in this article if the writer believed the end times were soon approaching or didn’t believe. Did anyone understand what the writer was trying to say in this sentence? “With these signs in mind, we can be wise and discerning in regard to the expectation of the end times. We should not, however, interpret any of these singular events as a clear indication of the soon arrival of the end times.” Comment by Edith Jane I really appreciate Jack Van Impe and the things he has to say on the End Times but I’d like to know what everyone here has to say on Jack’s GUESS of 2012 being the year of the Rapture?? I pray the Lord calls us up this year… today… right now!!! Comment by windyblue Birds falling out of the sky, fish dying. the Government the way it is. War’s that never stop, food prices that have gone sky high. Gas too. Unemployment the way it is. Crime, that is out of control. Comment by alvin Deb had a good summary, “Until He comes, I must keep doing what He requires of believers, but I know in my heart it is soon…. Comment by Warrior4Christ For those discerning of bible prophecy, there is just OVERWELMING evidence to point to the fact that we are living in the last days. Please see Pastor Billy Crone’s ” The Final Countdown” or “Are we living in the last days?”. You can find it on youtube. Not just theories or “hype” but clear evidence is found in current events which Pastor Billy Crone goes through in precisely. God bless you all:) Comment by ceseeley Edith Jane and All; Edith Jane, I listen twice to Jack Van Impe’s television broadcast when he said that the final generation of people would end mathematically, according to the 52 year constant, on December 21, 2012 … Jack supposedly and quite convincingly proved that a generation of people in the Bible is 52 years. I listen to Jack Van Impe almost every Sunday and sometimes during the week; this guy has 17 or 18 PhD’s!!! If I understood him right, his premise is based on Mark 13:28-30: Mar 13:28 Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When her branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is near: Mar 13:29 So ye in like manner, when ye shall see these things come to pass, know that it is nigh, [even] at the doors. Mar 13:30 Verily I say unto you, that this generation shall not pass, till all these things be done. These Scriptures supposedly refer to when Israel was in control of Jerusalem which happened during the Six Day War in 1967. If one adds 52 years to this, one comes up approximately to Dec 21, 2012. Edith Jane, read all of Mark 13 and the other Synoptic Gospel chapters and verses that say the same thing such as the following: Mat 16:28 Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom. Mat 23:36 Verily I say unto you, All these things shall come upon this generation. Mat 24:34 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. Luk 21:32 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled. Edith Jane, look up Mark 13:30 in http://www.blueletterbible.org; and then go to those six little squares to the left of that scripture and click on each one of them for further study and then include the possibility of pre, mid and post tribulation rapture … etc. Then, study books on “End Times Prophecy … etc., etc., etc!!! Remember, Jack said that he is not setting dates because Mat 24:36 says, But of that day and hour knoweth no [man], no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. Comment by Edith Jane Ceseeley, Comment by Edith Jane Ceseeley Comment by alvin Edith asked, “I really appreciate Jack Van Impe and the things he has to say on the End Times but I’d like to know what everyone here has to say on Jack’s GUESS of 2012 being the year of the Rapture??” Ceseeley has pointed out to you that Jack has some reasons for what he is saying, but i have to add, “on the other hand, though it may or may not be a very educated guess, it is still a GUESS.” Comment by alvin To Michael #4 “I can listen to a weather man tell me on a sunny day it’s going to rain, but you won’t find me carrying an umbrella with no cloud in the sky.” -i usually keep a spare umbrella in my car, just in case- Comment by alvin on #7, Comment by Denise “I wasn’t clear in this article if the writer believed the end times were soon approaching or didn’t believe. Did anyone understand what the writer was trying to say in this sentence? “With these signs in mind, we can be wise and discerning in regard to the expectation of the end times. We should not, however, interpret any of these singular events as a clear indication of the soon arrival of the end times.” -(I am not reading minds here, but i suspect the writer was remembering how many predictions have been made over the years that have been proved wrong) Comment by Rd 2018 is the 70th year Israel came back to the land God promise to them. Notice the number “70.” A very unique number for Israel. Comment by Anonymous Scripture says we won’t know the day or hour. It does not say we won’t know the year or month. 2015 is the year that two solar and two lunar eclipses fall on Jewish Feast Days. A solar eclipse two weeks before Passover brings in the Jewish religious year. Then, the (blood moon) lunar eclipse falls on Passover. Again, a solar eclipse falls on the beginning of the civil new year. (Rosh Hashanah) A (blood moon) lunar eclipse follows two weeks later on the Feast of Succot. (Tabernacles or Booths) With Palestine rattling the saber and claiming they will declare independence before early summer, that could easily set up a Gog-Magog alliance invasion. The entire world, including the United States is supporting Palestine. Israel will stand alone and my guess is they will refuse to have this shoved down their throats. Let’s just say the Gog-Magog war begins on the Feast of Purim. Now follow this Scripture…”And seven months shall the house of Israel be burying of them, that they may cleanse the land.” (EZEK 39:12) In fact EZEK 39:15 reads out of a nuclear aftermath handbook. What Feast falls seven months after Purim? The Feast of Trumpets. What better time for the church to be raptured? Just remember, this is a viewpoint, not a doctrine. So are Jack Van Impe’s, Billy Crone’s or Les Feldick’s. There is nothing wrong with trying to see the signs and fit the times, but we are to continue ministering as we are called until that time. Maybe a sense of urgency would ignite some Christians to start ministering. I’m with Alvin. I don’t carry an umbrella when the weather man says, “rain.” Comment by Michael James Stone Jack is a very charismatic teacher. Like can I ask everyone reading, when did Israel become a Nation in mind of the Jew? Was it when the United Nations said, OY! Hey You Jew. Today we give you a Nation, eh? I know there are A LOT of people who would say “BUT OF COURSE” and that is the day WE CELEBRATE the birth of Israel. Ahhh…., Hmmm, How did all those Jews “GET TO PALESTINE” and How come like a bunch of schmucks they were sitting around waiting for the United Nations to say it’s OK to be a Nation? Hmmmmm, How do you get a bunch of Jews from all over the World to start going to Palestine to buy land, scout out territory, Plant trees, drain swamps, and organize ALL BEFORE THE WORLD gets the idea that OY MEIN GOTT!!! where did these Jews come from? Didn’t they just show up after WORLD WAR 2? ANd just start going to Palestine then? No. The decree went forth from a certain unknown guy called Nehemiah to build the Temple and another unknown guy like minded named Ezra said Hey, everyone who gots it inst their heart to restore the temple, Hey DUDES it,s about time so lets go. WHOEVER HEARD OF SUCH A THING?????? I did. It’s called the First Zionist Council, held in Basel (Basle), Switzerland, from August 29 to August 31, 1897. I wonder what they did? And how Come 120 years later is 1967 when Jerusalem was declared the capital of Israel forever undivided? So, so what, some silly council and some nut named Herzl who wrote a book Der Judenstan, “The Jewish State” and WHO cares if they decided BACK THEN the national anthem and most if not all of modern Israel governing bodies and policies etc. WHO CARES that they raise money back then and bought land in Palestine and worked from 1897 building and rebuilding “walls? kibbutzims and moshavs IN waht would be Israel and they had a Plan, a book, a decree, and purpose. SO WHAT, you think he is Nehemiah or something? That “or something” is why you can take to the bank that your popular date setters are wrong. They can’t get the beginning date straight, so how will they get the end right? Of course. if YOU the reader, start with what was just posted, and use all your resources you can and have available……(grin) You will get an answer where all the pieces fit together in a perfect puzzle and there is not doubt as to time and season. Good luck, you were just handed the missing piece of prophecy FREE and you didn’t have to buy a book to get it. IMAGINE THAT -Michael
It also now appears that tubal of the meschek and tubal prophecies may be tbilisi in the land of georgia where a major oil pipeline is going in or already placed
internet set to become the greatest monopoply of all time
identity theft leading toward a call for a personal mark, on the forehead for the brave and on the hand for those who do not want to be readily indentified
itching ears of many causing the health and wealth of false prophets in all lands.
thats a start
oh, i do not think Jesus will return on May 21 as one little cult claims, but would not be surprised at all if He came before that instead of after.
Without the INTERNET would we keep making predictions every election year, millenium or pay attention to the LATEST GREATEST ABSOLUTE BEST SELLER Christian Bookstores have for us?
14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.
It will not surprise me at all to see the sky open and the Lord come back. anytime at all.
It does not hurt to pay attention to details, since Jesus said in Matthew 24 to WATCH, and He is going to make it very interesting to do so.
I found an end times summary in Daniel 7:13,14 that all major christian end times viewpoints agree with “I saw in the night visions, and look! One like the son of God came with the clouds of heaven and came to the Ancient of days, and they brought him near before him; and there was given to him dominion and glory and a kingdom. So all people, nations,and languages serve him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that does not pass away. His kingdom is never destroyed.”
I like that.
Verse 22 fits right up there with the last 2 chapters of Revelation also.
Great info!! I hear Jack say those things but you know him… he gets pretty excited and talks faster than my ears and hear. haha I’ll definitely look into Mark and the website you gave me!
So it’s 1967 (six day war) + 52 (generations) – 7 (tribulation) = 2012 ??
KEEP WATCHING, just like matthew 24 and luke17 and mark 13 especially verses 35,36,37 say.
it will be interesting to see how many signs are listed in this topic alone when everyone has added their own contribution.
Whether or not rapture is before, during or after this time, is up to the Father. 2012 is secular world’s number for end. We will know the season (Which “appears” to be now), we are to occupy until Jesus return.
I seen too many trying to second guess the Father, they can’t.
He has lots of sound theology and certainly his salvation message is fine. Anyone at any time though can be wrong on setting dates. I smile at the 52 number because Jack can get away with a lot to most people because most people will agree rather than find an error and work with jack to show how He could me correct on a lot of points but still be missing pieces.