Sunday, March 7, 2010

OTY: The Revelation (4) -Kay Arthur


a Production of

Precept Ministries International

P.O. Box 182218, Chattanooga, TN 37422-7218


The following is an actual transcript of the PRECEPTS FOR LIFE Broadcast. For the purpose of filling transcript requests quickly, they have received only light editing. If you have questions concerning the material covered in this broadcast, Kay has published a number of books explaining the Scripture in depth. These books may be ordered by contacting the telephone number or address printed above.


Do you realize that Jesus is coming? You say I don‟t believe it. I know the church has been talking about it for ages. Yes, they have. It is the purifying hope. But I want you to know that He is coming. And one of the signs that He is coming is the fact that scoffers are going to be saying oh, where‟s the promise of His coming? Everything continues the same as it was from the beginning. And what they don‟t know is that God was in the beginning, the Alpha and the Omega.



Well we‟re still in Revelation, chapter 1 and we‟re on verse 7. We‟re making fast tracks, aren‟t we? But aren‟t these rich insights that you and I are gaining and such practical insights, because these are the words of life. And as we look at verse 7, what we see is behold He is coming. Now this is what we want to add to the list of all the things that we‟re learning about Jesus


Think of what you have learned in these seven verses just from observing the text. There‟s no question, no you saying to me, well that‟s your interpretation. No it‟s not my interpretation. We‟ve observed the text. We‟ve discovered what it says and that‟s the interpretation. Really, the more you accurately observe the Word of God, the more interpretation just rises to the surface.

I bring that out in my book, How to Study the Bible Inductively. It‟s a book that you need to have if you don‟t have and we‟ll tell you how to get it on the break. But I want us to go to Revelation, chapter 1, verse 7. “Behold, He is coming with the clouds …,” Now that He is a reference to Jesus Christ.

It says, “Behold, He is coming with the clouds and every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him and all the tribes of the earth …,” listen carefully, “… will mourn over Him, even so, amen.” Do you realize that when Jesus Christ comes, Beloved, that there is going to be a great mourning? There is going to be a great wailing. There is going to be a great weeping. Do you know why?

Because all those people, when He comes, didn‟t believe that He was coming. They never bought the truth. Instead they bought a lie. They didn‟t bow the knee. They didn‟t submit to Him and therefore when He comes they are going to be caught in their sin and in their unbelief. And it says, “… even those who pierced Him will see Him.” Now let‟s go back and look at two scriptures that are very important.

Remember I‟ve taught you that scripture interprets scripture. And remember I told you that out of the 404 verses in the book of Revelation, 278 of them, almost three-quarters of them are references or allusions to Old Testament references, primarily Daniel, primarily Isaiah, primarily Ezekiel, and primarily the Psalms. But this is an allusion to a passage that‟s in the book of Zechariah.

Now Zechariah is the second to last book in the Old Testament. So go to Matthew and then back up two books. And let‟s look at Zechariah. Now as you‟re doing this, what you want to do is you want to mark your Bible also or if you don‟t want to mark your Bible, then you want to mark your study guide. And what I would suggest is you use the study guide, you mark it and then after the program you sit down and transfer the markings that you want to into your Bible so that you have that.

I would also suggest

that you get the New Inductive Study Bible.

If you have the NIV it‟s a thought-by-thought translation. It‟s not a word-by-word translation. And that New Inductive Study Bible tells you how to observe every book of the Bible.

It gives you a place to put down the theme of every single chapter, like of Revelation and at the end of each of book of the Bible. And it gives you a way to observe the text. It tells you how to mark the text. It has many other study helps in it that will help you as you study the Word of God yourself. All right, so next to verse 7 of Revelation, chapter 1, write Zechariah, chapter 12, verse 10.

You can just put Z-e-c-h period and abbreviate it, chapter 12, verse 10 and let‟s go to Zechariah. Now Zechariah tells us a lot about the coming of Jesus Christ, the coming of Jesus Christ in the clouds and every eye seeing Him. In Zechariah, chapter 12, verse 10 it says this:

“And I will pour out on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem the Spirit of grace and supplication, so that they will look on Me, whom they have pierced. They will look on Me, whom they have pierced and they will mourn for Him as one mourns for an only son. And they will weep bitterly over Him like the bitter weeping over a first-born.” It‟s sad, isn‟t it?

And you know what makes it so sad? It makes it so sad because the good news about Jesus Christ came to the Jew first and then it went to the Gentile. It went to the Gentile because the Jews primarily and collectively as a nation refused to believe that Jesus Christ was the Messiah. There was plenty of proof. In Jesus‟ first coming He fulfilled 333 prophesies that were in the Old Testament. So the odds of all those coming true, would be 10 to the 12th power.

I mean that‟s just incredible. It‟s mathematically impossible. But see with God nothing is impossible. So Jesus Christ was coming. They expected Him to come as King. They expected Him to rule over the face of this earth. But He came instead, as the Lamb of God to take away the sins of the world. He came to be born of a virgin, so that He would be without sin and so that He might be made sin for you and me.

He came to fulfill everything that the Old Testament talked about when it talked about the sacrifices and it talked about the Day of Atonement and it talked about the Passover Lamb. That‟s His first coming. In His second coming, He is

coming as we saw, as the ruler over the kings of the earth. Well when He comes He‟s going to come in clouds of glory.

In Acts, chapter 1, “When Jesus was taken up off this earth He was taken up in clouds. And the angels told the disciples, „As you see Him going, so you‟re going to see Him come.‟” In other words, He‟s leaving with these clouds; He‟s coming again with clouds. And every eye is going to see Him. They saw Him leave and when He comes back they‟re going to see Him come.

Now the reason that they‟re going to mourn is because they‟re going to realize that they were the ones that said we will not have this Man to rule over us. We do not believe that this is the Messiah. And so they‟re going to mourn over Him whom they pierced.

Now don‟t go around just saying hey, it‟s the Jews that killed Jesus because when you say that, you don‟t understand that really it is God who killed Jesus. It is God who determined that Jesus would be the Lamb of God who would die, who would take away the sins of the world. Yes, the Jews instigated His death, but you don‟t hold that against the Jews, because Jesus died for the sins of the world. Jesus died for your sins. Jesus died for your sins. It was your sins that put Him on the cross.

Do you understand that? You need to understand that, because so much has been done against Israel by the church. In the name of Christ they have put the Jews to death and they have said you Christ killers. And they have forced them to be baptized and, in forcing them to be baptized, they thought that they would be saved. That‟s so ignorant.

And that is ignorance that has come because those people did not know the Word of God, because they listened to men who did not teach the truth, because they listened to people who were prelates in the church and bishops and heads of churches and sometimes Popes that would say, even during the crusade, that would say, you go after the Jews. You release Jerusalem and you give it back to the church.

Jerusalem does not belong to the church. Jerusalem belongs to the Jews. It‟s God‟s eternal, holy city. It‟s where Jesus is going set up His throne, but it belongs to Israel. And you and I need to understand that. And when Jesus Christ comes in the clouds with glory and every eye sees Him and those who pierced Him see Him, what are they going to do?

They‟re going to mourn.

They‟re going to weep bitterly.

Listen again to Zechariah, chapter 12, verse 10. “And I will pour out on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem.” Now I want you to know something. I know that there‟s all the conflict in the Middle East about who Jerusalem belongs to and who Israel belongs to and the Palestinians say it belongs to them and the Jews say that it belongs to them.

It really doesn‟t matter what the Jews say and it really doesn‟t matter what the Palestinians say. It only matters what God says. And if you start from Genesis and you read from Genesis, chapter 12 on and you mark every reference to the land of Canaan, the land of Israel, you‟re going to see it belongs to the Jews, that God has given it to them as an everlasting possession.

You say, but they rejected Jesus, but they crucified Jesus. It doesn‟t matter. The covenants of God do not change. God does not change His mind.

And He made an everlasting covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob promising them a land that would be theirs as an everlasting possession. So he‟s saying here that, “I will pour out on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem the spirit of grace, and of supplication so that they will look on Me whom they have pierced and they will mourn for Me …,” for Him, “… as one mourns for an only son, and they will weep bitterly for Him like a bitter weeping over a first-born.” 



Remember in Revelation, chapter 1, we‟re looking at verse 7. “Behold He is coming with clouds and every eye will see Him ….” This is something, Beloved, that is going to be visible to the whole earth. It doesn‟t matter where people are living at that time. This is going to be such an event that every eye will see Him. I mean absolutely incredible. And it says, “… even those who pierced Him and all the tribes of the earth will mourn over Him …,”

And this is what He says, “… even so amen.” Now let‟s go back to Zechariah and just look at one more thing. Why are they going to mourn over Jesus as Messiah? Well they‟re going to mourn over Him because they did not believe. Listen to verse 11 of Zechariah 12. “In that day there will be

a great mourning in Jerusalem like the mourning of Hadad Rimmon.

In the plain of Megiddo. And the land will mourn, every family by itself: the family of the house of David by itself, and their wives by themselves; and the family of the house of Nathan by itself, and their wives by themselves; and the family of the house of Levi by theirselves, and their wives by themselves; and the families of the Shemites by themselves, and their wives by themselves; and all the families that remain, every family by itself, and their wives by themselves.”

Just imagine house after house, after house of all these different people and the people, because of the research that they have done and because there will be a temple and because there will be sacrifices reinstituted before Jesus Christ comes to earth and you see that in Revelation, chapter 11 and you understand it from Daniel, chapter 9 and other passages.

They‟re going to be, people that know hey I‟m a Levite and I‟m supposed to be worshipping in the house of God and all of a sudden they‟re going to realize we were the ones that said we don‟t want this Man to rule over us.

We were the ones that rejected it. We have been blind all these years. And it goes on to say in chapter 13, verse 1, “In that day a fountain will be open for the house of David and for the inhabitants of Jerusalem, for sin and for iniquity. And it will come about in that day that I will cut off the names of the idols from the land and they will no longer be remembered and I will remove the prophets and the unclean spirit from the land.”

Well we could on but we don‟t need to, but I just want you to see there‟s a fountain opened that day. There‟s a fountain opened for Israel. There‟s a fountain opened as finally they see that He is the Christ. Now Zechariah goes on to tell us that by the time the day of the Lord is over, only one third of all the Jews that are living at that time will survive, only one third. Two thirds will be killed. They‟ll be taken away in their unbelief. But that one third, that remnant that is left, when they see Him then a fountain will be opened, a fountain for sin and for iniquity.

They will look on Him whom they pierced. They will believe in Him and they will weep bitterly that they didn‟t believe sooner. And they will see that all the suffering that Israel went through ever since they rejected Messiah was useless if they had only believed, if they

had only listened to the message of John the Baptist, who in a sense came in the power and the spirit of Elijah to return the hearts of the children to the fathers and the hearts of the fathers to the children and to return them to the Lord. But they didn‟t listen. What is the lesson for you and for me in this?

The lesson is now is the time of salvation. Now is the day of salvation. Now is the time to believe on the Lord. Don‟t wait. Don‟t delay. He who is coming will come.

And He will not delay. And listen if you refuse to believe in Him, you‟re going to be caught up in this mass of Gentile humanity that act in rebellion against God, that shake their fist against God, that go through all sorts of torment and judgment and yet whose hearts are so hardened that they will not submit to God.

You don‟t want to do that. Don‟t harden your heart. Believe, believe now.

Well I want you to look at one other passage and it‟s a New Testament passage and you want to write it down next to Revelation, chapter 1, verse 7 in your study guide. John 19, verse 37, John 19, verse 37.

So let‟s go to the gospel of John. And as you turn there I want you to understand that the gospel of John was written that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ, that He‟s the Messiah, that He is the Son of God, and that believing in Him you might have life in His name. So in John, in chapter 19, in verse 37, as Jesus Christ is being crucified, it says that the soldiers, verse 32, “… that the soldiers therefore came and broke the legs of the first man and the other man who was crucified with Him …,”

Remember there were two thieves that were crucified with Him. “… But coming to Jesus they saw that He was already dead and they did not break His legs.”

Now whys would they break the legs?

They would break the legs because the way that a man survived in crucifixion was he would lift himself up with his legs, „cause he was nailed on that cross with his knees in a flex position, and he would push himself up in order to get a breath, in order to exhale because he went into, crucifixion would throw them into a pectoral paralysis so that they really couldn‟t breath, so that they couldn‟t exhale all this carbon dioxide and eventually they would suffocate. So they would come along when they were ready to have them die and they would just break their legs and they couldn‟t raise them up.

Well they came to Jesus and He was already dead

and so this is what it says. “… But one of the soldiers pierced His side, pierced the side of Jesus with his spear and immediately there came out blood and water.”

Now what‟s significant about the blood and water? What‟s significant is this: that the blood and the water show that Jesus died of a broken heart, that literally His heart ruptured so then the blood from the heart went into the tissue and so when they pierced Him with the side, the blood and the water came out.

And it says, “… and he who has seen has born witness and his witness is true. And he knows that he‟s telling the truth so that you also may believe.” Now who‟s writing the gospel of John? It‟s John that wrote the book of Revelation under the instruction of Jesus Christ who gave His message, this revelation of the things that are shortly going to come to pass to His angels and His angels gave it to John. And so he‟s the one that says this. He says this is true.

He says, “For these things came to pass that the Scripture might be fulfilled.” Here‟s one of those 333 prophecies that were fulfilled, “… not a bone of Him shall be broken, ….” And again another scripture; “… they shall look on Him whom they pierced …” Who was standing at the foot of the cross? There were not only Romans around, but there were Jews, the dogs, the cows of Bashan.

I should say the cows of Bashan, surrounding Him, taunting Him, saying, O, you who say that you came to save others, you can‟t even save yourself. Come down off that cross and save yourself and we‟ll believe. They wouldn‟t have believed because their hearts were hardened. Will you believe? He‟s coming. He‟s coming with clouds and every eye shall see Him.


Prophecy Digested

Prove All Things knowing that all Prophecy is about Jesus and God revealing His Son…To us..for our…Salvation. We post material that is questionable, objectionable, and in the opinion of the Editor of the Prophetic Perspective, valid to use as God chooses to. Sometimes that is highly suspect as material setting “dates” of the Rapture is, but often these posts, may have pieces that are correct to futher study.  

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