One Thousand Years
“The Trial"
(Chp 8:6)
"…,I do not know why.
I will learn of it..,"
The Guardian Horse, golden in the light of the fire stated as though answering a question. Thomas had not been paying attention staring into that fire. But when he heard those words being spoken he happened to look up.
When he did he looked “the horse” in the eye at that moment.
Dread gripped his heart. Fear of another kind filled Thomas. He felt drowning in those eyes. Complete and utter emptiness. Silence like a vice gripped Tom in his chest stopping all thought, emotion, feeling.
Tom “felt” seen thru. Naked. Standing as though scales were held before him with he, Thomas, standing on one side. The “Gaze of Rose” was pure. It was love. It healed. It was tender. There was a completeness beyond words.
“In” the Gaze of the Guardian Angelic, this too felt complete. But not of the same nature. This was not love. This was not Joy. This was not peace. There was a “rightness” to it. A complete “duty”. A wholeness to a ‘holiness’ Thomas could not fathom but felt “undone” by as he could not remove his eyes from the “Gaze of the Guardian Angelic.”
Panic had filled Thomas when the Angelic Horse had first showed up. He had hid it well, he thought, as he had sat down by the fire. He had done so because he felt like falling down. Something about THAT horse.
He had suppressed the feelings he had at first reaction to the appearance of the winged horse showing up. He had ignored Caleb hoping he could not “see” him. As much as was possible he had tried to ignore all those that were around him. Almost hiding by the light of the fire. He had stayed there while he was pondering his thoughts and trying to make heads or tails out of it all.
At first it was easy. The conversation had taken place as if both “Mankinds” were not there. Or were unimportant. That had served Thomas well, but as he was tacitly ignored it had produced another feeling. He was mad at being ignored. That had fueled his resolve to recover his “grip”.
As if he was unimportant. Yet the reason for his importance might not be what he wanted. Still he felt the need to be recognized. After all HE was MAN and MANKIND had been in charge……,
It was an interesting feeling to say the least to see so wonderous a sight as horses and angels talking together. Part of Thomas mind took that in. But to be ignored and frankly treated with disdain was wearing on Thomas pride.
Anger, pride, guilt, suppressed memories Thomas had jumbled emotions, and confused ideas.
Then he looked up.
Meeting that Horse eye to eye, was not what Thomas expected.
He felt his own reactions to the Angelic, but also in that “Gaze” he could perceive some of the Angelic thought. The Angelic Being, the SpiritKind, the Golden Horse had said "I want to learn," Thomas sensed another emotion he was unfamiliar with.
Pure curiosity. Somehow in some foreign way this was an interest that was non emotional without being clinical. The Angelic being was curious and operated on a level Thomas could not fathom.
The angelic Golden Horse SpiritKind, Guardian of the Horses of Zebulon was seeking knowledge so it could learn wisdom.
That thought startled Thomas. There wasn't an ounce of judgment or a pound of accusation in the Angels curiosity. Merely an observation that desired an answer. All that Thomas “felt” was from himself.
He was his own accuser.
Why he could not grasp, but he knew inside himself somehow, some reference, or story he had heard about how angels studied man.
It was strange once again to find that the fact was more literal than anyone could have imagined.
This Majestic Being wanted to study him, but not like a butterfly or a test animal, but a vibrant living being of worth. Amazing as it was yet here it was in real life or Kingdom Life in front of him.
He almost laughed out loud at his conclusions.
Thomas had convinced himself everything was alright with the analysis until he caught the eye of the Guardian again. With line of thought upon line of thought, here a little fact, there a little reason, Knowledge built upon became wisdom; but increase in wisdom came realization too.
There was always a conclusion to a line of thought and reason.
He immediately felt life fall into his feet. He was cold and empty in a heartbeat. It was true he had not sensed any hostile emotions in the Guardian Angel at all. None.
But in the Eyes,
those eyes,
the Gaze of the Guardian Angel
saw him again and he was unnerved.
Thomas had reached “conclusion” in his thoughts
Thomas knew two things looking in those Eyes.
Thou shalt not Kill. Killers die.
Thomas had no doubt that if the Guardian Angel was told to do so. Thomas would be no more. He would kill.
Not only could the Angel kill it would do so without hesitation.
The Angelic would do so without thought or remorse.
Simply a matter of action not of thought. It wasn't as though he were being accused, at least not by the Angel. No.
The Angelic would make no accusations that was of the Demonic.
The Angelic in front of Thomas was a force he had never seen before.
Instant obedience.
A recognition of the fact that the Angel would serve the letter of the commandment it was given.
For itself, the Letter of the Law was the Spirit of the Law.
That would be the spirit of the commandment of whatever God told him.
This absolutism fascinated, terrified and also attracted Thomas.
The totality of commitment of it was very appealing.
It also meant, Thomas was in trouble.
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