Wednesday, March 10, 2010

One Thousand Years: Genesage "Seven" (Chp 7:5)

One Thousand Years



(Chp 7:5)

So many years had passed.

Sometimes is seemed like yesterday.

So many things had changed. Too many things forgotten. Like marshmallows. Lately Thomas had thought of himself as almost peaceful until the nightmares had re-surfaced.

Before they came back he had almost forgotten them. Lately he had been reliving them.  He didn’t know why. It was, or so it seemed, more graphic, more real than before. These were horrifying, hard to distinguish as nightmares, or dreams.

They seemed so real.

They haunted him now.

Almost everyone who had been thru the World Wide Shoah, the “Greatest Tribulation in the History of Man-Kind” had nightmares about the Tribulation Period at first.

Who wouldn't?

After all we had seen the worst Mankind had to offer. The total depravity of man came out as the World turned towards Satan. There was no doubt who everyone was serving back then. You had to admit it, or die.  Without any thought everyone did as if to do it as a token gesture. Surely God wouldn’t care, after all “Once Saved Always Saved” took care of that. We all knew that one, it had been on television enough.  

There were even Pastors and Priests who had been “Left Behind.”

What consequence?

Then God stepped in.

He judged. That was the worst of all. To be confronted by sheer holiness. God didn’t have to say a word. He didn’t have to do anything. It was like oil and water. Light and darkness. Fire and Kindling. God revealed was man consumed.

He could not bear to be in the presence of God and live.

He didn’t.

It was still unimaginable to him. Sheer terror. On the one hand though, most of us suffered from the best the anti-messiah and false world order could throw at us and still lived. At least we Survivors kept telling ourselves that.

If we really were honest,

we didn’t survive,

God just wouldn’t let us die.

On the other hand, was living worth it? Thomas was still sorting that one out. Besides, look at the price he paid.

Why shouldn't we have scars and nightmares?

We all lost loved ones.

We all hated God.

We all lost hope.

Then Jesus showed up...,

Thomas remembered when he didn't have the nightmares, the dreams.  There were years where he had no memories at all of any of it. It had been so peaceful, healing…nice.

Those years had started shortly after meeting Eben.

Though the memory was faded, sitting staring in the fire, he recalled the first time he saw Eben.  The man that was to become an integral part of his life. It was night, or was it day?, he couldn't remember. It was just after the first angel Tom had ever seen in his life had deposited him in the area near Jerusalem.

He seemed to remember lots of crowds of people all looking like street urchins or homeless. Refugees or holocaust survivors would have been a better word.  The stink, the incredible stink, how could seven thousand dirty unwashed diseased dying people stink that bad…,

How did he know there were seven thousand?

Of a world breaking the seven billion barrier, seven thousand were left.

Seven Billion? He couldn’t think about that many people. How could anyone? After awhile they were just numbers and not flesh and blood. Tom remembered a guy he met in the early years had said the death count for the Tribulation was, 6 billion, 666 million, 666 thousand, 666.

As if to rub our nose in it, Tom had thought at the time.

Later he realized that was PTTSD’s talking and not necessarily accurate. Others equated it to ten gentiles for one Jew, but Tom knew that was as much a Jewish Bias statement as a Gentile One. He ignored that later also. It was rumored


This helped Tom stay hidden and at the same time “pissed him off” even though he had rejected his heritage.

Tom was surprised there were so many “saved”.

You couldn't count the 144, 000, they were chosen, being spared the onslaught. No these were seven thousands of those who got.., left behind.

Left behind, a series of catastrophes had wiped the population out to seven thousand. Left behind, a series of judgments whittled mankind to a percentage not worth calculating, why number so few?

Gideon would have wondered if this had been an army.


7 Billion to 7 Thousand.

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