Tuesday, March 9, 2010

One Thousand Years: Genesage "Tradition" (Chp 7:1)

One Thousand Years



(Chp 7:1)

Eben spoke from the opposite side of the fire.

Thomas could see him through the flames.

The warmth of the fire was soothing. The smoke, what little there was, never seemed to get in his eyes. It rose as a pillar straight to the heavens. As a pillar of smoke it didn’t waver, but ascended till disappearing in the cloud cover above.


thought Thomas,

the rosewood smelt wonderful.

The occasional crackling and popping was comforting.  He had always like campfires. Under different circumstances, this would have been peaceful.

He rose and walked around the flames to Eben sitting down beside him.

His thoughts just now were to clinical. Cold, calculated, logical, his mind was distracted, his thoughts in defense mode. But his emotions? and

He just wanted comfort and solace in someone’s company.

Eben shifted from one knee to a more comfortable seating. He sat for a moment with bread on his lap. After a pause, he lifted the bread sharing the customary blessing:  a brecha.

Now revealed for who he really was; Thomas Levi Cohen, he likewise made a brecha of Baruch ata but used the old world formulae.

Eben had said,

Baruch ata adonai Elohim,

Abba, Haben, Ruach,

Melech ha melechim..,

Thomas had recited,

Baruch ata adonai eloheynu

melech ha olom,

the traditional.

Eben interrupted Him and spoke in English

Blessed Art Thou

O Lord Our God

Father, Son and Spirit,

King of Kings

Thomas not realizing his old nature at work mumbled after Eben was done:

Blessed Art Thou

O Lord Our God

King of the Universe

It wasn’t a sleight, it was tradition. Traditional for the “Old Way of Thinking” when Rabbis and Religion sought to rule the world with systems of belief.

Systems rather than relationship.

Wrote rather that responsiveness.

Memorized as opposed to meaning.

After all, in those days;

Who expected God to Speak?

Traditionally in the Old World Halacha, many rabbis and Jewish scholars long before had debated formats and formulae. Some had been codified into one or two acceptable means for addressing God.  

Much like the Catholics used the Hail Mary's and our Fathers.

Though neither would admit to the other… both were being vain in repetition.

Of course for those religions God was impersonally known in the Time Of the Gentiles and the Dispersion of the Jew.

Basic foundational assumptions but two Major religions at odds with each other.

They had the same roots. The Catholics insisted on their formulae to make a distinction between the Holy and Profane. The Jew to make a separation between the Holy One and the profaning ones.

Almost every religious expression broke off of these two with the same idea.

Holiness versus unholy.

None of them Godliness.

When humor was inserted it all looked silly in light of the fact Y'shua the Messiah came once to reveal how wrong everyone was. Of course even when He said He came down from above to show what he knew as facts, he was recorded, listened to, but then treated as all religious leaders were.

Interpreted by their followers.

How little mankind really knew what was going on. Since he couldn’t see the Unseen and couldn’t see the Heart of another, it was really questionable how much religion served to help mankind and not hinder.

In the Ending:  Jesus Came Again to Save his People from the destruction of the World and annihilation by the False One.

Rejection of the knowledge that God must exist in a medium greater than the singularity was instilled in every Jew with the Sh'ma 

Hear o Israel the Lord Our God the Lord is One

But instead of recognizing the singularity in plurality of Echad, Man interpreted.

Since it was Man interpreting God, he was wrong.

This had kept Jewish assimilation into foreign cultures and "gods" from occurring, or so it seemed to Jewish Theologians. One of the greatest moments in the History of Mankind and Judaism had come when Moses with Elijah had showed up in Jerusalem and had begun to testify about the difference between an impersonal God YHVH and the Personal God Y'shua had revealed to all Mankind, Jew and Gentile.

Simple called, Father.

Many Jews had come to know Messiah and gone out into the World with the warning Elijah declared.

What Jewish Leaders who were left determined this Moses and Elijah were a fake and had to killed because they contradicted what they "thought" had been written.

They rejected the authors and approved the religion.

Having done the same to Jesus, this was no surprise even though the two authors who wrote it “the law and the prophets  and were here to answer said what it means.

It was a classic dilemma.

Religion did not want to know what it means,

It wanted to control what it said.

Creating a religion is ok as long as the founder of that religion doesn't come along and revise or change it on you. The same thing happened when L Ron Hubbard descried his own Scientology Religion before he died.

He came out and told them it was false, by that time the Religion Leaders wanted to Kill Him.

Facts confuse Religion.

In the Kingdom it got embarrassing when Calvinist had John Calvin around to explain Calvinism. He took exception at how it too had gotten a little off track. From what he said or meant. The biggest shock for many followers of men, was to find that they had interpreted wrongly the Intent of the person they said they were following.

So much for religion and man.

In fact it was the opinion of Eben Abram that God saved all the Biggies in religion just to have them step up to their followers and tell them how far off they had gotten since they had died.

That was the initial problem with Moses and Elijah showing up.

They pissed off everyone they spoke to.

Apparently Judaism was off track.

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