Tuesday, March 2, 2010

One Thousand Years: Genesage "Sanity" (Chp 5:8)

One Thousand Years



(Chp 5:8)

Reminiscing the recent past did nothing for Tom. As he looked around he remembered he was insane and giggled.

Imagine that, forgetting your insane,

Tom thought.

He was insane and dreaming the dreams only the insane would dream of.

One group of people assembled together looked like fresh ex-military, they seemed like good young men and women, but like a balloon full on hot air, the starch had gone out of them and they were defeated now. Where was the young, the strong, the proud, the Marines? Whoops it was some of what was left of them.

They didn’t look so good after Armageddon.

Simpre fi now looked like simply die.

Another group was surrounding another "angelic being".

Tom supposed it was an angel.  It look like a scene from a gothic tale. It resembled a gryphon except that it spoke. A birds head, somehow the gryphon legends came to mind.  Tom thought how could they have known that there were angels that looked like that?

Did our ancestors really know more than we gave them credit for?

He noticed even some children and a baby or two had survived. That was odd to Tom Looks like someone messed up on the "all babies get saved" idea. He didn’t know where he had heard it but he knew it wasn’t in the Bible. Any more than an “age of accountability” was.

It wasn’t.

But Tom had already had personal experience with that one and he would never forgive Christians for what they did to him. There was still one place Tom wanted God and Christians to go and that was hell.

Tom and his Catholic friend had been deposited upon the plain with the masses. Strange how with the mountains and valleys gone there was little to remind anyone of Jerusalem.

Where he stood he could see two hills rising above the plain which looked to be almost east of where he was at. It would be hard to really call those mole hills hills, but they did rise a little over the rest of the gradual slope.

Tom guessed that was east.

Or so he imagined since he really had no idea where directions were now.

Maybe a GPS…, and again he was reminded Oh how complete the fall of Man had been since even the most basic and simplest of technology was gone. No satellites.

Last he had heard, there was no moon either.

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