Tuesday, March 30, 2010

One Thousand Years: Genesage "Women" (Chp 10:2)

One Thousand Years



(Chapter 10:2)

Delilah sat watching the waters.

She scanned the horizon as if waiting. Her eyes were wanting. Her demeanor alert. Long flowing locks of hair cascaded down her shoulders. Unfettered and free they adorned her face covering her ears. Oddly she could not have made her hair look this way when she had all the tools to do so.

Here in the Kingdom, it seemed as though how she saw herself, was herself. The image in the mirror of the lake water matched her self-image.

Older, her age was not obvious. She carried herself fit.  Shoulders square, chin slightly lifted, no droop or tell tale weariness of age so often seen in the older. He cheeks were full and firm, he frame slim. Her eyes no wrinkles, no signs of age.

She felt in the prime of her life.

It was odd too that her breasts had not sagged but remained for her as she remembered herself in her younger days. Stifling a laugh she would have thought with no “undergarments” she would have expected some obvious gravity issues with body parts. None were present, she felt young and free. Nature had taken its course and the course it took gave her feelings of contentment.

No shaving, nylons, makeup, curlers, menstruation and even defecation was no “struggle” to succeed. At her age in the Old World, that would have been an issue.

No, there was something unique about this “Promised Land”.

She would have been considered a “dark beauty” with a wisp of an air of exotic.

Ages were not apparent in the Kingdom as elders appeared to be younger for hundreds of years. Lack of stress, once recovered or recovering from the previous life of the Tribulation, produced a calming effect which allowed the body to flourish rather than deteriorate.

“Physician Heal thyself” became “eat the fruit of the land” and you will recover Gods Plan. Or that had been a limerick Eben taught.  

The Kingdom Age had a quality about it that seemed to nourish creation causing all that a woman might be, to become full and complete.

In an “air of appreciation” that which was ‘formed’ by God’s own hands became all God planned. A magnificent vision of a form of godliness that did not deny sensuality, but embraced holiness in completeness of form and physique.

Adorned in robes and crowned by her hair, woman became the image God intended from the beginning. Each unique, each different, each after Gods own heart.

“Women no longer have to recreate themselves into an image for man. Their spirit inside creates in their body a complete expression of who and what they are.”

Eben was heard to say commenting on lack of makeup.

He was never one to avoid an issue. Whether the birds and the bees which was about birds and bees, or reproduction, sensuality or the “intent” of God versus the corruption of man, Eben had a comment.

“Trying to measure up to the attraction factor of society produced envy and strife among women. This “measurement” could never be attained causing development of beauty skills which instilled pride in the person “recreating” themselves which led to our downfall as a species and as Women.”

Eben’s friend Debbie once commented to her community.  

Leroy another of Eben friends added,         

“And God didn’t make junk! But man did. So we men became junkyard dogs watching out for the junk men made women do.”

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