Monday, March 22, 2010

One Thousand Years: Genesage "Where?" (Chapter 9:5)

One Thousand Years



(Chapter 9:5)

Hell for three days.

This is not what I imagined, thought Thomas. It was dark, it was cold, there was no heat, no light, no….feelings…,

The tunnel of “outer darkness” seemed to capture all light. Everything was pulled into it. Everything was “bent” to its will. It was insatiable, undeniable, like a “gateway” into the “Absence of God.” A passageway way from universe to universe, age to age, time and space to another reality.

A portal to a dimensional reality God kept himself from.

A Black Hole.

A place of anti-creation, anti-matter, anti…..christ.

Polarities were reversed, inversed causing “bindings” rather than motion. Cessation of motion, emotion, feeling, matter, existences, creation. It defied “order” by being anti-order. Not Chaos, but absolute zero. Without even an indiger to designate it’s existential reality which could only be known by what it wasn’t.

Of God.

It was non-existence or anti-creation.

Jesus descended to that Pit.

To the left torment. To the right a place of lightness of being.

In the center, the pit.

Above was creation.

Jesus stood as paradigm to all Existence.



With the absence of all godliness, as mortal man in a place God never intended man to be, Jesus was in agony. He had died.

He was in Hell.

Even in death, the Son of Man had the Will of the Father to do.

He, “turned” to the right and walked to the light.

Timeless, became time full.

Death was consternated by the apparent lack of “binding” the reality of its existence had upon the Son of Man. There was no holding the Will of the Father, the “keys” to death and hell, God’s Will would be done. It was the “key” to all Jesus Did. It was the “key” that satisfied the requirements of God Almighty.

It, the “Key” that freed the Son of Man from the Sin filled separation from God filled life.

Filled by the Will of God

With the Spirit of God


The Son of Man

Took His Spirit

And Breathed upon those who had done Gods Will in times past they were recreated into that Spirit.

They Became Born-Again

Thomas was astonished.

All the gaps in Thomas theology were solved. He watched and listened as God the Son, the Son of Man, the Absolute Living Will of the Father embodied, spoke to and addressed all those who had followed the Word God gave them as they did as he had commanded them in times past in the Land of the Living.

Thomas heard the Greatest Story ever told from Beginning unto the End.

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