Friday, March 26, 2010

LastCall: "Have an Abortion..Save a Child" (AA:)

Christian Issues Digest

“Because someone doesn’t have the guts to tell you the truth”


Contents on the Web Site

1.      Introduction to AA(1)

“Have an Abortion….Save a Child”

(AA: 1)

We have a Problem in Christianity. We don’t lie very well. We aren’t that good at it. In fact, if you are a Christian Theologian, Pastor, or Teacher, when you lie, It’s Embrassingly Obvious.

In the Revival of the “Christian Issues Digest” we will examine some of the “WHOPPERS” we tell ourselves to make ourselves and others feel better.

Age of Accountability

Ever here that one? No? Yes? Well it goes something like this. If you want to console a mother, you don’t tell her God is Just and True and by the way, yes it is possible your little stinker is in hell.

Of course not.

You tell her that that the “Age of Accountability” didn’t kick in, and then to conver your bases you add also: “and you know God is Loving and Faithful and True and You can Trust Him”


Because God knows there is no such thing as an age of accountabilty.

But Do You?

In “MY” series on this false doctrine, I won’t fault anyone for teaching it. I know and understand why they do. I will proffer this to you though, I personally have thought of it as crock and would not teach on it till I had an answer from scripture.

I do.

They could have but it is easier to dodge the tough questions that takes real chutzpah to answer. Maybe I’m a mensch or a meenie, but I got in God’s face till He and I argued it out and I got my answer. I’ll let you decide.

Nice of me, eh?

But this is an intro to let you know about the coming article on Why Age of Accoutability is a religious Emperors “new clothes” and this one line ought to make you realize why.

Ask your pastor this:

If there is an Age of Accountability

Can I murder my Child and He goes to heaven?

“Have an Abortion….Save a Child”

Have an abortion….save a child will deal with this slippery slope. Beside being on Two Main web sites: “What Do you Believe” and “Christian Issuses Digest”, the prefix “AA:” will let you know the subject matter is about Age of Accountability and will run once on Last Call with the AA: Prefix as other articles and sites post there.

"Home of What Do You Believe Here?"

Posted via email from The Last Call Digest