Wednesday, February 10, 2010

LastCall: Trusting God in tough times? -Got Questions

Trusting God in tough times?

How can we trust God when times are tough? Not just a little tough, but when times are really tough, such as what the people of Haiti are experiencing right now?

Comments (34)


1.    Comment by Hank McClenning

Trust and Obey there is no other way to be happy in Jesus Christ.
Romamns 8: 28 “All things” includes the good times and what we call
the bad times. Is God sovereign over just the good events in life or
over all events and happenings in life? We often think God is not in
control when the results are not what we want. God has created physical and bilogical laws in this universe. He does not change
them because we do not like the results of many events.
We must humbly accept God’s laws and answers whether we agree or
not. Any way we always have the opportunity to donate our time,
money and talents to help others recover and improve, that is a
part of the Will of God also.

2.    Comment by Douglas Summers

Haiti is a good example of the corruption of men being blamed on God. They never trusted God to begin with. I’m not talking about the actual earthquake, but how the corruption of a people could have avoided the multiple deaths and lack of order by using the 3 billion dollars (plus) For safer construction of dwellings and buildings.

The President (Obama) could not wait to puff up his chest and notiriety with all of his bragging about what he was going to do to help Haiti. We have been helping Haiti for 30 years or more.

It is the same with Africa…. all the help we have sent them has been ripped off by the rulers….yet we still give with no responsibility. The next big earthquake will be Washington, DC!

God is not trying to save the world!…..He is calling out The Church (His Body). One day that body will be complete, and then the time of His wrath shall come. It is called the “Everlasting Gospel” in the Book of Revelation. The Gospel of God’s wrath that will come upon all who hate God.

I Trust God…because He has put it into me to Trust Him. We give ourselves to much credit for our relationship with God.

Almiighty God, Please return your creation to it’s intended state and desire. Our joy spillith over in anticipation of your Sovereign rule of Holiness.

In Christ

3.    Comment by Laura Johnson


God forbid that there will be an earthquate in Washington DC! As a christian you should know better than to speak negativesly. There’s power in our tongues so you should speak more positively. This disaster is something you should never wish on any city no matter how sinful the city is. Only God can bring his wrath upon people and places.

4.    Comment by windyblue

I am having tough times now, and its not good at all, And there are times I just wish the Lord would make my road smooth, instead of all these mountains, that I have to climb. Its never ending.
I also wish he would make my road smooth so I could let this breath I have to keep holding inside of me, out. But it just never seems to happen. All this is, the Lord is testing me, all the time.
And it never lets up. But he has his reasons for all of this and I really just do not understand it at all. The Lords ways, are not my ways, so I have not choice but to trust him and hope.

5.    Comment by Dan

Life is difficult…suffering is normal… death is imminent…

Jesus Christ, had a completely different take on things. For example, when speaking about those who perished when the tower of Siloam crashed down on them, Jesus said, “Do you think that they were more guilty than all the others living in Jerusalem? I tell you no.”

Trust in the One who can save you.

6.    Comment by Debbie

The current world belongs to Satan. He is the master of the (kosmos diabolicus) As he attempts to set up his kingdom on this earth without God, things will happen and until the Lord sets up His millenniel kingdom here, Satan will have his way. Sometimes things happen as a result of natural process and other times it is the judgment of God. The earth is devolving although the humanists would have us believe we are evolving into better things. “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God.” (ROM 8:18-19) We can see evidences of this in Scripture. God was able to part the red sea and turn back the hands of time in EXODUS 13 and 2KINGS 20. In REV, God uses earthquakes and plagues in wrathful judgment. I am sure that the situation in Haiti will be used by Satan to allow the humanists to intervene and feel good about their works without crediting God.

Once we have been broken, like the earthen vessels that we are, we no longer fear man, nature and tribulation. How can we fall when we are built upon the Rock? “He is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock. And when a flood arose, the stream broke against that house and could not shake it, because it had been well built.” (LUKE 6:48) In the western society, we don’t experience as much tribulation as many of our brethren in non-Christian nations. I doubt that any of us on this website have ever come close to Paul’s experiences. (2COR 11:24-27) But he had a blessed hope and knew to kill the flesh would only lead to eternal glory. “For I know that my Redeemer lives, and at the last he will stand upon the earth.” (JOB 19:25) I too, echo Job’s sentiment;
“Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him.” (JOB 13:15)

7.    Comment by Douglas Summers

Hi Laura,
Not trying to be negative. Just stating and warning of those who think that it is God who causes all the chaos. Men are responsible for their desteny. God will chastise nations…but it is men who cause it.

There is a time when God expect us to warn those who are self-willed worshippers. Exhortation is for the body of believers…. warnings are for the self righteous, and tares in the Church.

Washington, DC is corrupt. And every government is responsible to God…every Government. Remember the stone that is cut out of the mountain without hands…it is cast at the feet of the statue in Daniel….it is a corrupt government.

Hope you can understand the reason for the warning….we are required to do so in Christ.

In Christ

8.    Comment by Paul Bower

Know that since he is the creator of the universe, the one who knows you better than yourself, and knows everything that should simplify it not to mention he’s perfect, righteous, and just.

9.    Comment by Curtis Newman

Hello Doug, I do not know you nor do I want to be ugly or nothing to cause you to get upset. I do wish you would study history, and what do you say about Our Past President Bush, and some of the stuff He did, and caused. I know you are a Christian, a Christ Follower or you would’t be using this web site, nor would you care about some of the discussions. I think if we seriously look at the life of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, He went about teaching to, and mixing with All. I do not see Him as a Republican, nor Democrat, or for that matter an Indepdent, I see if I don’t get scoulded too bad as a first class Socialist, He wanted to Help everyone, teach everyone, He did not see color, any sin mor than another or any of the stuff our Tv’s and Radio are doing now. I think We believer ought to write our Leaders and ask them to ease up on the Rhetoric, even those you seem to think want to swell out their chest. Mr Obams is, was and always will be Created in the Image of the rest of God’s creation, we need to check our motives, attitudes, and see if we are being True Christ Followers in the way we criticise our President. He is I believe there because God put Him there, He put Bush there, we need to show Respect for the Creation if nothing else. Please don’t take this as anything except I hate to see peope who write on this web site and our spiritual leaders use their site to spit out contempt. I know, I have been there, and if I am now Please pray for me and write me and ask me to reconsider this memo. I know again you must be a Follower or you wouldn’t be on this site. In deepest respec and love, your brother in Christ Curtis

10. Comment by Child of the King

I been listning to all the talking heads regarding not only Pat Robertson’s remarks but allowing callers to chime in on Haiti.

First Robertson is probably correct in his remarks but his timing was off because people are in a compassionate mode at the moment.

God has all Power over Earth he does what he pleases when he pleases. People are saying “God is a God of LOVE and would not punish innocent children, babies, etc.

(1) How many Babies or little children walked out of Sodom and Gomorrah before God let the fire and brimstone fall?

(2) How Many Babies or little children were saved during the Flood?

Those questions answer themselves. God is NO RESPECTOR of persons. (Romans 2 v 11) The USA TODAY newspaper said one-half the residents of Haiti practice Voodoo. What more is there to say? Say some prayers for the survivors help where you can and especially pray The Catholics and others Come to Jesus before another Hurricane or Earthquake overtakes them.

11. Comment by Child of the King

Curtis Newman;
Douglas was just expressing his views don’t believe he was being overly in sensitive to The President.

Personally I don’t trust or put any Faith in any Politician Republican, Democrat. Independent, Whig or whoever. To God be all the Glory. Let God be true and everyman a Liar saith the Bible.

I put Politicians and Lawyers in the same class. A Polecat has more Compassion then they have. Just saying like it is.
Put all your Faith and Trust in The Lord and don’t believe anything these folks say and half of what you read about them. In Slang we The American people are being “Hosed” by the folks in Washington DC.

They have that Adam Nature of the World. Money and Power is all they know. Trust The Lord!

12. Comment by Bruce

Haiti Is an institution for training and teaching ,to people that have limited learning capabilities and lack of funding with a cor rupt government.
Go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing them In the name of the father ,and of the son,and of the holy ghost Matthew 28 :19
The great commission Matt 28:20 teaching them to observe All things whatsoever I have commanded you!!!and lo I am with you alway


13. Comment by Curtis Newman

Goes back to our brother and Minister Charles Stanley Proverbs 3: 4,5,6, something I can live with no matter what. The Word says it, I have experienced it, and with His help that what I want to do until I go Home. It is such a shame The God that created us, gave His son for us, and We inclucing His children act in such a manner. I agree as much as I resist it, you probably have it right about Politicans, Lawyers, etc,,,,,I sure hope and pray I am not like that also. But for me I read and believe Proverbs 3: 4,5,6 and can sleep with that.

14. Comment by Child of the King

We the children of God know and understand the 666 and one world government is coming shortly. Everyone stay focused and never give in. One thing is certain; the Bible is correct and not “slanted” but the daily newspapers and TV and Radio news is…

15. Comment by Douglas Summers

Hi Curtis,
Your Comment #11 did not offend me, and it is good to be compassionate. I have no prejudice against people of different color, and I’m an independent when voting. I try to vote morally….not my pocket book. But the world seems to think that God overlooks sin in men…He does not, He forgives sin. Forgiveness comes from repentance, Salvation comes from repentance and regeneration.

BTW, indifference is sin also.

The word of God in Scripture tells us to judge sin in the Church….Obama claims to be a christian…yet he supports abortion. Worse than that, he supports partial birth abortions. he has also, along with congress, making me pay for it with my tax dollars!

Shame on all who claim to be Christian that support sinful legislation. He is a liar and a murderer from the beginning.

All the promises Obama made about, Transparency,getting rid of lobbyist influence in government, Not raising taxes on those making under $250,000. a year were lies. He ran his very campaign on those promises.

He is against Israel, as many of our presidents were. it is not flesh and blood we fight against but against principalities and powers, and the rulers of this world of darkness in high places.

And we are mighty in God to the pulling down of imaginations and false doctrines that try to come against the Truth of God, Amen!
Yes…we are to contend for the faith. We do not compromise the word of God to keep peace.

In Christ

16. Comment by Douglas Summers

Just a note* Many in the visible church teach that “we are all God’s children”. This is not true and neither does the Scripture’s teach it….The Scripture’s teach that we are all God’s creation. But only the born again are the children of God…(Son’s of God)

In Christ

17. Comment by Child of the King

Agree with your last two posts. I gave up trusting elected officials long ago. Maybe that soumds a little pessimistic to some but as I stated I trust NONE of them. Yes I still vote as a citizen and pray the one I voted for is not as bad as the opponent. What a choice huh?

Obama is a Muslim. Kaddafy of Libya before the ‘08 Election told a CNN reporter that in an interview. Possibilty Kadaffy lied of course but he called Obama “A Muslim Brother”. Obama is a friend of Louis Farrakan who’s a friend of “Rev” Jeremiah Wright etc etc.

The fact Obama sat under Jeremiah Wright for 25 years and claimed “he did’nt know” Wright was a hate-filled enemy loving Pastor says it all.

The good news God puts these people in power to fulfill his will for reasons not yet revealed right now. That’s why
I watch things eventually unfold to discover why things happen. God has his hands upon every situation (Read; Rev 17 v 17).

All the Ungodly and abomnible will get their just reward one day. As Christians we should live a Godly life daily as if this is our last day on Earth..Because today maybe our last.

American Express has a slogan “Don’t leave home without it”

My slogan is “The Holy Ghost Don’t die Without it”. Amen

18. Comment by Anonymous

We are to trust our Lord in bad and good. Our focus needs to on Him all the time.
I feel for the people in Haiti, and need help now.

I would to bring attention the prophecy of Jesus:

“For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places.” Matthew 24:7

“Earthquakes in various places,” just in 2008 there were 16 major earthquakes around the world, if want you check out the list:

For earthquakes happening presently around the world check out:

In last two week there have been over 800 earthquakes over world. And there more to come.

Jesus is coming very soon!!!!!!

19. Comment by Child of the King


Rev 16 v 18 “And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake and so great”.

So the biggest of all the “biggies” hasen’t arrived yet but it will during the great tribulation..Pray Pray Pray!

20. Comment by Curtis Newman

I agree with Being Born again, but what I said was we All are God’s creation, if we are not to go into All the world and Spread His Word and Why He gave His life then What are we doing In places that do not believe or born again at all. What about the Jewish people are we to cast them out also. What about the Communist world, are we to cast them down to, I could go on and on, but what I am tring to say is Christ came to Seek and Save the Lost, All the Lost, not just Republicans, or the Self Righteous, and don’t forget about the TV evangelist that promise everything if only you ask, I think we need to have an ole time revival, Starting reading the Sermon on the Mount, and regardless of the translation, Pratice it,,,if we are Truely Believers, we only have t turn to the New Testament and see how Christ Himself treated All people. He did clean out the Temple, but He also ate with people we church people would not be caught dead with now. I again, do not want to Offend, or Hurt anyone, I am always willing to Learn, and Change by the way Change is not bad, remember when we that are Born again, Changed when we accepted the Savior. I think it is time for Us Christian to show our love by the way we act, talk, and treat All His Creatio. I do not choose to argue, but I still have the right to think, vote, change, and above all be myself and think for myself, We Christians didn’t always act the way we see on TV and the News media now. Christ is the answer, not Health Care, Not Government, not Republicans , not Democrats, but just Accepting Jesus and our Redemer and Savior. I was once Lost, but now I know with all my heart and midd, and Soul that Christ has a Home for me and I am His Child. I make mistakes, I change, I might be different from others but I still know I can treat All people like I want to be treated,,,,isn’t it about time we get back to it. By the way is it ok the kill Doctors jsut because the do abortions, or help people who have Murdered, where do we begin and stop being the Almight ourselves. I don’t believe in abortions either, but I certainly am glad that right now We Christians don’t kill speeders, etc. Think about it ,,,,where do we get about Judging everyone and everything that might not agree with us. What about Muslims, Mormans, Buddist, etc, are we to do away with them all. I say a lot of these things to ask us to think about what we write, say, and show about ourselves. I have decided to let the Judging to God, and try to the best of my ability to Work if it all depended on me, Pray as He does all depend on Him. and let the Judge be the Judge. I might change my mind on several issues befor I die, but my Salvation is Secure. Thanks for not being upset with me, and continue to Love and Pray for people who might Disagee with you. May God bless us all. Curtis

21. Comment by Douglas Summers

Hi Curtis,
I think you may be reading my comments with the wrong intentions. Of course we are to spread the gospel. And according to the flesh….Salvation comes from the Jew. The first calling of the Church were all Jewish, The Gentile’s were called in later.

What God has postphoned about the Jew was the estabilishment of the nation of Israel under the Messiah. Right now, God is calling out His Body (Church). After that is completed, He will fulfill the promises to Israel of the Kingdom upon the earth.

There will be more people saved during the Tribulation (after the Church is translated) than any other time….more than you can count!

Preach the Gospel….pray always…but contend for the faith! As I know you will do. But one must have the fullness of the Gospel to preach it in it’s order of purpose and events.

About Revivals. Revival is an OT term and event. revival in the Church is not a doctrine…..Why?……Because the Body of Christ does not need to be revived. For He already has the perminate residence of the Holy Spirit as a garuntee of the purchassed possession.

In the OT this was not possible, for while the Holy Spirit could indwell the believer, It could be taken away also. Scripture teaches this. What we need is Spirit filled (called by God) preachers to call those to repentence and back to fellowship with the father in Jesus Christ. There is much to teach here…but the visible church is more concerned about self gratification.

In Christ

22. Comment by Child of the King

MMLJ And Douglas

Douglas; Revival is for the Saints in the church. It’s because people by nature at times may feel down over personal problems or some other reason. A “Revival” is good for the church in it “Revives” individuals through strong preaching possibly by a visiting Evangelist and Testomonies and Gospel Music etc. I’ve seen many saved in Revival and many many others get a “renewing” it is a great and wonderful thing. Just my two cents worth!

MMLJ. I personally put no stock in any TV Preachers. I won’t criticise anyone that does it is their decision.

The Bible teaches us to Love our enemies and do good to those who may hate us for the Lord’s sake. They crucified him and stoned stephan to death etc etc.
It is no accident most of these third world countries stay in dire straights. The Lord said he would DESTROY every nation who does not worship him that’s Bible.

You can’t Worship The Lord practicing Voodoo and having Santeria rituals and praying to Graven Images which is witchcraft and Idolatry.

This stuff goes on in Central and South America, The Philippines and throughout Africa. Yes they need to hear the Word and be converted. Let’s pray many of them do before worse plaques come upon them (Rev 16 v 18-21). I did 3 years Missionary Work. When they come to Jesus God will heal their sicknesses and Bless them. I saw it with my own eyes during that time.

23. Comment by Child of the King


Just a thought. From. Pastor in Haiti. Send Food and clothing. Cash donations are usually stolen by thugs who control every neighborhood there he stated. The Red Cross Salvation Army however will buy with your donations Food and Clothing for those in need. Catholic Charaties is also approved. Lord Bless.

24. Comment by Anonymous

whatever happens for a reason..and GOD’s plan is accomplished in it..when going thro tough times we need to believe that God is good all the time..the name of the lord is a strong tower the righteous run into it and they are saved…thats what we christians need to do wen in tough times..believing in him that he will make all things beautiful in “his time”..his love and grace is enough to sustain us during tough times…all we need to do is have faith..thats when difficult times become very easy..remember nobody can increase a cubit taller by worrying..Just pray and have faith in GOD..and he will reward us in due time for our faith.

25. Comment by Child of the King

Great advise. All Christians will be going through trials and tribulations in the days ahead. The great tribulation will soon be coming. However for the Children of God we won’t be here to face all the catastrophe. Just hang on and whatever we face just bear with it. The Lord will help us through it no matter how rough it gets.

26. Comment by Douglas Summers

Hi King,
In your Comment #26 to me about “revival”, What is it that you saw renewed in the Saint’s? And if revival is for the “saint’s”, how did they become saved if they were already saint’s?………Unless you mean those who came to the service that were not saved and received salvation by the preaching of the word of God.? Do you know what revive means? (it means to give life to; to make one’s life whole).

In Christ

27. Comment by ceseeley

By just doing it, learning to trust in God is a life long process because we Spiritually War against three things … our carnal nature, the world system and satan and his demons.

28. Comment by Nanette


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