Jesus said,
Wisdom is justified of her children.
There are several ways to look at that, and in this case, I will let you determine for yourself, how Jesus meant that. Only the Holy Spirit of God Almighty can apply it. I pray he does for you, for we all need wisdom to determine the Facts, fallacies, opinions and maybe hidden jewels of Last Days studies as we prepare to meet Jesus in the air.
The Rapture, some call Natszal in Hebrew and Rapturous in Greek, is a snatching away, and in Hebrew this is described as a violent plucking or removing from imminent danger or destruction. Salvation, physically, is implied. It is as if reaching out and snatching a child’s hand and yanking them to safety from an oncoming catastrophe.
Rapture in Greek, and the doctrine thereof, in “pretrib” tradition, is well documented and the common theme of “in the twinkling of an eye” is a common thread in the aspect of the suddenness of it.
A quick note about the Zapture aspect of the Rapture, if a person leaves “this dimension” of time, and stepped into or was removed to another dimension, to those who were still here in this world, it would appear to them as instantaneous, and as fast as an eye could twinkle.
In other words, fast to those here, but no time need or a different scale for time, would apply to those outside of this time existence.
Those who are raptured could just as easily walk away and never be see again, just as easily as they take the Ultimate Air Rapture Line commonly depicted. Will we walk away Mr. Enoch or rise slowly Mr. Jesus? Good question, as long as we get out of here does it matter?
One commentator put it this way, if an angel came and fetched you, like Lot, or a chariot, like Ezekiel, or an angelic being removed you from prison like Peter, few would know the difference between that and taking a Ultimate Up thrust. All we know is We meet the Lord in the Air, the rest is in His hands.
With Science proving the Bible can be logical and precise, it is apparent God works and man figures out How he works.
In prophecy, we know all the pieces of the puzzle fit. There won’t be any missing pieces and there won’t be any extra pieces. However God does it, he makes all the pieces come together so that after the fact we say, of course it fits. We see the picture now.
Some of the greatest minds in Judaism all expected Messiah to show up when He did. They knew where, they knew roughly when. They had no idea how or what he was going to do, and none expected or believed Gentiles would get saved. They should have, but they did not. They saw a Millenial Messiah not a Suffering Servant.
Looking back, some make the mistake thinking Jewish scholars should have known. Not knowing was part of the plan.
The rapture is a lot like that. Not knowing. Or at least a lot of people not really knowing for certain. When people make suppositions, they are often labeled as crackpots or cooks. Unless they attach the common disclaimer, No One Knows for sure.
Recently Jack Kelley made a prediction that said all would be accomplished by 2018. Normally, the sites that have held everyone accountable would have pulled his material and labeled him a heretic. Like others banned, they would have treated him as they have done so to others, but He wasn’t removed. And with good reason.
We are in the Last Days.
Time tables are so well documented in America that now Prophecy Scholars who sell books have invented New Wars and New finite details to fit into New theories that I am reminded people are gullible. They like Shock, gossip, speculation and the Latest Greatest Plant Earth Ending theories.
Did you know you can prove which is true?
You can. It is simple. You get a pen and paper and make a puzzle. You put all the pieces in that puzzle. If all your pieces, all of them, are put in the puzzle, and not one is left out, and it makes a complete picture. You have your answer.
Have you ever made a puzzle? Or have you ever put a puzzle together? Ever get a piece that looks like it fits, has the right edges and interlocking, then you put in it in and as more pieces are added you realize that one piece looks right and fits, but it’s the wrong one for that place in the puzzle.
I have. You have to find the right pieces and where they fit, so that all the pieces not only fit, they make a perfect picture.
God made the bible that way, with seeming grammar errors, that some say don’t fit, but take one piece out, and it isn’t a perfect picture. The bible as it is, the way it is, fits. It fits for you and me.
When I read all these partial puzzles, like you, I go huh! That’s interesting. So I see if it fits my picture.
I have a rather complete picture so I hope some of you do to with all the scholars selling books and all. I never yet bought a book on prophecy, but I have read and studied almost all there is out there, as somewhere, somehow, someway, it gets on the Web eventually. Even more than that, the sources most scholars use, IS on the Web.
Time is running out for the years of study most of us have done, and others would rather not do. Also, most of the time, people say what you want to hear, rather than the warning aspects wisdom should be telling us. If it is the End, are we secure in knowing we are accountable for knowing that and not warning children who will not grow up, pregnant women who will suffer, investors who plan retirement, sinners who want one last sin?
No of course not. We say we don’t know for sure.
Wisdom is justified of her children, and he might not have been complimentary about that remark.
One missing ingredient for Avid Scholars of Eschatology is this:
The Birth of Israel.
Is it 1948?
How long is “the generation that sees these things begin to come to pass”?
How long is a man’s years?
These pieces I am giving you fit into your timetables. What they mean and how you apply them will be for you to decide. They are only a part of the Bigger Picture, and I will add more forgotten pieces in the near future so you can add them also into your personal studies as you prepare to meet Jesus.
They do not necessarily render others invalid, you just might have to move some of the pieces of the puzzle you are building around till they all fit.
1. As far as Jews are concerned, Israel was an accomplished fact when the First World Congress on Zionism signed the decree to go forth and build a Jewish state in Aug. 29-31st in 1897. This decree “faith” was a practical reality one man put this way”
a. Theodor Herzl wrote in his diary (September 1, 1897):
“ Were I to sum up the Basle Congress in a word - which I shall guard against pronouncing publicly - it would be this: At Basle I founded the Jewish State. If I said this out loud today l would be greeted by universal laughter. In five years perhaps, and certainly in fifty years, everyone will perceive it.”
It took 70 years later for Israel to actualize the Hope, hatikvah, when Jerusalem became the capital of Israel undivided.
Hmmm the decree, the going forth to rebuild, the phases from the Congress in Basil Switzerland, to the United Nations in 1948, to the War in 1967.
The facts of World Events are there, but how so in Scripture?
Does Nehemiah and Ezra the Scribe fit in? Are they Prophetic? Does 120 years for a man from Genesis fit in?
Some studies you must do or read on your own from others, or else you make one person an expert and cause them (me) to stumble, but pieces others don’t tell you I will add so you can make a complete picture of prophetic fulfillment.
I’ll try to fill in the Missing Jewish pieces. Daniel, like Herzl, knew the Scriptures, so can you. You can add all the popular pieces and dates in and add these above.
2) How many years is a man to live? Genesis said a man’s days are 120 and it fits for many prophecy reasons. When scholars make adjustments, WHY does God change His Mind, or is there more to the “change” than meets the eye? Is it a Change or a perspective?
3) If Israel was born in 1897 …..5657…by the Jewish Calendar, (plus or minus 2 or 3), and man lives 120 years….. 5657 plus 120 years is 5777.
Interesting number…. 5777 in Gregorian calendar is 2010
4) What Day of the month was that Congress?
1 Elul. Does that mean anything? What is Elul?
"Elul" is the Sixth Month of the year, counting from "Nisan," called in the Chumash, "the first month." Counting from "Tishrei", the month of Rosh HaShanah, "Elul" is the twelfth, and last month in the year. Like the names of the other months of the Hebrew Calendar, "Elul came up", or "returned with," those Jews who returned to Israel from the 70-year Exile in Babylonia. The expression "returned with" is particularly significant in this case in that this is the month of "Return to Hashem," or "Repentance."
Elul is the name of the month which we are given each year to prepare for the "Days of Awe:"
5) Since the First World Congress was the birth of Zionism, what happed in the world at large?
-Approximately the same time, the Pentecostal movement started. (1896., 1906) with the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
6) Are there ties between great revivals and events in Israel or with Jewish people? Yes. Almost all physical events in Israel seem to have had a religious or spiritual “coincidence” in Christendom that some have speculated are directly connected.
7) Can they be tied to Scripture? Yes, almost all prophetic events, relate directly to an event in Scripture and to a Jewish Feast as well as Jewish historical cycle. 1967 when Jerusalem was united, the Jesus Movement was exploding.
8) Is 120 years for man then the actual years for a judging a generation?
Yes and No.
Man can live through more than One generation. He has a “his generation”.
His daughter is born and He becomes a father and that is the Second Generation.
When he is Grandfather that is a Third generation. A Cycle of 40’s.
When God determined that a certain generation would not enter into the Land because of Sin, he said in genesis.
“This generation shall pass away and not enter into the Land” That generation wandered in the Wilderness 40 years.
They passed away. Caleb and Joshua did not. They, were part of that generation that saw the judgment passed upon the
generation that grumbled, and sinned, yet they lived past that time of judgement.
40 years are a generation when used for judgement.
3 generations, or sins of the Father passed unto the second and/or third generation, are 120 years.
Forty is a number of judgment and forty days raining is a type of the generation in the ark, as well as
The generation that perished outside the ark.
Obvioulsy it took time for the water to recede. It also indicates in timelines as some Pastors have detailed, events that occurred.
Timelines in Daniel, Nehemiah, Genesis, Ezra all coincide with events in modern times as we are pretty much reliving the bible all
Over again if you really look closely and at the over all picture. We are repeating.
The Pieces of your puzzle really is the Bible itself and all the events in scripture are being replayed for us seemingly again as we
count down how soon Jesus will return.
Does 120 years from 1897 mean this Year Jesus returns?
Does it mean like Elul we are to prepare to go out and meet Him because people are saying “Behold the Bridegroom cometh”
But Jesus already said to Go and Teach He was Coming soon.
It is just that now we know a rather shortened time span you have to prepare to meet Jesus.
It is soon, it could be any day, it is possible this year, it is likely in the next few years.
It is improbable to expect 20 years from now anyone labeling me a false prophet or mistaken bible scholar
because I will be in Heaven with my Lord.
I won’t be here, I hope you aren’t either.
The missing Jewish pieces are 40. 120. Zionism. Generation. And Judgment of generation.
(Next post: Some pieces we all agree on.)
Almost none of them found what they were looking for, but when God opened a few of their eyes to the Bigger Picture, like Paul, suddenly ALL the pieces fit.
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