Time in prayer?
How much time do you spend praying on a typical day? Why do many Christians struggle spending meaningful anounts of time in prayer?
1. Comment by Susan A Krieck
I couldn’t give an exact amount of time as I pray every time I feel a need to either ask for something or just spend time talking out a problem with HIM. I always say a prayer when I lay down to either nap or sleep. I pray when I’m concerned about friends and family. I pray when I have a difficult situation or decision to make. I pray when something great has happened. I pray when I wake up & discover I’m still alive. When I was still able to work and drive I would pray non stop for a safe trip and a good day at work. For me prayer is not just asking something from God but to thank HIM, ask HIS advice or just talk even though our relationships and conversations with him are not the same as they were at the beginnings when people could actually HEAR his voice. Many times I do not receive an answer right away or directly but HE has always answered according to what HE knows is best for me and any situation I’m in. Maybe it’s because I’m older and see things differently then I did when I made my decision at the age or 12 to really accept HIM in to my life. I’ve slipped and slid over the years but HE’S always been there to pick me up so HE’S my best friend and the best person for me to turn to in everything. Too many people forget that we are ALL sinners and that NO one is perfect in how they live their lives to the point where they judge and shun people who don’t live or do exactly as they. I have an alcoholic friend who has a greater faith and understanding of GOD then most “perfect” people I know. I don’t read the
Bible daily but I DO pray daily and constantly as HE IS my best and greatest friend. HE has led me to guides that others would shun, people who are homeless, down on their luck, addicted, lived a life of crime, etc but have a truth in them that to me can only come from GOD.
2. Comment by Douglas Summers
Most Christians do not count the times they pray. We pray less when things seem to be going OK. We pray more when we are in turmoil or someone’s health is affected. But as we begin to see more of the world and how it is void of the principles of God, we tend to die more to self and pray for the coming of the Lord as we grieve over the destruction of His creation.
That includes all of His creation, from the earth, to His creatures one and all. Men are evil! Animal are more loyal than most men. Pray for Israel and the peace of Jerusalem….most people forget about the commonwealth of Israel….of which the Church is a part of.
May we all join together in unison of one Spirit to hasten the coming of the Lord.
In Christ
3. Comment by Hank McClenning
Each will have different thoughts on the how, when, where, and who of
praying. We do have guidelines in the Bible about what is prayer and
how to do it. This is one topic I have spent considerable time and
effort to understand so I could teach it to my church members. I have
read almost a dozen books written by all good men on the analysis of
how and the meaning of prayer. I have done an indept topical study of
the hundreds of verses related to the meaning of prayer in the Bible.
What we must first ask is, How and what does God say about prayer in
His Holy Word. From this we dan develop a better understanding of
the purpose and goal of prayer in the life of the individual and the
church. It seems difficult, but is not. The word says the person
praying must have a humble heart and be willing to accept the answer
God gives. There are three, Yes, No, and Wait. Only God knows what
is best for us and his church. So praying starts with the proper
and geniune attitude we need to get an answer. First we must see that prayer is a two way street of communidating with our Father and
Lord in heaven through the Holy Spirit. Thess. tells us that we are
to pray without ceasing, meaning that we should always be in a prayful
fram of mind all the time, being willing to pray and receive all the time. We are taught to go into the closet of our lives to pray, thus
being able to remove ourselves from the cares and burdens of life to
get close to God and talk to Him. God answers prays in several ways,
one by His Word of God or scripture, which is the voice of God in
revealing Divine truth on all areas of life. God answers prayer
through the wise and divine counsel of good men who know the Bible.
And sometimes it is the still quiet voice that speaks to our mind
and conscience thoughts of what to do. There is no set time or place
required, but having a quiet time and place can be very helpful.
Always think of prayer as having a conversation with God, He is our
friend and wants to hear from us and talk to us like any other friend.
Many people struggle with prayer because they do not understand the
conditions of prayer and know the some 6 hinderandes that can stop
or cause our prayers to have no value. Jesus said that we must come
as s small child to him and He will hear us. Making up a list of
people and things to pray for can help in giving some direction and
purpose in praying.
Recommend you purchase the Book on Prayer written by Dr. Charles
Stanley. This is about the best one can get outside of the Bible.
4. Comment by Debbie
I have a devotional time every day. Usually an hour or hour and a half in prayer first. I keep a list of prayers that are requested of me in face to face fellowship and via emails from a couple of different churches. I really had not done this prior to a couple of years ago and it has really blessed my relationship with God. It is amazing how many times intercessory prayers that I go over and over on are eventually answered. I tend to follow an acronym: ACTS….Adoration, confession, thanksgiving and supplication. It is often hard to focus and requires discipline to keep the mind from wandering. Each person is different. Wish I could “pray without ceasing.” Breath in, breath out…..
5. Comment by Shirley
I pray a short prayer in the morning (cause i gotta head off for school) and i pray until i fall asleep at night. During the day i talk to God like my opinion on stuff, like a friend thats always there and willing to listen.
6. Comment by matthew, mark, luke or john?
I don’t count it time wise cos i dont believe in time very much despite having an inbuilt clock and no need for a real one.
I pray for Israel and think lots about the New Jerusalem every day.
Right now, i pray lots for my children who have had a horrific experience of evil by the worldly forces that have separated and corrupted some of them to the point at times, some are children i just do not know anymore.
At times, i have fasted, long term and done nothing but pray 24/7, no sleep when it has been required for a person for God.
When I forget myself and all he sends for me to do seems to be going exceedingly well for Him, i talk as often to Him, and he is forefrot of my mind all times, but i can then shuffle prayer to the back, not rightly, its just something I do…
For health or spiritual reasons i can do long stints, that work.
For self and me aside him, i can pray for two mins and be fine, fuelled, and other times, i will have a real old oh my God filled with endless awe conflab with Him in prayer.
And i take all my errors i realise to Christ, constant, no matter how big or small.
I pray for my worst enemies.
I pray for those i know are demon keeping them, but in another way.
I pray for spirit infill before doing major things witnessing applies in – and equally when i know in going to be confronting satan through his vehicles, etc!
The list goes on, nothing we cant pray for or about, we pray when we should, for selfs, others and at drop of a hat or planned, so we stay spirit infilled as well as get God’s answers…
Doing it direct is more important than the time spent given the ludicrous story in todays media spurned from bablonian whoredom that praying through objects, and wearing voodoo objects and idolising one that is not God (triune) in prayer healed a disease! There is one disease such prayer can’t heal and that’s the evident misled insanity of doing such things!
7. Comment by Anonymous
The Apostle Paul said, “pray without ceasing.” I think about I do right then, it doesn’t matters if I am driving in a store or where ever I am or doing. Prayer is get God’s will done not ours. God know our needs before we ask or think, He still wants to request them.
Its the fellowship He wants.
My desire is have a constant conciseness of Him 24/7.
8. Comment by Richard B.
hi everyone! i don’t think i’ve ever posted on this blog but i find myself coming back to it time and time again and so i hope to perhaps join the conversation more often.
i like to have a set time each day to pray, which is an hour on the average day but if something comes up sometimes i need to have it shorter. but that’s just my ’set’ time. in many circumstances, each time i usually come to a new place where i am alone i pray, i pray during lots of different times, as much as seems fit, we are to ‘pray without ceasing’. i’ve found though that, when someone gets in the habit of praying all the time.. it becomes too, loosely done, like, that we would be praying and not 100% focused on God, you know? so i think it’s important to always have that communication with the Lord open, but also to always be sincere in what we’re saying, at least that’s something i’ve had troubles with, but the Lord has been teaching me a lot about that recently
Ecclesiastes 5:2
“Do not be quick with your mouth, do not be hasty in your heart to utter anything before God.
God is in heaven and you are on earth, so let your words be few.”
9. Comment by matthew, mark, luke or john?
Anonymous. that is brilliant, its what i have, 24 hour conscious fellowship without ceasing. No sit down and pray at specific times, but always there and talking. Maybe the subject header confuses people a little. Having him always there and active and being that close is i guess, like a prayer…
10. Comment by Debbie
There are several words in the New Testament that refer to prayer. It is wise to incorporate these into our prayer life in communicating with God. Prayer is nothing more than communication…speaking and listening.
(Euche): prayer in a general sense
(Proseuche): prayer to God only
(Aitema): ask or request
(Deesis): Implore; fervent request
(Enteuxis): petition; intercession; humble supplication
(Parakaleo): Entreat; call upon
(Eucharestia): thanksgiving
(Doxa): praise
11. Comment by Neethu S.Daniel
Comment by Neethu S.
I’m studying in class 11.I feel very guilty about spending so much less time in prayer.I do pray honestly when I’m in need of His help,but otherwise…I find my mind wandering around when I’m in prayer.I heard that the right way to pray is by first praising the Lord, then asking forgiveness for our sins, then praying for others and ourselves and at last end it by thanking Him.Am I right?I pray He will make me able to spent more time in prayer.
12. Comment by Mr. Tommy
I have done a study on the Lord’s Prayer but it is far too long to post it all here — consisting of 7 articles all together. However, you can go to this link:
The articles consist of 230, 231, 232, 234, 235, 236, 237. Simply substitute the end number (230) for the next article or go back to the top of the article and click on the next article.
The man who is well prayed is well prepared…….
13. Comment by Mimi
Debbie Thank you for your last comment and I never had heard of prayer in regards to your earlier post “Adoration, confession, thanksgiving and supplication.” I had heard of the other three before and something else which right now I can’t remember, but I do say I loe the thought of beginning prayer with Adoration.
Anonymous, I appreciate what you said “Prayer is get God’s will done not ours. God know our needs before we ask or think, He still wants to request them.
Its the fellowship He wants.
My desire is have a constant conciseness of Him 24/7.” I really like the last part!
As far as the Question: “How much time do you spend praying on a typical day? Why do many Christians struggle spending meaningful anounts of time in prayer?” The closer I am to God, the more I seek HIM, the more I spend in Prayer. The more I seek HIM the more I want to be near HIM and the more I want to share with HIM, as well as wanting HIM to be as part of my day. I find that it is when I get my priorities in the right place…GOD FIRST, that I spend all day with HIM, on and off in prayer throughout my day. That is when I am fully alive and at peace. Then I wonder to myself, why have I ever chosen to do it any other way? The second part of my answer why I struggle to make time, is because I allow the world to distract me and I haven’t taken the time to put the Lord in HIS rightful place as number one and untill I get the oder right there won’t be the proper amount of time given to HIM and yes the struggle will continue to go on, because my priorities are out of place.
Anonymous, I like what you said “God know our needs before we ask or think, He still wants to request them.
Its the fellowship He wants.
My desire is have a constant conciseness of Him 24/7.” How wise.
14. Comment by Mimi
^^^^satan was making it so hard to write this, I swear it took forever, my mouse wouldn’t work then when I read what I wrote to Anonymous it wasn’t there so I rewrote it and rechecked it and sure enough it reappeared at the end. That is so weird, because both times I wrote it right after I wrote Debbie. What should of taken me 1/2 the time to write my post took twice the amount of time, fighting with my mouse and wondering where my comment to Anonymous went, I guess satan wanted to battle me, but I won!
15. Comment by Douglas Summers
It is true, as some have posted. For the mature Christian there is a continual fellowship with God as we walk through this age. It is that continual fellowship that either convicts or excuses the actions and thoughts in the mind of the heart, that cause us to bear fruit or sustain a weakness in the flesh.
The born again have that constant companionship of the Spirit….unless he has grieved or hindered the Spirit in him. It is at that point that we usually have to repent of anything that has interrupted our fellowship or walk with the Lord. There is an example of this in Scripture of the washing of the feet of His disciples by Jesus.(John 13:1-17).
While zeal for the lord is good, without the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit, our work for the Lord is of the flesh at best. Nothing is left up to self will! (1 Cor. Chapter 12)
In Christ
16. Comment by bruce
hello my brothers and sisters.
tithing also applies to prayer 10% yes 2.5 hours per day is norm. christ when he lives in you ,as in your heart you automatically discover that it is more of a 24-7 relationship.seek his face allways
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