Thursday, December 17, 2009

Christian Issues Digest: Are you a Legalist?-GQ

Applying the Law?

Why do many Christians apply the Old Testament Law so inconsistently? Many Christians use the Old Testament Law to condemn homosexuality, or tattoos, or eating pork…but fail to apply the Old Testament Law on other issues, such as wearing clothing of mixed fabrics, or sowing different kinds of seed in the same field, or visiting a priest when you have a skin infection. Why is the Old Testament Law often used so inconsistently? And, in what ways, if any, does the Old Testament Law apply to us today?

Comments (19)


1. Comment by JimBob

Unfortunately, this is an example of where individuals “cherry-pick” passages to meet their own needs/beliefs. While some of it surely can be just the passage of time (who does see a priest for a skin infection?), most doesn’t. In my own heart, the most relevant teachings are in the New Testament and what Jesus Christ teaches us. After all, if it is coming straight from the mouth of the son of God, how could it be wrong? The Old Testament should be followed in as much as it does not conflict with the teachings of Christ. Otherwise, there should be very few items to cherry-pick.

2. Comment by Brady

well the thing we must realize is that Christ fulfilled all of the OT law…every part of it..the moral law, the sacrificial laws,the dietary laws, all of it. in doing that He satisfied the Law and set us free from it. now that being said we must remember that all the issues we struggle with today are found in Scripture in the NT..homosexuality (Romans 1,! corinthians 6:9-10) tatoos (1 Corinthians 10:31 ‘do all for the Glory of God’..if it takes attention away from God and towards us then its not to His Glory) as far as the eating of pork all food was declared clean by Christ and in a vision to Peter from God. so you see the NT gives us strict instructions how we are to live our lives…the OT law was given to a specific group (the Israelites), was fulfilled by Christ, and is no longer binding on us.

3. Comment by JD

I believe it is OK for a Christian to eat pork, but not because of God’s vision to Peter. (That vision was specifically just to show Peter that Gentiles were not longer to be considered unclean.)

4. Comment by Steve

The Christian is saved on the basis of faith in Christs atoning work. He is not under law but under Grace. However the OT and specifaly the Mosaic Law Period are not without importance. They are written for our learning. Its true that No Christian is under the Mosaic Law yet we can look back and we can learn from the Mosaic Law about the things that God hates. We learn from the Law that God hates murder and unjustice for example. We learn that God hates Adultery and Homosexuality. These basic truthes about God do not change in any dispensation. Homosexuality is an abomination in Gods sight and it always has been and it always will be.

5. Comment by Debbie

Although the law was fulfilled in Christ and therefore those “in Christ” are at liberty in the law, every commandment of the moral law, with the exception of the keeping of the Sabbath is repeated in the New Testament. These are spiritual principles in the ten commandments which we are to live by and consolidated in two commandments in MATT 22:37-40) We are not bound by the religious laws. The Aaronic priesthood was replaced by our individual priesthoods serving under our high priest, Jesus Christ. We are also not bound by tithing, the law of levirate marriage and procedures like Jubilee. We are also not bound by the dietary laws, but they bear some thought. (1COR 6:12) JD’s comment on eating pork was the correct assessment of ACTS 10:11-16. However, I will say this…why do we have no qualms about eating pork, but are revolted by eating rat meat? I believe there was alot of wisdom in those dietary laws that would lead us to better health if we followed them. With the exception of the moral law, we are not bound by any of Israel’s Old Testament law, but if we choose to tithe, celebrate the feasts of the Lord and follow montetary laws concerning lending, we are free to do so. We do it from a heart condition of love and not to attain our

6. Comment by Douglas Summers

Because many of those in the visible church are “Tares”…They just look like Christians. Therefore they read the Scripture’s as a script in a play…. they have never met Christ….but have taken the place of Christ and left Him outside of the Church.

In Christ

7. Comment by S

the question always beggars belief…

ie, go see/tell a priest – where does one find one of those in todays world? Not in a ‘Church’ for sure without looking hard….

I get kids and adults coming to me mind you with skin conditions and all other kinds of conditions, but that will be the Chruch of my house – For Christ and the Body!

“We do it from a heart condition of love and not to attain our

Brilliantly put Debbie!!!

I work out a lot of Truths re God by not just conferring with scripture, but examing my heart, closely, then double binding it with scripture of old and it always comes to the clean and new in the end! Even down to when i do my washing or dont have such deep questions crossed my mind Debbie. Something will ire in my head, not now, or then is right, etc, and its him, in us first in our hearts from before we existed!!!! Hey, where would a woman be if she didnt know what day of the week she could hang out washing with a smile on her face and LAUGH if it rained eh! 

Doug, rock on, keep putting it blunt and True! Its hard to find Christians in Churches!

8. Comment by Ron

We are under grace not the law. The old testament law has lot of good examples of healthy living.
I pay attention what God said is a abomination and sin, since He said He never changes, He doesn’t like it back then as while is today.

9. Comment by Mr. Tommy

Debbie, thanks for making your views known.

10.            Comment by Chel

I thank you all for your comments this page has helped me answer so many questions. It also brings joy to my heart to see Christians agreeing on such topics and not watering anything down.. As it is written the truth shall set us free..
Thanking you all once again

11.            Comment by Debbie

Mr. Tommy,
As I too appreciate your wisdom and love you in Christ as well..

12.            Comment by ceseeley

All, I sent for information from the Seventh Day Adventist Ministry that is on television every Sunday as to why they believe in the observance of the Saturday Sabbath and they sure put up a defense for it. The information hasn’t come in the mail yet, but it is amazing how unwavering they are in their observance of the “Ten Commandments” and they really seem to put up a great Biblical defense for doing so.

13.            Comment by Debbie

You know, I don’t see anything wrong with them doing that except they do it as a form of salvation. I wonder too, why they don’t obey all the ritual observances like levirate marriage? I know alot them are vegan and very healthy people. I just pray they could see the liberty in Christ and not perform these things because it makes them think they are saving themselves. You know what I mean? Maybe God will use you to reach one of them.

14.            Comment by Douglas Summers

Hi Debbie, ceseeley,

The SDA believe they are under the Law of Moses and are the new Israel. Their claim to escaping the judgment and wrath of God is stated from the OT that God would recognize His people by them keeping the Sabbath.(Exod.31:12-18) They are a cult.

In reality, The NT Church were at first all Jews. The Christ’s Church (being Jewish) Still worshiped or went to the Synagogue on the Sabbath. But met together the first day of the week for fellowship in the Lord and one another.

The Sunday meeting were also for teaching and taking care of the affairs of the Church government.

In Christ

15.            Comment by Douglas Summers


I also might add that those who were called into the body of Christ in the beginning, (The Living Church) opposed those in the synagogue who preached the Law of Moses over the truth and Grace of Jesus The Christ….Because the OT pointed to and identified who the Christ was…but as the Judiazers, SDA and other cults like them ,believe it is by their own merits that they are favored by God.

In Christ

16.            Comment by Earl Decker

Homosexuality and adultery are condemned in the OT and NT. Yes OT law was fulfilled by Jesus. A person getting a tattoo? You have people who say yes and no. I will say tattoos do not pertain to a persons salvation.
Is there some hypocrisy in the church? Yes of course. However I see most unbelievers using this as a excuse .. if it was not this it would be some other excuse. Christians are sinners saved by grace. We sin everyday, although we do not live to sin. Best advice to read Gods Word. God exalts His Word above all things including our opinion.

17.            Comment by Child of the King

As I have stated before in Christian Love and concern; Jesus Christ started only ONE Church. If someone claims to be a Christian then disobeys God’s Holy writ or disobeys what the selected Apostles taught in the first Century Church in any way..Then simply put they are Faeux Christians or Christian-wanna-be’s.

False teachers and wolves in sheep’s clothing had already entered into the church twisting and perverting real christians to join them.
(Please read; Acts 20 v 20-31) Apostle Paul warned them over and over (Galatians First Chapter).

From the Falling away came the RCC officially formed in 325AD at the council of Nicea. Out of this council the beleifs of the Gnostics of Alexandria Egypt the Mensa-type thinkers of their day. These “Brilliant” folks brought us the “DaVinci Code” and the belief Jesus was Married to Mary Magdalenr and had at least One child. The RCC trusted these Pagan God-less folks to discern God’s Holy writ and look to Rome to see the results of when Intelligencia meets Paganism.

When the Reformation came along and Martin Luther fired the first shot across the RCC bow..all the other “churches” broke away but managed to not let loose of some RCC doctrines. This is why in Revelation 17 The RCC is called “The Mother Harlot” and her “Children” are those who cling unto her pagan-born beleifs and teachings.

No wonder this verse is inserted in our Bibles:II Timothy 3 v 7 “Ever learning and NEVER ABLE to come to the knowledge of The Truth”. (Also; I Timothy 2 v 4).

18.            Comment by Child of the King

Jim Bob;

Your thoughts regarding those who “Cherry Pick” verses in the OT etc. Yes, and there are millions who “Cherry Pick” NT verses as well to fit their pet beleifs…

19.            Comment by Debbie

“From the Falling away came the RCC officially formed in 325AD at the council of Nicea. Out of this council the beleifs of the Gnostics of Alexandria Egypt the Mensa-type thinkers of their day.”

This was a Christian council which also gave us the 66 Books of the Bible that we read today. Guess you forgot that important fact. Interesting that an Egyptian free thinker named Arius was condemned by the council and excommunicated for his false teaching concerning Jesus Christ and the trinity. Can’t trust those Egyptians, can you?

The church at Thyatira has existed in form since the beginning of the church age, as have all the seven churches mentioned in the seven letters of REV. There were Christians practicing Babylonish mystery cult religions in the first century. The church at Thyatira has its beginnings in the church at Pergamos and then becomes full-blown during the following centuries. The RCC has clung tightly to rituals, the aaronic priesthood and other Judaistic tendencies, but then so do many modern denominations by their deciding who is saved or not according to rituals like water baptism, tithing ad speaking in tongues. It is nothing new, just old heresies re-visited.

This material was brought to you by Christian Issues Digest, a ministry of Broadcast(B.C.)Christianity, Michael James Stone, Volunteers, and people dedicated to the Love of God and Salvation of Souls. We hope it helps you to face your issues daily as a Christian, as well as prepare for the return of Jesus Christ, He is Coming Very Soon.

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