Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Nine End Time Wars of the Bible: Part 2

The Nine End Time Wars of the Bible: Part 2

The Nine End Time Wars of the Bible: Part 2

In October 2009 I was interviewed by Bill Salus, author of the popular Psalm 83-themed book Isralestine, host of the radio program "Prophecy Update," and evangelist on the end times website Prophecy Depot. Bill and I spent much of the interview discussing my recent article The Wars of the End Times.

Bill Salus
Bill has been kind enough to allow The Christ in Prophecy Journal to reproduce the "The Nine End Time Wars of the Bible" interview in transcript form, edited into an article series. To listen to the original radio program in mp3 format, I invite you to visit Prophecy Depot or KWBB.

In the last segment, Bill and I identified what I call the "War of Extermination" based on Psalm 83 as the first end time war. In this segment, we look at the timing of the Rapture and the United States in relation to this war.

Where do you think the Rapture of the Church is going to fit in? Is it going to be pre-Psalm 83, or post-Psalm 83, or what?

Dr. Reagan: I think you just raised a very valid point. I have actually had some of my supporters' write me very concerned messages saying, "Your endorsement of Bill Salus' theory about Psalm 83 means that you no longer believe the Rapture is imminent." And, I have written back and said, "No, not at all. I think the Rapture can occur at any moment."

The Rapture is not what begins the Tribulation. It is some sort of treaty between the Antichrist and Israel that starts the Tribulation. The Rapture could occur a year, 2 years, 3 years, or even 5 years before the start of the Tribulation. The Rapture can occur at any moment. Now, whether it is going to occur before Psalm 83 or during the Psalm 83 War or after that war, I have no idea, Bill. I am not setting dates for the Rapture. I believe the Rapture is an event that can occur at any moment. It could be before the Psalm 83 War, during it, or after it.

Bill Salus: I concur. And, that was the big question! We'll leave the answer as this — if we are still here at the fulfillment of Psalm 83, we need to certainly be prepared to use the foreknowledge of this war as one of our best witnessing tools.

Dr. Reagan: Amen! I think it is unfair of those who attack you saying that if you put in this Psalm 83 War that somehow you are saying that's an event that must occur before the Rapture, and therefore the Rapture is no longer imminent, because that is not the position that you've taken.

Bill Salus: No, it's not. You're right, this topic has come up, so I thank you for clearing it up.

How does the United States play into this war?

Bill Salus: During the Bush Administration when he declared a war on terror, Israel took the advantage of building a 400 mile wall to keep terrorists out. And, it has worked. It has kept Palestinian terror somewhat at bay. Now, you'll start to hear articles coming out about how things on the ground are different there geopolitically, and that maybe there really is an opportunity for some legitimate peace because the Palestinian leadership apart from Hamas is getting a little more conducive to having peace. But, the bottom line is this that wall is what is causing those changes on the ground there.

Currently, President Obama has a 4% or less popularity rating in Israel among Israeli Jews who think he is pro-Israel, according to a Jerusalem Post poll recently issued. He has definitely got Israeli Jews concerned about a sentiment of American betrayal.

Dr. Reagan: He has me concerned along the same line, because the Bible makes it very clear that those that turn against Israel in the end times and try to divide the land that God will deal with them, and He will deal with them in His wrath. We are just begging for the wrath of God upon this nation through the policy that Obama is pursuing.

Think about how hypocritical it was when protestors in Iran were having huge demonstrations in the street after the recent election, and Obama said nothing! He said nothing and he said nothing until finally he was forced to say something, and then he said, "Well, I just don't want to say anything because who am I to interfere in the affairs of another nation. That is a sovereign nation." And yet, he turned right around and began to put all kinds of demands upon Israel, saying to the Israelis, "You can't even build a building in Jerusalem." I mean, come on! What if Israel told us we couldn't build a building in Washington, D.C.?

Bill Salus: Obama is pushing Israel to freeze their settlements which is very controversial right now. Biblically speaking, God is bringing the Jews back into the land and a moratorium on housing does not seem to be part of God's prophetic program.

Dr. Reagan: That's right, that's very right.

Bill Salus: Obama's policy is butting heads with God, and we know where that is all going to end up.

In the next segment, Bill and I will be discussing the second end time war in the series — the First War of Gog-Magog.