Thursday, September 24, 2009

Did Obama Call on Israel? ~ BibleProphecyToday(Spirit of anit-christ)

Did Obama Call on Israel to Vacate Temple Mount? ~ Bible Prophecy Today

When I a lie a Lie? When the author implies what President Obama DID NOT SAY OR IMPLY and any Jew recognizes diatribe and sensationalism when it is being used to promote an agenda that is Ungodly Not Christian and uses tactics that are anti-christ.

Again, the appeal for riches in making sensationalized attack of Christian Values of Truth and Facts and subverting Faithful men and woman of God is blashemous and seeks to place men in control by manipulation than Trust In the Lord with ALL YOur Heart.

The Story is concocted and BPT ought to be ashamed of HOW it leads a person.

The Moral Responsibility we have as Christians is not to entice to sin, division, strife or error by lies or "spinning stories" but by pointing to Jesus the Only Way the Only Truth and the Only Light


When Christian sites resort to trash talk and political games rather than elevate Jesus.

Jewish Newspapers have admitting lying to promote policy change, there is no unction to tell the truth, if, as one would say, it benefits one Jew.

Do not assume Israel as faithful, it is apostate to even a Jewish God. To Our Lord and ALL OUR GOD.

Michael James Stone