Tuesday, July 28, 2009

PHONY Missing Birth Certificate and Tabloid Terroist Jourmalism ~ Bible Prophecy Today

The Missing Birth Certificate Takes Center Stage at the White House ~ Bible Prophecy Today

Bill Wilson, eager to jump on the Slam a President bandwagon traded in his journalism degree for the lure or ratings and tabloid journalism.

If He were in the Marine Corp, He would be shot.


Questioning your commanding officer is one thing, aiding and participating with an enemy of the United States during a time of war used to be called treason.

We are at War with Terrorism.

I suppose we should roll out the red carpet and salute Jane Fonda for Vietnam and Tabloid Terrorist who choose to propagandize a lie and in effect become Holocaust deniers, Moonwalk deniers, and give a Pulitzer of denying facts in the face of all Truth.

Now it's just Tabloid Terrorism.

It divides the country over a false statement already proven false by almost all reputable news services and Intelligence Agencies. It even cast aspersions on all Vetting, all Peoples and frankly on everyone except those who agree with....Tabloid Terrorist.

The false is obvious as Scripture said would occur in these last days that they would believe a lie rather than the Truth. IF it suits there purpose.

Bill will get away with this one because in America now, unless you are "really" a Christian,

It is easier to lie than to tell the Truth.

Truth and Serving God honestly doesn't pay so well...,

But the tabloids do.

Michael James Stone