Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Who do You Listen To? Looking Back to See the Future ~ Bible Prophecy Today
Looking Back to See the Future ~ Bible Prophecy Today
Scary "use" of this Scripture and the Story Line. In context it is dangerous application because it insists on MAN determining his own course based on OLD MEN's advice, rather than New.
New advice and Old advice is both wrong because NO ONE stood up and said the Church was Growing before the Jesus Movement.
God went "outside" the parameters of "putting Him" in a box and revived the OLD SCHOOL of Dead Theologians and brought forth the fact we need GOD who intervenes so we don't deceive oursleves.
I would rather have a ONE on ONE with God, and be Wrong, then seek many peoples advice no matter HOW OLD or HOW YOUNG and Walk withe my Lord and My God then the ways of men.
Using Scripture to promote a political agenda is putting mans ideas in God's Way as his Will is about salvation not political gain.
Miry clay is best used for pottery but until it is fired in a cairn and made to withstand the heat, it is still miry clay. The end of the World is about consensus in governing not a ONE MAN responsible and accountable to God as Kings were for better or or for ill, but said to be manageable by the Almighty.
Our responsibility for decisions is not people based but personal and relative to our making decisions with God, not without Him and He sent his Holy Spirit to help us.
The author left that out, we better not if we are to make decisions FOR God rather than AGAINST Him.
Michael James Stone