Sunday, July 12, 2009

Is It Conviction Or Guilt?~Jack Kelley

Is It Conviction Or Guilt?

Q. I have a quick question. How do you know if it is the Holy Spirit convicting you or if it is Satan working on you to make you feel bad and draw you away from God? Thank you very much for your studies and website it has helped me greatly.

A. The answer can be determined by checking which direction you’re going. If you’re headed for the cross to find forgiveness, then you’re experiencing the conviction of the Holy Spirit. If you’re running away from the cross and hiding from God, then it’s Satan making you feel ashamed. Either way, you can ask God’s forgiveness and you’ll receive it and begin feeling better ( 1 John 1:9). Then if you resist the devil he’ll flee from you (James 4:7) and you’ll be at peace again.

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