Monday, July 6, 2009

Salvation: What is it? ....Know God

What Is Salvation?
God knew that humanity would sin and need to be reconciled to Him. At the heart of God's plan to reconcile sinful humanity to Himself is the Mediator, Jesus Christ (1 Timothy 2:5–6).

The word salvation is defined as "deliverance from the power and effects of sin." All have sinned (Romans 3:23), but we cannot save ourselves, because only a sinless person can save a sinful person. The Bible tells us that Jesus Christ died for sinners (1 Timothy 1:15; Romans 5:6–8).

Provisions of Salvation
Certain provisions were necessary for salvation to be available to humanity: the death of Jesus Christ; the burial of Christ; the resurrection of Christ (1 Corinthians 15:3–4); the ascension of Christ (Mark 16:19; Acts 1:9); and the exaltation of Christ (Acts 2:33; 5:31; 1 Peter 3:22; Hebrews 1:3).

Process of Salvation: God’s side
Through the divine side of salvation, God sovereignly acts to secure salvation for sinners through:

  • Election: Through grace, God chose salvation in Christ for those whom He knew would accept Him (Ephesians 1:4–5).

  • Regeneration: God makes us alive through Christ, enabling us to be born again, and to experience a new birth (John 3:3). Without a new birth, we are "dead in trespasses and sins" (Ephesians 2:1).

  • Justification: When God justifies us, He declares us guiltless before Him and places all of the righteousness of Christ to our credit. Justification represents both God's forgiveness of our sins and the righteousness He has accounted to us (Romans 3:28; 5:1).

  • Adoption: Adoption means, "the placing of a son." God gives us the full rights of inheritance in His family as though we had been born into it (Galatians 4:4–5; Ephesians 1:5). Because we are God's children, we can call Him Abba, or Daddy (Romans 8:15). As God's children, we can be confident that He understands us, takes care of us, and will bless us.

  • Sanctification: When we become Christians, God sanctifies us, or sets us apart, positionally, practically, and permanently for Himself (1 Corinthians 6:11; 2 Thessalonians 2:13). Through sanctification, we become more and more like Jesus Christ through the work of the Holy Spirit.

Process of Salvation: Humanity’s Side
Just as there is a divine side of salvation, there is also a human side that shows itself through "free will":

Product of Salvation
God created us, and Christ purchased us so that we might know Him, walk with Him, and glorify Him (Ephesians 1:11–12). He also wants us to bear much fruit (John 15:8; 13:34–35) as we invest our lives in service to Him (Matthew 16:24–26; Galatians 6:10).

We bear fruit by winning others to Christ by helping them grow spiritually (Romans 1:13; Proverbs 11:30); by sharing our blessings with others (Philippians 4:17); by giving praise and thanks to God (Hebrews 13:15); and by living a changed life through our conduct and character (Galatians 5:22).

Some people think that because they have "prayed to receive Christ," they can live as they please. But salvation brings about a changed life (2 Corinthians 5:17) and motivates believers to follow God's purpose for their lives.

Copyright © 2001 by Harvest Christian Fellowship. All rights reserved.

Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture references are taken from The Holy Bible, New King James version [NKJV], copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.


An excellent definition
-Michael James Stone

If God knew that Satan would rebel and Adam and Eve would sin, why did He create them?

If God knew that Satan would rebel and Adam and Eve would sin, why did He create them?

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Why are We reactive as opposed to Active in Faith?

(By the way, this is also an effective tool of American religious leaders, such as mainline protesters against
Israel, and the Emergent community. They successfully employ emotive stories in order to influence.)

I think the Article writer about said it all with this quote above, but to be fair:

MONDAY, JULY 6, 2009

Attack of the Media-ites

Jim Fletcher
By Jim Fletcher

Aren’t the media wonderful? Overall, I mean. A bigger bunch of Israel-haters you’re never likely to see.

Every time I run across the kinds of reports I saw this week inthe New York Times and The Economist, I am reminded of the great label my late friend, David Lewis, ascribed to the media: the Media-ites. David was a funny guy.

The allusion to the ancient foes of the Israelites, the Midianites, is well-placed in today’s world, as “reporters” savage the Jewish state at every turn.

There in the NYT — “The Old Gray Lady” — is a feature on a “peace activist” working in the West Bank. Even better for Leftist writers and readers, this activist is an Israeli Jew. Even-even better, he’s gay.

Ezra Nawi, a plumber by trade, goes from Palestinian village to Palestinian village, helping with various projects and protesting the “occupation.” The writer of the piece, Ethan Bronner, begins his story with a description of Nawi bouncing along in his jeep, near Hebron. Trailing him is another vehicle, manned by Israeli troops, who are “stalking him.”

Also, the Palestinians in that area are “exceptionally poor” and unable to claim the land they “bought decades ago.” Bonner then goes on to chronicle alleged beatings of Palestinians by Jewish “settlers.”

After quoting Yehoshua Mor-Yosef, an “Israeli settler” who says that Nawi doesn’t want a real solution to the conflict, he just wants to “cause trouble,” Bonner begins the next paragraph with the words, “True or not…” goes on to describe Nawi’s legal troubles, as we awaits sentencing on a charge of striking a policeman during a confrontation.

These kinds of stories from the media have circulated for decades and notice this: they are stories. Advocacy journalists — those who report in order to further their own world views, not necessarily to report news — often employ “story,” because they know it is emotionally effective with readers. It is much easier to get readers to believe that the Palestinians are merely abused peaceniks, rather than try and frame that argument in factual terms.

(By the way, this is also an effective tool of American religious leaders, such as mainline protesters against Israel, and the Emergent community. They successfully employ emotive stories in order to influence.)

Then, The Economist, that British propaganda tool, had a plethora of stories concerning Israel and her place in the Middle East. Suffice to say, subtly, these media reports hammer home the point-of-view that in fact Israel does not have a place in the Middle East, or anywhere else. They don’t like Jews.

Three separate articles in the June 20 edition implore/demand Israel to shrink herself to the point of disappearance.

In the first article, we read that:
“Israel’s prime minister has at last accepted that a Palestinian state must exist alongside an Israeli one if there is to be any chance of a durable peace between Arabs and Jews in that tragic sliver of land that three great faiths consider holy.”
Interesting. What The Economist editorial staff fails to understand — deliberately, I believe — is that the Palestinians have not, do not, and never will recognize Israel. This is known not only by Israel’s supporters, but also by her detractors. Do not think for a moment that international diplomats, American presidents, and religious “peace activists” do not know this. They know it.

They do not care.

Incredibly, The Economist quoted Egypt’s dictator, Hosni Mubarak, as saying that Netanyahu’s demand that Arabs recognize Israel as the Jewish state would “scuttle the chances of peace.” This kind of lunacy passes for diplomacy, and shows just how flawed current peace efforts really are. The Israelis must accept a 23rd Arab state, but none of the Arabs will accept the lone Jewish state?

Crazy, man.

And this stuff doesn’t just come out of thin air. England was prepared for modern Jew-hating centuries ago, as intellectuals and scientists like Charles Lyell, Herbert Spencer, and John Tyndall began tinkering with Scripture. In short, they didn’t like Scripture and began to allege that early Bible books were myth or legend.

It took some decades, but their agenda survived them and is now in full bloom: Israel-bashing is in high-fashion, since, for one thing, so many do not put any credence in the Bible as a book of history and truth.

That’s why The Economist and The New York Times can insist that Israelrecognize Palestine at the same time they allow “Palestine” to refuse to recognize Israel.

This is insanity, and it passes for journalism in our day.

Related News

Netanyahu utters '2 states' for 1st time - Ynetnews
Israeli FM praises Biden on Iran stand - AP
Barak tells Mitchell Israel will evacuate outposts within weeks - Ynetnews
Israel deports foreign activists headed to Gaza - AP

Imagine if you will a need to find fault so all we do is look for what WE DISAGREE with?
Is this the Spirit of Prophecy? Or is it becoming the World and it's ways?

The Bible says otherwise.

It calls us to a higher calling and standard of living than to highlight the negative and never see the positive.
Are we in the Last Days? yes, but that is not the battle we are in. We are fighting a spirit that would harden our hearts and makes us fit for hell, by desensitizing us to tenderness and making us bitter.

Jesus affected every person he met. Affected and caused a realization to occur. That "thought" invaded the person causing a reaction to utterly reject or accept Him.

It was called Love, it was unheard of in a world of killing and violence.

The person who is a pundit, has to make a living "selling" you his point of view. They do it for money, they seek gain from it. That "money" requires they "grab" your atttention and keep it to read their material and influence you to read again the next day and the next. Each day you are "enticed" to read. Each day you get more of the same.

Ever wonder what happened to saying something Good?

It doesn't sell.

The Battle in theses latter days is for your soul.
How much will you sell your soul for? What will you sell your soul for? Who will you sell your soul to?

I hope the price you pay in reading tabloid journalism in Christianity, doesn't cost you Jesus.
I pray for Authors, they are twice guilty before God.

Michael James Stone

Bickering or Blessed? Both may be Right Rick Warren and Jan Markell

When We disagree:An Open Letter to Pastor Rick Warren ~ Bible Prophecy Today

An Open Letter to Pastor Rick Warren ~ Bible Prophecy Today.

Two Popular people.

Two Opinions.

I get challenged by the WAY people disagree. Often they use the Worlds ways and means to vent or view disagreements and this is delegated to the realm of: If you are in the Public, you deserve it.

I disagree.

The Bible says, if you have ought against your brother, go to Him in private. If I do, then I have God to work for me.

If I don’t I have man to thank for the divisions I cause when I could just as easily disagree, without personalizing MY POV on another.

We CLAIM it is to save the sanctity of our religion, or PROVE our point of view is correct, but Jesus never did it that way.

Can I say that again? Jesus never did it that way.

He was direct, and he was directed. He said that he must be about His Fathers business, and so he did. He didn’t care who agreed or who did not, He allowed God to handle that part.

His mission was to complete the task He was sent to do.

I like Jan Markell. I like Rick Warren.

I wish they would talk TO each other rather than AT each other. Not because I think they will agree, but because that is what Jesus would do. He was personal. He was real. He addressed the personal issues of his accusers directly.

In fact, He asked the Sanhedrin, why do you accuse me by night when you could come to me by day?

I think this “Open Letter” is such a Case. It is not expected to be answered and I would rather when a person SAYS they are addressing a person, they don’t stoop to the World and it’s ways to make a point or get a “media buzz”.

I support Jan Markell’s ministry and I will go to Rick Warrens church this summer on a Sunday to hear a typical message. I suspect I know the results and I will post a result of my visit and likely say as I have in the past over other “senationalized” accusations.

My question to you, or Jan, or Rick, or anyone you use on the Web to promote your position, do you GO TO the person?

Do you Follow Up the accusations?

Are you willing to go along with the crowd when they say;

“Crucify Him, Crucify Him”

Just because you don’t like the Way God is using someone?

Michael James Stone

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