Welcome to Rapture ForumsConfused about rapture of the church and the coming tribulation? You'll find answers to your questions about the rapture, Antichrist, Armageddon, the Tribulation, and much more. And we'll help you understand how news headlines relate to the rapture of the church as we count down the days until the return of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Rapture ReportApril 2012 Israel and Middle East News Review Iran nuclear talks fall flat, calls made for more sanctions March 2012 Israel and Middle East News Review Russian Troops Arrive in Syria to help Assad Gaza ceasefire crumbles as rockets hit southern Israel Gaza ceasefire starts to take effect after Israeli strike Gaza escalation as Israel strikes terrorist leader February 2012 Israel and Middle East News Review IDF fears Syria attack as pressure builds on Assad 
The Rapture AlertDan Savage: 'Tolerant' Bully Is President Obama hostile to Christianity? Limbaugh and the, um, Lady The Militarization of The EU Gog-Magog: Turkey and Hamas Relationship Blossoming  
The Latest Featured CommentarySinai: The New Egyptian Plague The Call of Isaiah: Isaiah 6:1-13 The Tragic Statistics of Our Nation’s Decay Israel's early election and its effect on striking Iran The Decay of Society: A Biblical Type of America The Imminence of the Harpazo Rep. Buck McKeon accuses President Obama of doing 'nothing' to stop automatic defense cuts The Decay of Society: Discipline for Nations The War on Terror is Over? I Wonder Who Won? The Decay of Society: Road to Depravity Obama Funds Terrorists Bin Laden's death marks end of an era in young war on terror Itching Ears Ten Absolutes That His Bride Will be Removed China's Patience Europe Back to the Boiling Point Peter's Confession The Decay of Society: Rejecting the Ten Commandments Sharia in Moscow The Promise of a Lifetime The Bride of Christ and the Jewish Wedding Model Weaning Evangelicals Off the Word - Part 1 Weaning Evangelicals Off the Word - Part 2 Weaning Evangelicals Off the Word - Part 3 Pride...The Worse SIN Ever!! Jeremiah 49: Will a Coalition of Nations Move Against Iran? (Yes, They Will!!) 
 | | The Rapture Forums The Rapture Forums is an interactive community featuring a message board for discussing a wide range of breaking news headlines and events. |
 | | The Rapture Report The Rapture Report is a indepth analysis of up to date world news as they relate to the signs of the rapture of the church, the apocalypse, and the end times. |
 | | Featured Commentary Find enlightened and timely commentaries regarding a broad range of subjects pertaining to the rapture, bible prophecy, and world news happenings. |
 | | Rapture News Headlines Want to keep up with the latest news as they relate to the rapture and the end times? We've got all the Israel, Iran, and Middle East news headlines here. |
 | | End Times Prophecy Charts Looking for prophetic charts and aids to help you understand when the prophetic signs occur? Then click here to review our complete collection. |
 | | The Book of Revelation Accurate and detailed articles on the Book of Revelation. Topics range from the Antichrist, 666, Babylon, Armageddon, and the apocalypse. |
 | | The Rapture of the Church Is the pretribulation rapture of the church the same as the second coming of Christ? Learn why the mid-tribulation, pre-wrath, and post-tribulation rapture theories are false. |
 | | The End Times Signs The prophetic puzzle isn't laid out in chronological order. It's scattered throughout the scriptures. Do you know the end times signs? Don't be left behind today. |
 | | The End Times Events Will the tribulation and the foretold end times happen tomorrow? The prophetic sequence is discussed including the Book of Daniel, Gog and Magog war, and Armageddon. |
 | | First Coming Messianic Prophecies Commentaries about Jesus and how he fulfilled the prophecies about the coming Messiah. Subjects include the virgin birth, resurrection, crucifixion, and the Star of Bethlehem. |
 | | Second Coming Prophecies This section details the prophecies of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Issues include the sequence of end times events and the nature of the Lord Jesus Christ's return. |
 | | Israel and the Middle East Commentary regarding Israel, Iran, and the rest of the Middle East. Does Babylon and Israel still have a place in God's plan for the end-times? Find out here. |
 | | Bible Study Articles Articles and commentaries are here including examinations of many of the cardinal doctrines of the faith. A wide range of biblical issues are covered. |
 | | Scripture Verses by Topics Looking for scripture verses by categories? Our collection of scripture verses by topic is divided into over 700 different categories for your quick and easy reference. |
 | | The Rapture Dictionary Confused about Biblical terms? Our rapture dictionary has the meanings to almost 4,000 scriptural terms and places. A very nice and useful reference resource. |
 | | Bible Prophecy Charts This section includes an interactive satellite map application that allows you to zoom in on modern day Israel to help with your biblical studies. History will come alive here. |
 | | Bible Prophecy Guide The Bible Prophecy Guide is a good starting point for articles on the rapture, tribulation, and other end of times related material. A good place to start. |
 | | Charles Spurgeon's Daily Devotional Looking for daily inspiration from the Holy scriptures? We have the complete calendar of Charles Spurgeon's "Morning and Evening" daily devotionals for your reading pleasure. |
 | | The Best of the Christian Classics Enjoy timeless sermons and classic writings from Wesley, Luther, Darby, and other great men of the Christian faith. We've got a complete library of resources for you. |
 | | Cults, Islam, and Pagan Religions Learn more about Christian cults and false religions. We've got information on Buddhism, Islam, Mormons, Freemasons, Jehovah's Witnesses, and other pagan religions. |
 | | Creation vs. Evolution One of the most controversial issues in the world is whether the biblical account of Creation from Genesis is the real account of mankind's origins. Find out here. |
