Should Christians financially support non-Christian causes?
If a cause/effort does not include sharing the Gospel and/or pointing towards Jesus Christ, should Christians support it?
The Last Call Devotions Network
Monday March 14 2011 Posted by Rick Warren |
The Lord your God will drive those nations out ahead of you little by little. You will not clear them away all at once …. Deuteronomy 7:22 (NLT)
"Growth is often painful and scary, but if you want the next ten years to be the best of your life, the work you are doing now will be worth it." |
Although God could instantly transform us, he has chosen to develop us slowly.
Why does it take so long to change and grow? There are several reasons --
We are slow learners. We often have to relearn a lesson forty or fifty times to really get it. The problems keep recurring, and we think, “Not again! I’ve already learned that!”—but God knows better. We need repeated exposure.
We have a lot to unlearn. Many people go to a counselor with a personal or relational problem that took years to develop and say, “I need you to fix me. I’ve got an hour.” Since most of our problems—and all of our bad habits—didn’t develop overnight, it’s unrealistic to expect them go away immediately.
Growth is often painful and scary, but if you want the next ten years to be the best of your life, the work you are doing now will be well worth it. There is no growth without change; there is no change without fear or loss; and there is no loss without pain. Even if our old ways are self-defeating, we are tempted to return to them because, like a worn out pair of shoes, they are comfortable and familiar.
You must let go of old ways in order to experience the new, but what God has planned for you is far more than anything you can imagine. Stay steady at it, remembering that “little by little” God is clearing the way for you to grow and change.
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Should Christians financially support non-Christian causes?
If a cause/effort does not include sharing the Gospel and/or pointing towards Jesus Christ, should Christians support it?
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News from Reuters
FUKUSHIMA, Japan (Reuters) - A fresh explosion rocked a damaged Japanese nuclear power plant on Tuesday where engineers have been pumping sea water into a reactor to prevent a catastrophic meltdown in the wake of a devastating earthquake and tsunami. | Video
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Austria on Monday called for European nuclear power plants to face stress tests to reassure people worried by the crisis in Japan while Britain and France urged calm.
SANAA (Reuters) - Scattered clashes broke out across Yemen on Monday, with three soldiers killed in the north, as military forces were deployed to check nationwide protests demanding the resignation of President Ali Abdullah Saleh. | Video
ABIDJAN (Reuters) - Ivorian gunmen fighting to depose Laurent Gbagbo after he refused to concede an election were advancing across Abidjan on Monday, bringing their fight closer to the city center and the presidential palace.
LIMA (Reuters) - The battle for second place in Peru's presidential race has intensified a month before voting as any one of four candidates could squeak through to a likely runoff election against front-runner Alejandro Toledo.
TOKYO (Reuters) - A fresh explosion rocked Japan's quake-stricken nuclear power complex on Tuesday, around its overheating No.2 reactor, but there was no immediate word of any damage to the reactor itself, the country's nuclear safety agency said.
The Last Generation Network News Report
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Q. What is your view or opinion on whether we should or shouldn’t go to church? My sister, who by the way is the one who told me about your site, said she read on the site that you said believers don’t have to go to church. Does the Bible speak to this specifically? I know our salvation doesn’t depend on it but shouldn’t we be a part of a body of believers?
A. I think attending a church can be beneficial, providing you can find one that’s focused on the Bible, and enjoying periodic fellowship with other believers is likewise good for us. But in my opinion there’s no Biblical requirement for a believer to attend Church. Paul said we should not let anyone judge us with regard to this (Colossians 2:16). He also said that one man considers one day more sacred than another, while another man sees all days alike. Each one should be convinced in his own mind (Romans 14:5). In other words, if you think attending a church is the right thing to do then you should do it. But you shouldn’t let any one tell you it’s wrong if you don’t.
Tags: Christian Life, Church
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News From MSN Headline News
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Comment by Mimi
If it is a worthy, moral cause absolutely! I support buying Girl Scout cookies, donating bottles to the local HS causes, usually HS sports, I support helping send money to help people who have suffered from natural disasters, I have donated a car to help someone else have a vehicle…but it didn’t matter to me if they were Christian or not, what mattered was sharing God’s love, to those in need.
Comment by ceseeley
Only if the Holy Spirit, Tempered with Scripture and Prayer, clearly guides one to support it while taking into consideration Psa 27:14:
Psa 27:14 Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.
When Christians wait for the Lord to initiate the guidance, then He gets the Glory and that draws other people to Him so that He can bless them too!!!
This guidance may come in a nanosecond, minutes or hours, but that is what faith is all about … God is the guide and we are to follow … Praise the Lord for the Opportunity!!!
Comment by Michael James Stone
Of course.
But the criteria is the key;
You don’t witness to an unconscious man so Uncommon Sense has to apply.
Critical aid is a necessary item for all Human Beings and we don’t stop saving a life even when it is an enemy combatant or some one we may personally hate for some reason.
Each person will give an accounting so the question i individually decided.
My personal opinion is we should have no professional Christians of any kind, be it Pastor, Teacher, Priest or Worship leader. Each should proffer out the work of their own hands and provide for themselves giving a portion to God, but not necessarily for “traditional” usage by buying; running;selling; developing religious artifices and “jobs”.
I would share and care alike and develop accordingly.
BUT NO ONE will agree with me, I am an idealist, and perhaps too much retro-Christian in some ways.
But as far as “money” angle the question hints at;
You reap what you sow;You get what you pay for.
If you establish what and why you use money for, then you can decide who and where you use the money or Your Money for.
It is my opinion the gospel is a natural outflow of your everyday life no matter where you are or what you are doing.
If that is true for an Orthodox Jew; or a Shiite Moslem; how much more so should it be obvious of a Christian to me an obvious living gospel then a program and patterned response that….,
Was bought and paid for.
Jesus doesn’t need support through using care to witness; He cares enough for the person to witness his support for them, thru you.