TODAY WE ARE CONCENTRATING ON THIS BLOG SITE that ties in directly with Facebook> Daily Devotions with Michael Eliot Nevarez. Our Goal is to develop this site with RSS FEEDS, Ministry locations, and "The Basics" Pages of "Simple Faith" support that we do as Churches and Ministries play "catch up" in Tech Development of Ministry on the Internet. Please Pray for this and for Michael who as a Foundation Stone on Facebook, faithfully posting these Daily Devotions, makes it possible to re-deploy this site again to reach from Hundreds daily, to thousands once again and expand in the New Year to all God would have it to be in these Latter Days and Last Days as well together Serve the Lord till he come Again Soon. When you see the Daily Devotion.........Pass it on.
We are Currently "Inviting" as a part of our Black Friday Week Ender...... to all 4,000 plus "Friends" and "subscribers" to "Like" select pages we proffer as part of our Ministry. Currently we are on Last Generation Network News. Next will be Daily Devotions and so on........