Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Daily News: "Rapture Ready News" Wednesday 11 May 11

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11 May 11

Presbyterians OK gay pastors; Twin Cities cast deciding vote Church will lift ban in place since the mid-1990s
An amendment to allow Presbyterian congregations across the United States to ordain openly gay pastors won approval Tuesday night, with the pivotal vote taking place in the Twin Cities.  

Oil slips as cooling China economy comes to focus
Oil prices fell, turning negative after earlier highs as the focus shifted from robust demand from China to signs that the world's second-largest economy might be cooling.  

Shaath: New government within 10 days
Fayyad should head the new government because of the success of his state-building plan, launched in 2009 and scheduled to be completed in August, Khader said. Fayyad's plan, "Ending the Occupation, Establishing a State," has focused on building institutions necessary for statehood. It has received widespread support from the international community.  

Quartet backs Abbas, Fayyad-led government
Abbas hopes that Israel and the PA "will go back to negotiations in order to establish a Palestinian state," Grappo said. "The Quartet's stance is statehood with an agreement first instead of unilateral options." Grappo said the Quartet was in full support of Palestinian unity, but noted bias for caretaker Prime Minister Salam Fayyad. "The west will not be concerned or alarmed" by the change if Fayyad stays, he said. If a new prime minister is appointed, he added, the Quartet will evaluate its position.  

Magnitude 6.8 Quake Shakes South Pacific
The powerful temblor rocked the sea floor between New Caledonia and Vanuatu shortly before 5 a.m. EDT Tuesday. The epicenter was about 170 miles south of Port Vila, Vanuatu, and 180 miles northeast of Noumea, New Caledonia, at a focal depth of 16.5 miles.  

Severe Weather on Tuesday Turns Deadly in the East
Violent thunderstorms tore through the upper Ohio Valley and Carolinas on Tuesday, leaving two people dead and a trail of damage.  

Quakes hit Italy, but none in Rome despite myth
More than 22 earthquakes struck Italy by noon on Wednesday, as is normal for the quake-prone country. But none was the devastating temblor purportedly predicted by a now-dead scientist to strike Rome.  

Hamas accepts 1967 borders, but will never recognize Israel, top official says
Hamas would be willing to accept a Palestinian state within 1967 borders, a leader of the militant group, Mahmoud Zahar, told the Palestinian news agency Ma'an on Wednesday, adding, however, that Hamas would never recognize Israel since such a move would counter the group's aim to "liberate" all of Palestine.  

Erekat: Israel's cancelation of Palestinian residency is a 'war crime'
Israel's cancelling of the residency status of 140,000 West Bank Palestinians report by Haaretz constitutes a war crime and represents an Israeli attempt to affect the demographic composition of the West Bank. Erekat's comments were in response to a Haaretz report earlier Wednesday that quoted an official Israeli document according to which Israel has used a covert procedure to cancel the residency status of West Bank Palestinians between 1967 and 1994.  

Disgruntled Texas Republicans await Obama's visit
President Barack Obama will visit Texas on Tuesday, with stops in El Paso and a fundraiser in Austin, but he won't feel the love -- at least not from unhappy Republican lawmakers who see the administration's refusal to designate the wildfire-battered state a disaster area as the latest slap in the face to the very Republican Lone Star State. The refusal by the Federal Emergency Management Agency to give Texas disaster status, and the federal aid that goes with it, is the latest of the state's fights with the administration.  

Osama Bin Laden Raid: Pakistan Hints China Wants a Peek at Secret Helicopter
Pakistani officials said today they're interested in studying the remains of the U.S.'s secret stealth-modified helicopter abandoned during the Navy SEAL raid of Osama bin Laden's compound, and suggested the Chinese are as well. The U.S. has already asked the Pakistanis for the helicopter wreckage back, but one Pakistani official told ABC News the Chinese were also "very interested" in seeing the remains. Another official said, "We might let them [the Chinese] take a look."  

Iran's Bushehr nuclear plant begins operation
Iran's first nuclear power station has begun operating at a low level, says the Russian company that built it. The generating unit at the Bushehr reactor was brought up to the "minimum controllable level of power" on Sunday. "This is one of the final stages in the physical launch of the reactor," said Vladislav Bochkov, a spokesman for the Russian company Atomstroyexport.  

China rejects US criticism of human rights record
China has rejected US criticism over deteriorating human rights saying that China's progress in human rights "is an objective fact". China and the US are at different stages of development, and so have different views on human rights, Vice-Foreign Minister Cui Tiankai said.  

Venezuela begins electricity rationing after blackouts
Venezuela is rationing electricity after blackouts affected nearly half the country earlier this week. A senior energy ministry said power would be cut off for three hours a day in 19 of the country's 23 states. The authorities hope the move will help make the distribution system more stable.  

Obama calls for immigration system reform
President Barack Obama has called for broad reform of the US immigration system, while highlighting steps he has taken to strengthen border security. In Texas, Mr Obama backed a path to legal status for illegal immigrants, as well as crackdowns on employers who hire illegal workers. He called on Congress to reject "the usual Washington games" and enact a comprehensive overhaul.  

MEPs to go on Gaza boats despite risks
At least two MEPs plan to put their personal safety at risk by going on boats in a new flotilla to break Israel's maritime blockade on Gaza. Flotilla organiser Manuel Tapial told press at the EU parliament in Strasbourg on Tuesday (10 May) that Willy Meyer, a left-wing Spanish euro-deputy, and Paul Murphy, a left-wing Irish member, will be on two of the around 15 boats that plan to sail from various European locations in June.  

Israel to invest millions in real-time satellite capacity
The Defense Ministry is set to invest millions to upgrade Israel’s space communication capabilities, to enable reconnaissance and surveillance satellites used by the IDF to provide real-time intelligence. As things stand, Israeli satellites can only download their data when they fly directly over Israel – which can mean a delay of up to 90 minutes, a critical handicap in times of conflict.  

Shaath: New Palestinian gov't to be formed in 10 days
A new Palestinian government will be created in 10 days, senior Fatah member Nabil Shaath said Tuesday, according to Palestinian news agency Ma'an. Shaath said the new government's prime minister had not yet been announced, and he did not exclude Salam Fayyad for the position. The Fatah leader told Ma'an that the US and EU were pressuring Israel to release Palestinian Authority tax money, which was frozen when Fatah and Hamas signed their unity deal in Egypt last week.  

Syria's bloody crackdown continues; Assad unfazed
Army tanks shelled a residential district in Homs on Wednesday, said a rights campaigner in Syria's third city which has emerged as the most populous center of defiance against President Bashar Assad's rule. "Homs is shaking with the sound of explosions from tank shelling and heavy machineguns in the Bab Amro neighborhood," said Najati Tayara.  

Tanks shell Syrian city; Assad confident
Army tanks shelled a residential district in Homs on Wednesday, said a rights campaigner in Syria's third city which has emerged as the most populous center of defiance against President Bashar al-Assad's rule. "Homs is shaking with the sound of explosions from tank shelling and heavy machineguns in the Bab Amro neighborhood," said Najati Tayara.  

Iran's Bushehr nuclear plant begins operation
Iran's first nuclear power station has begun operating at a low level, says the Russian company that built it.  

Greeks stage one-day strike over austerity cuts
Greek labour unions are staging a one-day strike in protest against the government's austerity measures. The strike, called by two of the country's largest unions, is expected to shut down most public services and ground flights.  

More than 80 killed in Southern Sudan violence
More than 80 people were killed when rebels attacked cattle herders in Southern Sudan, officials said, while hundreds marched in the southern capital to protest the unresolved status of a volatile border hotspot.  

Mississippi River crests near record at Memphis
The Mississippi River was cresting at Memphis on Tuesday just inches below the all-time record as the swollen wall of water moved south toward the Gulf of Mexico. The level of the largest river in North America may have reached its peak at 47.87 feet on Tuesday morning in Memphis, and it has dropped since then, according to Andy Sniezak, meteorologist for the National Weather Service.  

Irish Bombshell: Government Raids PRIVATE Pensions To Pay For Spending
The Irish government plans to institute a tax on private pensions to drive jobs growth, according to its jobs program strategy, delivered today. Without the ability sell debt due to soaring interest rates, and with severe spending rules in place due to its EU-IMF bailout, Ireland has few ways of spending to stimulate the economy. Today's jobs program includes specific tax increases, including the tax on pensions, aimed at keeping government jobs spending from adding to the national debt.  


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Prophecy Opinion Today: "Fellowship vs. Separation,'"- Tony Garland


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Fellowship vs. Separation

Tony GarlandBy Dr. Tony Garland 

Q. I thank you for your support and godly advice, I am praying about being led into a strong body of believers, I have been out of the organized church for over a year now, and it seems most churches I seek are in some form of worldly compromise, such as women pastors, rock and roll church, unholy practices, paganism, etc.... I know there are no perfect churches, but the apostasy is rampant.

I meet other professing Christians as I share my faith, and they invite me to their church, but as I check out their church I can clearly see they are not following the truth as per the new testament Church.

Many pastors will not address my questions before I seek fellowship in their congregation, as I am a firm believer that what a church teaches and practices shows where their hearts are as to what they believe, such as marriage and divorce issues, tithing, celebrating pagan holidays, even when they know its against the word of God, and when they know the pagan roots.

I hate being out of direct fellowship with LIKE MINDED BELIEVERS, here in my city, it breaks my heart.

I wouldn't fit into the modern church of today, I am not perfect, and do not seek perfection in man, this is impossible, but I believe holiness, separation, and liberal Christianity isn't from God.

I have grown more in this past year as to coming out of the world and its ways, I do not seek the entertainments of the world, such as TV, sports, etc... and this is my conviction, so if a body of believers are not walking in purity, not perfection, then I will not fit in.

Do you feel I am being unreasonable? I know there are no perfect churches, but if they are not following Christ, with a pure heart, and abstaining from being of the world, and mixing the worldly practices and traditions with the purity of Christ, then I have a difficult time being a part of this fellowship.

Thank you so much for your advice, and I pray constantly for a strong body of believers who have come out from amongst her, (Rev 18:4) and are following Christ on the narrow path.

A. While I appreciate and applaud your desire to personally separate from aspects of the culture which are opposed to or distract from the cause of Christ (e.g., entertainment of some types, adulation of sports, pagan practices) I also detect in your writing what I would characterize as possible strains of legalism and spiritual pride. For one, you seem to view the entire “organized church” as being apostate to the degree that you cannot participate in any local fellowship.

From your description, I'm guessing that you might not even find the church at which I’m an elder acceptable. After all, our church recognizes and celebrates Easter, a holiday which is known to have pagan roots in its original incorporation by Christianity. However, while recognizing that some elements of Easter have pagan associations (the name, fertility symbols such as rabbits and eggs), we feel we have the freedom to celebrate the Biblical aspects which are neither motivated or influenced by those pagan elements. At Easter, we choose to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. To us, the pagan elements from the past have no power (1 Cor. 10:25-26). The key here is the motive of the heart.

Similarly, although I myself watch very little TV and am not much of a sports fan, other believers are free to do so provided they abstain from ungodliness (an admittedly difficult task with today's media). And you yourself are utilizing the Internet which also is a source of much ungodliness. What would happen if I took the stance that you were a ‘worldly Christian’ who refused to separate from the world as evidenced by your use of the Internet and concluded I should not fellowship with you?

I would urge caution in this area because if you take the approach of separation over disagreement concerning purity to an extreme, then you will isolate yourself, not be able to learn from many teachers (because they aren't up to your standards) and won't be able to find fellowship with others, except for some small number of like-minded separatists who are themselves out of the will of God by withholding participation from any local fellowship with a real Biblical government (Heb. 10:25). These are also the dangerous characteristics of cults and other Christian fringe groups which often consider themselves as the only ‘true remnant’ and suffer from deception and spiritual pride. This is ground which is ripe for an aggressive charismatic personality to lead others astray, often using Revelation 18:4, which you also referenced, in support of their isolationist agenda and ignoring the Scriptural teaching that ‘Babylon’ refers to a city (Rev. 17:18;18:10,21) in a specific geographic location (Jer. 51:59-64).

I would urge caution however, with a position which says that you must separate from all local churches because all of them are too worldly or unbiblical. Such a position is fraught with it's own danger because aside from Biblical fellowship with live believers, you have no checks on knowing whether you yourself are falling prey to an overly legalistic walk. Yes, you have God’s Word, but your interpretation and application of it can easily be askew and you could wind up being deceived. You may wind up majoring on some aspects of Scripture (purity, holiness) while significantly falling short on others (grace, love, patience, edification of others). Besides all that, you wind up outside of a true Biblical authority structure which would otherwise provide additional safety.

Biblical separation is one thing, but refusing to participate in any local assembly because you alone understand true godliness can be an indication of spiritual pride, self-deception, and a recipe for trouble.

May the Lord guide you as you seek to attain Biblical balance and remain true to Him.



Prophecy Article Today: "Following Jesus While Rejecting the Bible?"- Albert Mohler


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Following Jesus While Rejecting the Bible?

Albert Mohler

By Dr. Albert Mohler 

Yet another denomination has voted to ordain openly homosexual candidates to its ministry. Yesterday, the Presbyterian Church (USA) presbytery of the Twin Cities in Minnesota voted to approve a change to the church’s constitution that will allow the denomination’s 173 presbyteries to ordain persons without regard to sexual orientation.

The Twin Cities presbytery cast the deciding vote in what is now a 33 year effort to remove all restrictions on homosexuals serving in the church’s ordained ministry. It became the 87th presbytery to affirm the action of the church’s 219th assembly last summer authorizing the constitutional change. The action not only concludes over three decades of controversy over the ordination standards; it also reverses actions taken in 1997, 2001, and 2008, when similar efforts failed.

In 1996 the denomination restated its ordination requirements to include “fidelity within the covenant of marriage between a man and a woman or chastity in singleness.” That policy had also required that candidates “refusing to repent of any self-acknowledged practice which the confessions call sin shall not be ordained and/or installed as deacons, elders or ministers of the Word and Sacrament.”

The new constitutional section will read:

“Standards for ordained service reflect the church’s desire to submit joyfully to the Lordship of Jesus Christ in all aspects of life. The governing body responsible for ordination and/or installation shall examine each candidate’s calling, gifts, preparation, and suitability for the responsibilities of office. The examination shall include, but not be limited to, a determination of the candidate’s ability and commitment to fulfill all requirements as expressed in the constitutional questions for ordination and installation. Governing bodies shall be guided by Scripture and the confessions in applying standards to individual candidates.”
All references to marriage and chastity are gone, along with the language about refusal to repent of sin. The new language speaks instead of submission to the Lordship of Christ and being guided by Scripture and confessions. In any other context, that language might not seem revolutionary, but in this case it means the denomination’s surrender to those pushing for the normalization of homosexuality.

Put another way, this church has now decided that “fidelity within the covenant of marriage between a man and a woman or chastity in singleness” is just too restrictive.

Grayde Parsons, Stated Clerk of the PCUSA General Assembly, explained the meaning of the change:
“Clearly what has changed is that persons in a same-gender relationship can be considered for ordination . . . . The gist of our ordination standards is that officers submit to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and ordaining bodies (presbyteries for ministers and sessions for elders and deacons) have the responsibility to examine each candidate individually to ensure that all candidates do so with no blanket judgments.”
Why now? Parsons suggested that the victory by proponents of the ordination of homosexuals has come because of the exodus of larger conservative congregations from the denomination (approximately 100 over the last five years), the fact that many Presbyterians seemed “ready to get past this argument,” the growing acceptance of homosexuality in the larger culture, and the less controversial wording of this revision. He, along with others, expressed some measure of surprise and relief that the decision was made.

He told The New York Times,
“We’ve been having this conversation for 33 years, and some people are ready to get to the other side of this decision. . . . Some people are going to celebrate this day because they’ve worked for it for a long time, and some people will mourn this day because they think it’s a totally different understanding of Scripture than they have.”
The Presbyterian Church (USA) now joins the Episcopal Church (US), the United Church of Christ, and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America in ordaining openly homosexual candidates to the ministry.

Both sides in this controversy understand the meaning of the decision. While this action deals specifically with ordination standards, it is really about the larger issue of homosexuality. Most observers expect that the decision to allow same-sex marriages will follow closely.

But even beyond the specific issue of homosexuality, the church faced two of the most fundamental questions of Christian theology — the authority of the Bible and the Lordship of Christ. In making this change, the church clearly affirms that one may submit to the Lordship of Christ without submitting to the clear teachings of Scripture.

That is a fundamental error that leaves this denomination now in the implausible position of claiming to affirm the Lordship of Christ while subverting the authority of Scripture. The removal of the constitutional language about marriage and chastity, coupled with the removal of the language about repentance from what Scripture identifies as sin, effectively means that candidates and presbyteries may defy Scripture while claiming to follow Christ.

Clearly, this action could not have happened without this denomination having abandoned any required belief in the full authority, inspiration, and truthfulness of the Bible long ago. This most recent decision sets the stage for the total capitulation of this church to the normalization of homosexuality — an act of open defiance of the Scriptures.

In a “churchwide letter” to the denomination, PCUSA leaders stated:
Reactions to this change will span a wide spectrum. Some will rejoice, while others will weep. Those who rejoice will see the change as an action, long in coming, that makes the PCUSA an inclusive church that recognizes and receives the gifts for ministry of all those who feel called to ordained office. Those who weep will consider this change one that compromises biblical authority and acquiesces to present culture. The feelings on both sides run deep.
Well, the feelings no doubt run deep, but the injury to this church runs far deeper than feelings. This is yet another tragedy in the sad history of mainline Protestantism’s race toward total theological disaster.





Prophecy Opinion Today: "Turkey Holds UN Conference,'"- Chuck Missler


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Turkey Holds UN Conference Bashing the Rich

Chuck Missler

By Dr. Chuck Missler 
Koinonia House 

Turkey is hosting a major UN conference in Istanbul this week in order to "establish a vision on how the world will struggle against poverty and hunger." Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan bashed "rich" countries in his speech at the 4th U.N. Conference on the Least Developed Countries, or LDC-IV, Monday, saying, "I am sorry to say that the developed, rich countries have not shown satisfactory interest in this important conference." 

Twelve prime ministers participated in the meeting's opening ceremony Monday, and more heads of state are expected to arrive during the conference, which runs until May 13. At least 44 ministers and 47 international organization leaders are expected to participate, along with more than 1,000 business enterprises. Focusing on the business side of the issue, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon promoted Least Developed Countries (LDCs) as investment opportunities rather than as charities. 

"It is time to change our mindset," Ban said in his speech at the opening ceremony. "Investing in these countries is an opportunity for all. First, it is an opportunity to release the LDCs from poverty, hunger and diseases, which is our moral obligation," he said. "Second, investing in LDCs can provide the stimulus that can help propel and sustain global economic recovery." 

In 1971, there were 25 LDCs, according to the United Nations. Today, there are 48, and just three nations – Botswana, Cape Verde, and Maldives – have escaped the LDC status in the past 30 years. 

Of course, there are those who came to the conference with a more specific agenda. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad joined the conference early this week, promoting his own ideas about how to end the poverty of LDCs through redistribution of resources. He said, "A map must be drawn of the wealth and natural resources of LDCs, to be circulated among leaders of these countries." Ahmadinejad also suggested that the wealthy nations should lower their military spending and give that money instead to LDCs. Ahmadinejad insisted, "At least 10 percent of the military expenditures of the world's 40 countries that exceed $1,200 billion must be allocated for LDCs."

Other ideas are less extreme. Barry Coates, executive director of Oxfam, New Zealand, argues for debt cancellation for the LDCs, especially for those new debts taken out in response to the global financial crisis. Stephen O'Brien, the UK international development minister for Africa, would improve the trade opportunities for LDCs by, for instance, allowing duty free access for LDC exports. 

Millions of people live in desperate poverty in these 48 Least Developed Countries, and from a purely economic position, the best thing for them is to grow job opportunities for their populations. Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, managing director at the World Bank, believes LDCs in Africa should make the most of their agriculture, and sell finished products and processed foods rather than simply exporting raw materials. Turkish Ambassador Mithat Rende told the Turkish news outlet Today’s Zaman, "When you are generating sustained economic growth or activity, you should think about how you can also generate employment. Without generating employment you cannot do much."

Rende, however, believes the only way for the necessary changes to occur and for these countries to build their economies and climb out of poverty is through global agencies like the United Nations. He visualizes global cooperation to deal with these longstanding economic problems. He said, "We’d like to highlight that all people have the right to benefit from global wealth and prosperity; it is in the interest of all to deal with global challenges and poverty. It is also our moral obligation and that of the global community as well. We need a paradigm of development, of growth, to achieve sustained growth for all, for the international order..."

Men like Rende may truly believe that global answers exist for these global problems. Regardless, this conference in Turkey is being used to promote global unity and cooperation as a means to cut the number of LDCs in half over the course of the next decade.

"We are talking about the conscience of the international community, and we should talk about collective happiness," Rende said.

Unfortunately, while those things sound lovely, the human race has a sin problem. Selfishness, corruption, greed, and hunger for power tend to get in the way. It is good to find ways to help the LDCs get on their feet and succeed in feeding their peoples. However, global governance will not work toward peace and "collective happiness" in a world dominated by corruption. According to the Bible the only international order that will bring true justice and peace will be the one in which the Messiah rules in righteousness (Isaiah 11). Until then, all other forces working to bring global unity will likely fail or will lead to an international order that looks more like that found in Revelation 13.