"Giving you somthing to think about"
A Pastors Point of View Think About It FaceBook Devotionals
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Everyone has a story.
When I wrote Genesage a Christian Fiction Series Novel, I presented the idea's I felt were true, but I doubted others. I thought they would accept it better if I showed HOW a truth of fact played out, then state a Theological Treatise. The Theo part I would love personally but the good was fun to do and it better revealed who many things we suppose or thing we know, might be close, but not the complete picture.
Like You. I don't know you. I know one day we will meet, but I still won't know you. It's enough for me that God knows you and if accepted you; I have to too. How I can get to know you is when you tell me about yourself and how you lived your life and deal with things as you lived them. The older you get, the easier it is to be real about your life.
Still, I will only know as much about you as you tell me and I see how you are with me and others. As I see you in action, as I see you in play, as I see when you are stressed, as I see you in crisis, as I see you with God or in church. The more times I see you in those settings the better idea I get of who you are.
You are the main character in your own story.
Your life is played out for everyone to see and everyone is watching you as some point in time and some even want to get to know you.
Everyone has a Story.
No two stories are alike. As different as people are so too is your story. You might tell me a story about yourself or you might tell me the story you are, but everyone has a story and wether they know it or not, they are telling that story everyday they are alive.
Whats Your Story?
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