A Society Ready to Rumble - The I.D.F. in Prophecy ~ Bible Prophecy Today
When people leave God Out, I leave the Scene....,
A look back at Joshua reminds me of Israel today and modern Christians Super Patriotic Christian Zionism and I shudder.......,
Imagine a person telling someone to go to war without the Ark of Covenant?
Picture Jeremiah for a moment telling Judah, you aren't going to win, but you are going into exile.
When I read the article above I could see these images as I could imagine very easily IDF getting stomped on till God intervene and reveal himself.
You see, Israel had it's Vietnam.....more than once and did not lose, but did not win....and one day what is left will be running for its life.
Because Israel is apostate. Israel is in rejection of her God and God will reveal and deal with his people severely and harshly but shall redeem them unto himself....., in the end.
Israel today is Zionistic and Atheistic, it is not a religious state and ask an Israeli if He thinks God intervenes and he will likely say which one.
Zionism is not Chritsianity, nor is Christian Zionism following Jesus teaching.
We can pray for peace, but not support ungodly behavior by a Jew just because he is Israeli. As a Jew I am appalled at times by christian duplicity in many ways excusing sin among Jews because they are JEWS.........sheeesh........Hell has Jews in it, as well as Gentiles.
The IDF, like all armies, has been busted in the past for attrocities. They have had their Abu Gharib, but unlike us, because zionism is proported to be the ultimate humanistic expression of civility and manmade achievement, it is heinous to pure zionist.
War is Hell one man said and that is frankly a fact.
The coming battles are not meant to highlight some heroic occasion of Man killing man with God helping one side or the other, but the utter depravity and hoplessness of man that cannot accept the Message of the Prince of Peace.
Jesus did not come to kill nations and elevate Israel, He came to save the World and elevate the one who sent him that He spoke out to the People of his day and ours by declaring God is Love.
The Last Days heresy coming upon the World is already here and has ended one era after another when the people stand up and say they are Killing for God, when God will Himself provide the means to preserve his people.
It will not be by might, it will not be power, but by his spirit the Lord will deliver Israel and frankly when I see God deliver Israel as he promises he reveal then.
I will say to IDF............BACK OFF.......let God work.
In that day, soon, people will know it is the Lord that delivers Israel, not some concocted idea about How God will use practical means, no, God says He will reveal Himself as the only real saviour of His people.
Till then we pray, and I don't pray fro Israel to get stronger, I pray my people Turn to God and be saved.
Michael James Stone