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11 June 2011
US-born founder of Israel's aerospace industry dies at 94
Washington Post - 27 minutes ago
By AP, JERUSALEM - The founder of Israel's aerospace industry, Adolph Schwimmer, who smuggled planes out of the US to help in the war surrounding Israel's 1948 creation, has died. He was 94. The New York native was tasked with building a homegrown ...
Former diplomats: Recognize Palestine
Ynetnews - 1 hour ago
Former Israeli Ambassador to the European Union and Germany Avi Primor claimed that in the case of a vote at the United Nations General Assembly in September, Israel should abstain, but later recognize the Palestinian state. "If (the vote) takes place ...
Israel must tread carefully during the Arab Spring
Israel's regional policy boils down to erecting security, economic and most important, cultural walls that separate it from its immediate vicinity.
Israel Plans Expansion of Solar-Generated Power
Israel is planning an expansion of its solar-generated electricity with preparations to bring the first of more than 40 new solar plants onto the grid this summer.
Egypt Resumes Gas Supplies To Israel, Jordan
RTT News - 19 hours ago
(RTTNews) - Egypt has resumed its gas supplies to Israel and Jordan after a 45-day gap caused by an attack on a pipeline in the Egyptian side of the Sinai desert, Egyptian officials said Friday.
'Iran to convene nuclear conference targeting Israel'
Jerusalem Post - 8 hours ago
COM STAFF Iranian official quoted as saying conference will focus on "Israel's policy of nuclear ambiguity," stresses that US and its allies continue to "ignore Tel Aviv's looming nuclear threats to the Middle East.
Aoun warns US not to interfere in Lebanon
"We will strain America's arm, which returned to [Lebanon but] in different forms, just like we strained Israel's arm,” Aoun said during his visit to south Lebanon accompanied by Hezbollah MP Mohammad Raad and other officials.
Rangers to open talks for Hemed
Rangers will hold talks with the representatives of Israel striker Tomer Hemed over the weekend. The six foot tall 24-year-old will be out of contract with Maccabi Haifa at the end of June.
Canadians to sail in flotilla protesting Gaza blockade - 4 hours ago
(Deddeda Stemler / THE CANADIAN PRESS) More than 30 Canadian activists are preparing to sail for the Gaza Strip as part of a controversial international flotilla protesting Israel's blockade of the Palestinian territory, a year after nine people were ...
Video: Neish going back to Gaza
/A\ News Vancouver Island
Today's letters: Gaza cruise advice National Post (blog)
Fatal car crash in north Israel kills four
A fatal car accident left four dead early Saturday morning when a car crashed into a wall at theIsrael Air Force technical school in Haifa.
Peres Center: Israel failed to curb Hamas' financial power
A new position paper by the Peres Center for Peace released Thursday, stated that Israel'spolicies vis-à-vis Hamas have failed to damage Gaza-rulers' financial base.
In Gaza, time to try a new option Jerusalem Post
CNN poll shows rise in American sympathy for Israel
Pro-Israel feelings up since 2009, according to telephone survey of adult Americans; 82% say Israel is a friend or ally of the United States.
Don't be fooled, President Obama not friend to Israel
Sun-Sentinel - 10 hours ago
To portray him as a friend and as fully committed to Israel flies in the face of the facts, and of history. You need look no further than your own files to see the falsehood of that position.
How will Turkey's Jews vote?
Ynetnews - 21 hours ago
The Jewish vote, negligible or not, is both intriguing and interesting at a time when the elections are accompanied by the heavy burden of the deterioration in relations between theIsrael Turkey. A quick search through Turkey's main news sites ...
International scholars' group condemns academic boycott of Israel Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Israel Advocacy Group Outlines Objectives Jewish Exponent
Israel holds annual gay pride parade - 20 hours ago
An Israeli drag queen dances on a float in the Gay Pride Parade in Tel Aviv, Israel, June 12, 2009. (UPI Photo/Debbie Hill) TEL AVIV, Israel, June 10 (UPI) -- Israeli politicians Friday addressed the annual gay pride parade in Tel Aviv as the street ...
Video: Tel Aviv Gay Pride Parade
Out and proud in the Holy Land Jerusalem Post
Israel must toe the western line on Syria
Ha'aretz - Jun 10, 2011
Anyone who thinks that the crisis in Syria affords Israel an opportunity to "change reality" would do well to put aside such dangerous delusions.
Assad will take Israel to wire again Jewish Chronicle
London Dispatch / Ray Moseley: Will the real Tony Blair please sit down?
In effect, the Quartet was asking the Arab world to accept as an impartial broker the man who marched alongside George W. Bush in the 2003 invasion of Iraq and who has been a consistently firm supporter of Israel. His brief as envoy has been to focus ...
Still waiting for that new Middle East Jerusalem Post
Israel-linked spy detained in Gaza
Press TV - 9 hours ago
Palestinian resistance group Islamic Jihad says it has arrested a Palestinian man suspected of spying for Israel in the south of the Gaza Strip.
Haniyeh: No differences among Hamas leaders Ma'an News Agency
US Artists Hurdle Over Israel's Barrier
The barrier separating Israel from West Bank Palestinian territories is the theme of a Washington exhibit by a dozen US and Canadian-based artists.
Israel's right to exist does not mean its government can act with impunity
The Guardian - Jun 10, 2011
An Israeli flag projected on the Old City walls of Jerusalem in 2008 as part of Israel's 60th anniversary celebrations.
Israel advocacy requires a firm grip on reality Jewish Chronicle
London Dispatch / Ray Moseley: Will the real Tony Blair please sit down?
In effect, the Quartet was asking the Arab world to accept as an impartial broker the man who marched alongside George W. Bush in the 2003 invasion of Iraq and who has been a consistently firm supporter of Israel. His brief as envoy has been to focus ...
Still waiting for that new Middle East Jerusalem Post
Palestine - An Arab West Bank Is A Lost Cause Canada Free Press
European basketball association will not make uniform exception for Orthodox ...
Jewish Telegraphic Agency - 22 hours ago
Israel appealed to FIBA Europe -- the Munich-based organization that governs basketball in Europe -- for an exemption for Shafir so that she could participate in the upcoming European women's basketball championship. But the group decided to stick with ...
'Lose the shirt': Israeli banned The Witness
Jewish group calls basketball shirt ruling 'insensitive'
Israel-linked spy detained in Gaza
Press TV - 9 hours ago
Palestinian resistance group Islamic Jihad says it has arrested a Palestinian man suspected of spying for Israel in the south of the Gaza Strip. The spy, who is linked to the murder of at least 16 Palestinian resistance forces by Israeli troops inside ...
Haniyeh: No differences among Hamas leaders Ma'an News Agency
One Missile, One Playground: The Will Of Gaza
US Artists Hurdle Over Israel's Barrier
The barrier separating Israel from West Bank Palestinian territories is the theme of a Washington exhibit by a dozen US and Canadian-based artists. Each gives a different representation of what the artist views as an obstacle to peace. ...
Israel's right to exist does not mean its government can act with impunity
The Guardian - Jun 10, 2011
An Israeli flag projected on the Old City walls of Jerusalem in 2008 as part of Israel's 60th anniversary celebrations. Photograph: Michal Fattal/EPA Last year the Israeli Reut Institute published a report examining what it said was the agenda for ...
Israel advocacy requires a firm grip on reality Jewish Chronicle
Could Obama Support Palestine in UN?
Huffington Post (blog) - Jun 8, 2011
She was Israel's ambassador to the UN from 2008 to 2010. A few weeks ago she told a committee of the Knesset,Israel's parliament, that "the United States is not interested in vetoing the UN's recognition of a Palestinian state. ...
Erekat: Settlement freeze a must Ynetnews
Most commented: Israel's borders Los Angeles Times
West Bank mosque arson condemned
COM STAFF AND REUTERS Vandals write "price tag" on wall; UN envoy: Israel responsible for protecting Palestinian sites; US: Mosque vandalism undermines comprehensive peace. The US State Department on Tuesday condemned the burning of a Mosque in the ...
Arsonists Damage and Deface Mosque in West Bank Village New York Times
Morning Bell: The Iranian Threat That Can't Be Ignored (blog) - Jun 10, 2011
The leader of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad once said that Israel must be “wiped off the map.” And now Iran stands poised to have its finger on the trigger of a nuclear weapon, yet the Obama Administration continues to remain virtually silent on the ...
Iran to Test First Nuclear Bomb by 2012? Pajamas Media (blog)
Iran Anticipates the Day After Nuclear Test Commentary
Aussie students hold boycott Israel protest
Protesters here say that this action is part of their commitment to the global BDS campaign which seeks to pressure companies that either profit from or support the Israeli military occupation untilIsrael ends the occupation and complies with ...
Israel plot to foil Palestinian statehood
Press TV - 8 minutes ago
Israel's Foreign Ministry has launched a global diplomatic campaign to thwart a Palestinian move to seek statehood recognition at the United Nations in September. The ministry has also barred its ambassadors around the world from taking time off in ...
Yes! Jesus is Coming!
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