Friday, January 14, 2011

BobCoy: "The Proceeding Point"

Pastor Bob Coy photo

The Proceeding Point
Friday, January 14, 2011

This is a frequently quoted passage of scripture that we usually use to stress how important unity is, and rightfully so. But before we rush right to the unity, it's important to consider the first point being made here. Notice that before we get to the word "unity" we have the words "dwell together."

As important as unity is, it can't happen without community. Before God's people can glorify and honor Him by living in harmony, they have to be together in the first place. That's an obvious yet increasingly important point to understand. More and more, people seem to be forsaking the importance of being part of a local church.

Technology can be a great ally to the work of ministry. People are able to access the teaching of God's Word and even pray with a pastor online. But that technology can actually become an enemy to what God wants to do when people use it as a replacement for gathering with other believers in a local church. Obviously, there are certain situations where it's impossible to do so, but whenever and wherever possible, believers need to "dwell together."

Something's really wrong when a Christian doesn't want to be around other Christians. It reveals a breakdown in spiritual health, and it's simply not the lifestyle the Lord wants for us.

Give yourself a spiritual checkup by asking how enthusiastic you are to dwell together with other believers. Is it something you look forward to, or is it something you try to avoid? Be bold enough to ask God to correct and adjust your heart if you can't honestly say that it's "good" and "pleasant" to be in community with other Christians.

Lord, we know that we've been created for fellowship, not just with You but with other believers. Search our soul that we may honor you by being in community.

 Think About It…  

What does this passage reveal to me about God?

What does this passage reveal to me about myself?

Based on this, what changes do I need to make?

What is my prayer for today?  

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