Sunday, June 12, 2011

FACEBOOK DEVOTIONALS: ""Prayer for a Father on Fathers Day"" - Facebook Friend



Steve Smith was tagged in Christian Prayers's album.
Prayer for a Father on Fathers Day Father God we come before you on behalf of Dads, who on one day each year are called Fathers as families and friends celebrate and honor them. These providers and leaders of families are scattered around the world. Some are blessed with wives, and some are single due to divorce or widow ship. Many hold titles as Presidents or Doctors as some are incarcerated in prisons. Some fathers are blessed as they are upheld as being a Christian Leader in their family, as some hold a leadership role in their church.

Many fathers hold positions of high respect in their workplace. Some fathers are going through difficult times fearing the loss of employment, the loss of their family, or another hardship that now confronts them. Father we ask your mercy and blessing over each of these fathers, no matter what their circumstances are. We pray that those fathers who do not know that Hope found only in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ to become aware and openly minded to this Good News of the Gospel.

We pray that a Word from the Holy Scriptures touch their spirit or that a Christian Saint come along beside them sharing this Hope. May the Holy Spirit reach into each father’s heart and spirit sharing this truth of the eternal pathway provided by our Heavenly Father. May each come to kneel before our Savior Jesus Christ. May all Glory go to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as He has provided. In Jesus’ precious name we pray.

about a minute ago

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