Thursday, May 5, 2011

Prophecy Today Q&A: "Saved For The Wrong Reason?" -Jack Kelley


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 Prophecy Today  Q & A

"Answering the Questions in Prophecy Biblically"

 Jack Kelley

Saved For The Wrong Reason?

Q. Could you please tell me if fearing hell is a proper or legitimate reason for wanting to get saved.  I’ve heard some evangelists say that this is not a proper motive for seeking salvation and that it is a selfish reason for seeking Jesus.  I’m somewhat confused because this was what caused me to repent of all known sin after I got down on my knees and ask the Lord to save me after reading about hell on the internet.  If this was a wrong reason,then do I have to start over and seek Him for the right reasons,whatever that may be?


A. When you get down to it, every reason for seeking Jesus is a selfish one.  After all we don’t do it for the good of others, or even to please God, but to save ourselves.  As long as you believe you’re a sinner, that Jesus died for you to save you from your sins, and that He’s the only way to salvation, then you’re saved. There’s no need to do it again.


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